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Fb rules


New Member
I will start promoting peerfly offers but i feel confused with facebook rules and dont want to start with the wrong foot doing affiliate marketing..

Should i make new accounts on fb for advertising offers?

Does direct linking perform bad in fb ads?

What kind of landing pages are not permitted by fb?

Can i promote videos and add a link to my landing page?

Can i promote in fb groups of my niche?
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Does direct linking perform bad in fb ads?

I don't think direct linking is a good idea at all. Post a link to a landing page on your domain and have a Call to Action button on the lander that takes them to the offer.

What kind of landing pages are not permited by fb?

I've read that they won't accept dating and nutra. Not sure if any others are not allowed.

Re the rest of your questions, sorry I don't know but I'm sure some of the other members will know.
I will start promoting peerfly offers but i feel confused with facebook rules and dont want to start with the wrong foot doing affiliate marketing..

Should i make new accounts on fb for advertising offers?

Does direct linking perform bad in fb ads?

What kind of landing pages are not permitted by fb?

Can i promote videos and add a link to my landing page?

Can i promote in fb groups of my niche?

Should i make new accounts on fb for advertising offers?
If you're not going to do anything shady, you can use your personal account or turn it into a business account. You can have multiple ad accounts in one business account, so you can use one for each vertical or website you own.

What kind of landing pages are not permitted by fb?
I've had good results with review type lp's and squeeze pages. Just make sure you don't use stuff like exit popups or back button redirects, etc. And have the usual stuff in place like disclaimer and privacy policy.

Can i promote videos and add a link to my landing page?
Yes you can make video ads with a call to action to your lp

Can i promote in fb groups of my niche?
If you own them of course you can, if you don't ask the owner or provide value in the group before spamming your links ;)

Also check: Advertising Policies
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Should i make new accounts on fb for advertising offers?
No need. Your existing account will do the same thing, but you need to be very very careful. This leads to your 3rd question, what kind of landing page is not permitted. If it is about get rich quick, false claim of weight loss, MLM...etc all these are very vulnerable.
Definitely No need for you to create one more account to promote. If you still thinks so you can disable your FB activities using setting - privacy option.

Better join groups or quality connection friends which has good network of networks .

Once you have..Start posting your affiliate links but it a tricky way..Do search YouTube for " how to insert affiliate link on FB" post in all groups and nearby fb friends..