In today's fast-changing world of digital marketing, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like having a superpower in your toolkit. With AI, affiliate marketers can really dig into how users behave online, what they like, and what's trending. This means they can create super-focused ads and messages that connect with exactly the target users. In this Follow Along journey from our top partner, we're going to check out two case studies, how using AI helps to make visual materials (banners) for casual dating campaigns. We choose a dating niche for this Follow Along thread, because it is our core vertical. Just a quick reminder: Cpamatica has 1000+ offers, including products from direct advertisers, and in-house ones for US, LATAM and South Africa. Join us!
Ad Network: Exoclick
Tracker: Voluum
Traffic Source: Native
Vertical: Casual Dating
GEO: Spain
Offer: Cpamatica, SOI $2.60
Purpose of testing: To determine if AI can create an image representing a "typical" girl for a particular country, and whether using this image in a banner will have a higher Conversion Rate compared to using a photo of an actual girl.
Frequently, banners are ineffective because affiliate marketers fail to differentiate between the various types of women in each of the countries they are dealing with. For example, many folks might think that girls in Spain, Mexico, and Brazil are all the same, but for people actually living in each country, the differences really matter.
Creative materials
There are numerous AI services available, and we've opted for This service offers both free features and a subscription plan. As of writing this post, the monthly subscription is priced at $8.
Using the keywords, you can set parameters such as: breast size, degree of nudity, location, posture, and so on. Here is one option for Prompt: “beautiful brunette Spanish woman in bedroom, big tits”. The rest of the settings are used by default.
More advanced settings can be found in the description on the site: AI Porn Generator - Settings
While trying out this service, we figured that it might not be the best fit for a bunch of keywords. This is because the AI tries to handle all sorts of factors, and that doesn't always work out well.
Examples of failed attempts:
The following photos were used for the test (AI generated):
And also three photos of real girls:
As a result, six creatives were used: three – real photos, three – AI generated.
The variant that was used for the test:
Ana (33) - {city:capitalized}
(name and age we changed for each creative)
Conoce a tu partido de sexo aquí
(Meet your sex match here
Devices: mobile
Language: Spanish
Cost model: CPC
(Text translation: Local women want immediate sex. These are the most popular sex ads of 2023. You will see naked photos of nearby women who are ready to have sex in 30 minutes.)
The last page of the preland before going to the offer page.
(Text translation: We have identified a shortage of men in your area. You have been selected to receive 1 FREE ACCOUNT FOR LIFETIME to expedite matchmaking for 95 nearby women who are currently seeking a partner. Please note: Our system will reserve your free account offer for the next 15 minutes. After this time, the offer will expire and be extended to other eligible users. Do you comprehend and agree to our terms and conditions?)
We take for the test period 14.08.2023 - 28.08.2023. We will update you about the results of the campaign at the end of this period. By the way, have you ever tried AI-tools, creating dating campaigns?
Ad Network: Exoclick
Tracker: Voluum
Traffic Source: Native
Vertical: Casual Dating
GEO: Spain
Offer: Cpamatica, SOI $2.60
Purpose of testing: To determine if AI can create an image representing a "typical" girl for a particular country, and whether using this image in a banner will have a higher Conversion Rate compared to using a photo of an actual girl.
Frequently, banners are ineffective because affiliate marketers fail to differentiate between the various types of women in each of the countries they are dealing with. For example, many folks might think that girls in Spain, Mexico, and Brazil are all the same, but for people actually living in each country, the differences really matter.
Creative materials
There are numerous AI services available, and we've opted for This service offers both free features and a subscription plan. As of writing this post, the monthly subscription is priced at $8.
Using the keywords, you can set parameters such as: breast size, degree of nudity, location, posture, and so on. Here is one option for Prompt: “beautiful brunette Spanish woman in bedroom, big tits”. The rest of the settings are used by default.
More advanced settings can be found in the description on the site: AI Porn Generator - Settings
While trying out this service, we figured that it might not be the best fit for a bunch of keywords. This is because the AI tries to handle all sorts of factors, and that doesn't always work out well.
Examples of failed attempts:
The following photos were used for the test (AI generated):
And also three photos of real girls:
As a result, six creatives were used: three – real photos, three – AI generated.
The text for our ad format (Native) was also generated using AI (Chat GPT).The variant that was used for the test:
Ana (33) - {city:capitalized}

Conoce a tu partido de sexo aquí

Target settings
Country: SpainDevices: mobile
Language: Spanish
Cost model: CPC
Using prelands
First page of preland.(Text translation: Local women want immediate sex. These are the most popular sex ads of 2023. You will see naked photos of nearby women who are ready to have sex in 30 minutes.)
The last page of the preland before going to the offer page.
(Text translation: We have identified a shortage of men in your area. You have been selected to receive 1 FREE ACCOUNT FOR LIFETIME to expedite matchmaking for 95 nearby women who are currently seeking a partner. Please note: Our system will reserve your free account offer for the next 15 minutes. After this time, the offer will expire and be extended to other eligible users. Do you comprehend and agree to our terms and conditions?)
We take for the test period 14.08.2023 - 28.08.2023. We will update you about the results of the campaign at the end of this period. By the way, have you ever tried AI-tools, creating dating campaigns?
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