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Which one is more Relevant now, Mobile or PPV Campaign?

  • Mobile

  • PPV

  • Both Still Relevant

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Rian Hafiz

New Member
Hi Guys,

this is my very first thread here in Affiliatefix, i've been lurking this forum since a month ago when i have decision to enter IM focusing in CPA Marketing. what i found here is gold and very helpful people around here to and willing to lend their hands for newbies like me.

so let's cut to the chase, i will update my CPA Journey here with main motivation to enrich my knowledge, gain network and win the $500 from Mobicow :) to add more fund in my media buying. Hope you guys can enjoy my journey and we can support each other for newbies. so here's the details for my journey currently :

Goals :
$75.000 CPA commission in 1 year ( always aim for the stars! )

5 Strategy Drivers to Achieve my Goals :
1. Good high paying CPA Networks with weekly payment
2. Focus on Mobile and/or PPV Campaign
3. Good Traffic sources
4. Great Tracker + Landerbuilder
5. Knowledge upgrade and Relationship building with industry expert

Action Plans on each Strategy :
1. Good high paying CPA Networks with weekly payment
why weekly? as newbies this will help a lot for my cashflow
- YeahMobi (expecting my first payment)
- Maxbounty
- Peerfly

2. Focus on Mobile and/or PPV Campaign ( please join the pool! )
currently im testing both just to find out which one converts the best
Mobile :
- Android and iOS app install, this is where i got my conversion
- mobile subscription, still no luck with this
this is pure for testing, i will update the results
- Travel, dating
- i found a new vertical category that i want to work on

3. Good Traffic sources
Mobile, these are the one who gives me conversion :
- Airpush
- Startapp ( $50 sign up bonus )
- Zeropark ( i got the matching bonus from @servandosilva )
- 50onred for future plans

4. Great Tracker + lander builders
im using Adsbridge as they have one stop tools to track + create a landers, even though they're still keep improving for the User experience. however i had great time using it, as i want to simplify any process of working the tools really help me a lot.

5. Knowledge upgrade and Relationship building with industry expert
- i always spare 30-60 minutes of my daily time to upgrade my knowledge by reading the forums, follow alongs, case study etc
- i'm also very amazed on the people around here very supportive to each other even the expert will help the newbies!
- Special thanks to,,, you guys are rocks!

that's it for now, i've learned that IM is a very lonely activity you because you only interact with your laptop literally not having a simple human forms of communication. but i hope by starting this thread, i will have friends and mentor that supporting to grow together in this space.

thanks and enjoy!
Rian Hafiz
First Update!

my very first payment on 2 weeks promoting mobile app install offers !!


so everything is possible, this is my first $150 and next im waiting for my first $1500!

a little bit review on my Strategy
5 Strategy Drivers to Achieve my Goals :
1. Good high paying CPA Networks with weekly payment
YeahMobi still a great source for starters
however i finally got accepted to
- NeverBlue,
- MundoMedia,
- ClickDealer and
- Avazu!
this will set another milestone for my mobile campaign

2. Focus on Mobile and/or PPV Campaign
Focus on Mobile, PPV is not working for me

3. Good Traffic sources
-Startapp still a great source
- Zeropark, im still getting a grip on it
- will try Adcash or Go2mobi

4. Great Tracker + Landerbuilder
Adsbridge doing a great job but im still confuse on the conversion stats

5. Knowledge upgrade and Relationship building with industry expert
Way to Go!

What's working for me?
- Mobile App Install using Startapp and Zeropark Mobile
- Focus on branded apps (well known)
- GEO Target on Asia, they're converting very well with the smartphone penetration!

What's to improve? i need help from you guys for this
- is adcash do any good for mobile?
- is affkit will help me to scale?
- mobile banner or mobile popup?

thanks in advanced!