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Forum Rules - Please Read!

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T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
Here are the policies for posting an employment opportunity in this forum:
  1. AffiliateFix is not responsible for any employment opportunities other than employment opportunities posted by the Admins of this site.
  2. Employment opportunities posted may be removed without notice if they are deemed inappropriate, offensive, violating forum policies, member has fewer than 20 posts, involves any banned resource/vendor/member, or does not fit as an opportunity in the "Online Marketing" industry.
  3. All disputes that arise will be made in our Disputes and Resolutions forum.
    Any and all disputes must be answered, satisfied, remedied, or otherwise resolved.
  4. All details of the offering must be posted in the thread. Do not require members to contact you for details. Post the details in the thread.
  5. Forum policies may be changed and/or updated at any time without notice.
Admin/T J Tutor
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