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Free Wordpress Theme by SILVERF0X

Wow.. Such a nice review.. It seems to be a great theme . But I am using Face Art Woo Commerce Theme, which is latest best word press theme known to me so far with multiple of features.. The best thing is this that it has fully responsive theme. It is well-structured and commented code for easy customization. It is easy to use and customize.. It is last update on 27th Dec 2014, Its all plugins are updated and best for all. I personally suggest everyone to use it at least once..
Jarida is a responsive Word Press News, Magazine, Blog theme and is one of the best scratching info word press theme known to me so far.. The best thing is that it is fully responsive with the option of disable too. It also has built-in review system. Its updated system is 2.2.1 and is done on 6th August , 2014 .. I am using this theme and enjoying its countless features.