Title: Megasino 2
Descriptin: a very beautiful and premium quality magazine style wordpress theme for casino themes made by 'Wp Rex' including PSD logo, options page, 125x125 ad banners, 468x60 ad placement, twitter, youtube movie, animated flickr gallery, etc.
Tags: casino, poker, 2 columns, twitter, flikr gallery, youtube
Demo URL: WpRex Demo
Author Name: WP Rex
Author URL: The Best Free Wordpress Themes For Download
Download URL: http://www.wprex.com/dl/megasino_2.zip
No. of Columns: 2
Color: blue
Sidebar (left/right):Right
Fixed width / Fluid width: Fixed width
Plugins required: Yes
Widget ready: Yes
Adsense Ready: No
Twitter Ready: Yes
125x125 Ad Ready: Yes
468x60 Ad ready: Yes
Feed Burner Ready: Yes
flickr Ready: Yes
Youtube ready: Yes
Options Page: Yes