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Gasmobi Affiliate Network & Advertiser

Official Gasmobi Affiliate Network & Advertiser

Whitehat e-commerce offers you've been asking around! Check the list!

Screenshot - 2021-06-18T135735.745.png
41699 - Global - Gear Airbuds PRO - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE, IT - SS

Mini-vacuum cleaner (for auto, as an example)
41716 - Global - Mini-Vac Cleaner - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE, IT -

Foot massager carpet
41714 - Global - Footy massager carpet - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE, IT – SS

41696 - Global - Smart Siren - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE – SS

Laser for nails
41694 - Global - Fungus Therapy Pro - EN, ES, DE, IT, FR, HE, PT, GR – SS

Smart watch
41695 - Global - WT2 Smart Watch - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE, CZ - SS

Pulse oxymeter
41691 - Global - Oxyoulse - EN, ES, DE, FR, HE - SS

Support contacts: Kate
Skype live:.cid.b7fb3a53f757cb56
Hi guys,

More Cap available for Finance, Solar, Insurance Offers in July.
Email, Facebook traffic is a priority.

InsureMyCar (US)
Solar (NL)
PREMIUM - PartnerFinances (FR)
Hi Community!

More cap available for Finance, Insurance, Solar offers

France, Netherlands, US

InsureMyCar (US)
Solar (NL)
PREMIUM - PartnerFinances (FR)

Telegram @k_kutakova
Skype live:.cid.b7fb3a53f757cb56
Hello Community!

Gasmobi is growing a White Hat Lead Gen vertical and currently scaling Home Improvement Offers for Europe (Solar, Isolation, Energy Saving)

Email traffic proofs to work the best here. Email creatives available.


France - Isolation 1 euro - CPL
France - Panneaux Solaires Reco Reno – CPL
France - Pompe à chaleur - CPL



Radiatoren Verbouwings Adviseur (BENL) - CPL
Isolatie Verbouwings Adviseur - solar pannels – CPL
Aterno Chauffage - BEfr - CPL

Support contacts: Kate
Telegram @k_kutakova
Skype live:.cid.b7fb3a53f757cb56
Hi guys,

New iPhone - new HOT offers. Check out TOP iPhone 13 brands available!

CC-Submit Flow:

WinThings, BigEntry, RexOffers, G33K

Geos: All English speaking countries, Europe: FR, IT, ES, UK, PT, PL, BG, NL, BE, SE, CH, AT. Asia: TH

SOI Flow:

Buckleaders, Conso Avenue, Avenido Consumo, Viale del Consumo, MultiplePrizes

Take your revenue until it's hot!
Gasmobi Team is going to PI Live, London and AGS, Malta this year!

We would be happy to meet our partners there after a long Corona break! Let's book a meeting then
Gifts and party season has started! Let's ake some dollars with thematic offers:


traffic allowed! Sweepstakes SOI for LATAM, US, Europe:

Avenida Consumo
Conso Avenue
Provalo Ora

Sweepstakes CC-submits for US/CA/Europe: HIGHER PAYOUTS!!!

Bulgaria - Rexoffers - iPhone 13 Pro - Halloween - CC submit
Italy - Rexoffers - iPhone 13 Pro - Halloween - CC submit
United states - Rexoffers - iPhone 13 Pro - Halloween - US - CC submit

Check more offers on the MarketPlace.
We bet you didn't know that we had such cool dating offers
English speaking, Spain, Italy, German-speaking, Nordics


Check those brands at Gasmobi's Marketplace!

Adult Dating

Fuckbook - US - PPT
Get a date Now - Eng - SOI
EroMatch - FR - SOI
Punish Tube - VOD

Mainstream Dating

FindRussianWoman - Eng + Nordic - SOI
Zwinkr - DE/AT/CH - DOI
Aescondidas - ES - SOI
CuoreMatto - IT - SOI
Hello Community!

Looking for Tier 2, Tier 3 nutra offers? check what we have!


40254 - US/CA/UK - Alistrol Dietary Supplement - SS
43056 - Bulgaria - Fungonis Gel - COD
43052 - Hungary - Fungonis Gel - COD
41836 - Multi GEO - VirilBlue - SS
43710 - Multi GEO - Kollagen Intensiv - Antiaging - SS
43711 - US/CA/UK - HerSolution Sculpt - Women's sexual health - SS
43953 - Colombia - Graciola - SS
43952 - Colombia - Biolica - SS

and remember about 3% Referral program for 1 year!

Ask our AMs for details!
Happy Holidays to all the community!

Good Bye, 2021! We are thankful for your challenges which we managed to turn into opportunities that gave us a huuuuge growth!

That's where money was in 2021: TOP-5 Offers of the Year

France - CPF - Mon Compte Formation - CPL
Brazil - Banco Santander - Abertura de Contas (Tarifa Zero Conta + Cartao) - CPL
France - LED - LP52 - CC-Submit
France - G33K Premium - iPhone 12 Pro - CC-Submit
United States - Auto Insurance Specialists - CPL

Happy New Year! Welcome, 2022!
Happy Holidays to all the community!

Good Bye, 2021! We are thankful for your challenges which we managed to turn into opportunities that gave us a huuuuge growth!

That's where money was in 2021: TOP-5 Offers of the Year

France - CPF - Mon Compte Formation - CPL
Brazil - Banco Santander - Abertura de Contas (Tarifa Zero Conta + Cartao) - CPL
France - LED - LP52 - CC-Submit
France - G33K Premium - iPhone 12 Pro - CC-Submit
United States - Auto Insurance Specialists - CPL


Happy New Year! Welcome, 2022!
Hey guys,

we are growing LATAM offers database and have MORE cap available in February to fill!

Looking for LATAM publishers!

Best traffic - PUSH. PM our AMs

44634 - Mexico - Banco Galicia Tarjeta - SMS validation - CPL
44633 - Mexico - UVM - education - CPL
44631 - Mexico - Honda CR-V - CPL
44622 - Mexico - Coppel - CPL
44557 - Mexico - Liberadora - CPL
44423 - Argentina - Banco Hipotecario Devolución - CPL
44422 - Ecuador - Tuenti mobile operator - CPL
44422 - Ecuador - Tuenti mobile operator - CPL
Hi everyone!
Push, email and Social traffic - best traffic for direct LATAM white hat offers: Loans, Finance, Crypto, Education, Home, Telco
SMS and WhatsApp are also allowed for Loan Offers.

Education - Brazil - UNIP - CPL
Education - Brazil - CRUZEIRO DO SUL - CPL
Education - Brazil - Stoodi Program - CPA

Finance - Brazil - Itaú Ab de Contas PF - CPA (Conta aberta)
Finance - Brazil - Finance - CrediCard CPA
Finance - Brazil - Emprestimo Sim - CPA
Finance - Mexico - AdiosDeuda – CPL
Finance - Brazil - Banco Bmg | Antecipação FGTS, Vasco (instal+finish registration)

Home Improvement
Home - Brazil - BR - Verisure (email) - CPL
Home - Brazil - BR - Verisure (push-display) - CPL

Telco - Brazil - TIM LIVE - CPA
Telco - Brazil - Vivo Empresas Fixa - CPA
Telco - Brazil - Vivo Empresas Movel - CPA

Loan - Mexico - Amigo Loans - CPL
Loan - Mexico - Kueski - CPL
Loan - Colombia - Finance - Crediclic – CPL
Loan - Mexico - Credito Naranja - CPL
Loan - Mexico - CrediClic - CPL
Loan - Colombia - YaDinero - CPA
Loan - Colombia - Wadana - CPA

Crypto - BR, CO - trading - FTD $10
Crypto - Mexico - trading - FTD $10
Crypto - Argentina - trading - FTD $10
Crypto - Multi GEO - trading - FTD $10 - CL, EC, PE, UY, VE, JM, CR, SV - CPA
Affiliate World Conferences Barcelona is calling!
Gasmobi team is welcoming our partners and friends to our booth C44. Come and hear more about NEW in-house Solar and Heat Pump Offers!

And, see you at CLickBid meetup!

Wanna ticket to a meetup - PM!
Summer is already here, it is so hot outside!

Now is the best time to push air cooling and conditioning offers! Here you have our top-3 at the moment. All traffic is accepted except incent, different geos available.

45693 - France - Heat Pump - CPL

45599 - France - Climateur Révesible - air conditioner

45934 - Global - CoolMe Pro – 2nd Generation Super Fast Air Cooler w/ Purifier

Знімок екрана 2022-07-01 о 10.18.25.png

Have additional questions? Please reach out in Skype - live:.cid.543e7df4b69d14de

Don’t forget to meet our team at booth C44 if you’re planning to visit Affiliate World in Barcelona!
AWE came to an end, let's get back to business!

Along with our new amazing partners, we were discussing current trends in the affiliate marketing industry. One of the current trends is Credit score checking offers and we have some to suggest!

45692 - United states - PFM Verify

45691 - Canada - CreditVerify

45690 - Canada - Identity Protect


Converting on trial. Available for Social, Email and Display traffic. Creatives are provided!

Reach out in Skype if you want to know more - live:.cid.543e7df4b69d14de (Denys)

Let’s rock!
What's the only vertical that keeps running all year long?

In Gasmobi, we have the answer, since our last visit to AWE Barcelona, we realised that a vertical that is asked for, no matter what season it is, is PERSONAL LOANS, it doesn't really impact season or geo, all year long, people are going to ask for loans. So we suggest to push it now, as the rest of the verticals are really slow due to holidays season, we push this vertical hard to keep up with the slowness of summer.

And today, we bring you some of our newest offers, that are already working for a lot of publishers!

  • United states - Any day Cash - Rev Share 80%
  • Spain - Lenily loans - CPA
  • United states - LoansToday24-7 - SOI
  • Kazakhstan - Lenily loans - CPA
  • Viet nam - Jeff Loans - CPQL
  • Mexico - Loans - Banco Atzeca - CrediClick - MX - DOI
  • Brazil - Loans - Empréstimos SIM - SOI
  • Canada - Loanz Personal Loans - SOI


Are you ready to push them? - If you need more information, PM us
How to make easy money? Push these offers with the easiest flow, leadgen

46125 - United states - Calculate Solar Savings
46103 - United states - Any day Cash - Rev Share
46062 - United states - GOV Loan Options
46008 - United states - Flooring - Rev share
46007 - United states - WINDOWS - Rev share
46006 - United states - Roofing - Rev share
46005 - United states - Solar - Rev share

Want to know more about the offers ? PM us with any questions you may have

Signup now!

Is summer, that means a lot of sun, and what are the best offers to push ? Solar US ☀️☀️☀️

46125 - United states - Calculate Solar Savings
46009 - United states - Gowithsolarenergy
46005 - United states - Solar - Rev share
45538 - United states - OpenHome Solar
45391 - United states - TheSolarPower.Info

Want to know more about the offers ? PM us with any questions you may have

Signup now!