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Review GEO breakdowns for affiliates by MGID

Daniella MGID

Active Member

  • Thailand is an upper-middle-income country in Southeast Asia with the lowest levels of unemployment (1.1% of the total population).
  • GDP per capita reached 7570,35 USD in 2019. GDP per capita continues to grow and is expected to reach 8907 USD in 2022.
  • Average monthly income is 442 USD per household.
The government established a course for Thailand 4.0. The goal is to strengthen and reposition the country’s economy and make Thailand a leading digital hub in Southeast Asia :cool:



Average basket size for a Thai shopper is $ 35.46. On the whole, 71% of Thai consumers searched products or services online and 62% made purchases online.


Smartphones play an important role in everyday life. 67% of online transactions are made via mobile apps, while desktop websites reached only 11%. In addition, 22% of online transactions are made via a mixed approach (mobile app and desktop).




According to the charts above, beauty and health products are in top categories Thai people purchase online. Furthermore, one in three Thai men is obese, while more than 40 percent of women are significantly overweight, according to Thailand’s national health examination survey, so weight-loss products remain popular every season.

  • Try to use in your teasers images of traditional Thai fruits (white mango, pineapple, dragon fruit, papaya) and dishes of national cuisine (som tam - green papaya salad, Khao Pad Gai - fried rice with chicken or tom yum - coconut milk-based soups);
  • Thai people also tend to love outdoor images more than indoor ones;
  • As to animals, images with pets attract more attention as well;
  • Real photographs of people behind objects also generate higher CTR;
  • Images showing flabby stomachs and belly fat still perform fairly well.



MGID traffic distribution is following: desktop (34%), mobile (65%) and tablets (1%). Overall, MGID processes around 1,5 million clicks per week in Thailand.

P.S. We remind that you can get a 25% on top of your $500+ first deposit by following this link

Share your experiences in the comments!

MGID traffic distribution is the following: desktop (5%), mobile (94%) and tablets (1%). Overall, MGID processes around 3.5 million clicks per day in India.

MGID top publishers:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and many more!


  • India is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, reaching 7.3 percent of economic growth at the beginning of 2019;
  • India is the second-fastest digitizing economies amongst 17 world-leading economies;
  • GDP per capita is expected to be 2,334.138 USD in Mar 2019 and is projected to reach 3,273.848 USD in Mar 2023;
  • Average monthly income varies widely based on the occupation. Besides, revenues of each region also differ significantly. For instance, Goa has the highest NSDP per capita ($5500), then goes Delhi ($4800), Sikkim ($4300) and Chandigarh ($3500) in 2018. By contrast, NSDP reached only $2600 in Maharashtra, $1400 in Rajasthan, $850 in Manipur and $590 in Bihar.
  • Internet adoption level depends also on the Indian languages. For instance, Hindi Internet Users are expected to exceed the number of English users by 201 million by 2021. On the whole, India is home for 23 constitutionally recognized official languages. Top 10 languages spoken in India according to 2001 census: Hindi (41,03%), Bengali (8,11%), Telugu (7,19%), Marathi (6,99%), Tamil (5,91%), Urdu (5,01%), Gujarati (4,48%), Kannada (3,69%), Malayalam (3,21%) and Oriya (3,21%).
  • Big cricket fans View attachment 14324:affiliatefix:


Baby Boomers (51-71) perceive ingredients and materials as indicators of quality. By contrast, millennials (23-39) value more customer experience, design, and brand name. In addition, 24% of millennials consider a product scarcity as a sign of being premium compared to 15% baby boomers. Then, more than 40% of male millennials assumed they would make all their purchases online if they could.

One of the top reasons for Indian millennials to shop online is low prices and high discounts. Take into account the information above and make ads that fit millennials' expectations.

  • The revenue in the eCommerce is projected to be $32,348m in 2019 and $62,284m by 2023;
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in the eCommerce market amounts to US$62.95 in 2019;
  • There are 147.8 million eCommerce users in India. This number is expected to reach 358m by 2020 and 657.8m by 2023. You see that the market expands so do not miss out opportunity and promote there;
  • 43% of total eCommerce purchases will be paid by E-wallet in 2019;

56% of Indian online consumers prefer buying via desktop, 29% choose smartphone and 10% of online shoppers use tablets.



If you are looking for profitable offers, take a look at BFSI, health, crowdfunding (donations), nutraceuticals, and gambling.
  • BFSI stands for Banking, Finance, Services, and Insurance. Indian study revealed that millennials are highly concerned about saving and investing in security, like, life insurance and health insurance. We suggest you making advertising campaigns targeting this generation and earn money!
  • Health may include taking tests, make an appointment with the doctor or online consultation;
  • Nutraceuticals are health supplements, skincare products, and weight-loss products;
  • As to gambling, Indian people like fantasy sports and rummy card game.

As to BFSI, we suggest to use photos of real people, preferably women, doing business or tapping something on the laptop;

Generally, our experience shows that Indian people are not interested in black/white images and images with animals. They prefer real-looking images of people smiling or laughing.

As for moneymaking, images with yellow color have higher CTR as yellow is considered to be a symbol of prosperity and trade. Photos of money also convert very well.


Smoothies, Fruits, Matcha Tea, Coffee Beans work for neutraceuticals, as well as spices and avocado. Indian people avoid using bare bellies or other body parts for advertising.



Photos of colored pills with discount or family ties images convert very well for the Medicine vertical.

As for crowdfunding, try to use images of hard-working children with headlines from the first person "I dream of getting an education, help me!".


MGID traffic distribution is the following: desktop (5%), mobile (94%) and tablets (1%). Overall, MGID processes around 3.5 million clicks per day in India.

MGID team :affiliatefix:

  • Today Vietnam is a lower-middle income country in the South East Asia region with 6,8% GDP growth rate;
  • GDP per capita was $2551 in 2018. It’s expected to grow and reach $3931 by 2024;
  • Salaries in Vietnam vary between $ 101,27 per month (minimum salary) to $ 3313,15 per month (maximum salary). The median monthly salary is $ 725,76;
  • Vietnam’s population reached 97,429,061 in 2019 compared to 91M in 2013 and is expected to expand to 120 million by 2050;
  • There are 54 ethnic groups within the country. The most major ethnic group is Kinh (Viet) - 85.7%.


Device’s usage is the following: 72% smartphone, 43% laptop or desktop and 13% tablet. Average daily time spent using the internet via the device is 6 hours 42 minutes.


  • Revenue in the eCommerce market amounts to US$2,709m in 2019.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2023) of 13.8%, resulting in a market volume of US$4,537m by 2023.
  • 51,1M people purchase goods via e-commerce;
  • Average annual revenue per user of consumer goods e-commerce (ARPU) is $53.6;
  • E-commerce spent per capita is $65;
  • In the year 2017 a share of 34.3% of users was 25-34 years old;
  • In 2019, 28% of total eCommerce purchases will be paid by E-wallet.
  • Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi city represent the most profitable markets in Vietnam.
  • Women constitute 64% of all online buyers, respectively, men are the remaining 36%.

Statistics shown can be found by following this link


Vietnamese millennials (23-39 years old) are highly concerned about food safety and health. They are willing to pay more for natural ingredients and health supplements. Besides, they prefer clear labels which disclose a product’s origin and ingredients. Keep it in mind while you will mastering landing pages for nutraceuticals.

They also favor friends or families’ reviews to evaluate new products, so use a storytelling approach to convince them that your product meets their needs. Take a look at the example below.



Cash on delivery is the most common payment method chosen by Vietnamese. Bank transfer, credit cars payment, e-wallet are close behind.


The affiliate marketing community is well aware of the successful verticals in Vietnam. Sexual health, nutraceuticals, and skincare. This is a trend not only for Vietnam but throughout Asia. The big difference is that the Vietnamese are very concerned about food safety and health, thus products with natural ingredients and health supplements catch the consumers’ interest. These are good old products marketers become accustomed to.

MGID has partnered with Vietnamese top publishers and to vary the demand. This is a real shot for a breakthrough since we’ve already seen the result of the BFSI-campaigns and online pharmacypromotion.

As for the promotion funnel being used a lot - we see that straight sale works as well as a content marketing approach.

  • Triple-check the copy! You need to be sure you have the right headline;
  • Well, as usual, real-looking people have higher CTR, but keep in mind, they should be local;
  • As for the food images, it’s better to show ingredients;
  • If you want to surprise the Vietnamese, we suggest choosing something more relevant with a local twist or interesting at first glance with an incomprehensible origin rather than a shocking image;
  • We also suggest turning your attention to the helminth issue. Here are a few examples of the images with high CTR;
  • Also, headlines mentioning discounts have a higher CTR!
  • It is best to use a real background for images of certain products, rather than something abstract. Take a look at the example below:

  • If you want to advertise products for children health, you should use collages showing children faces and the product. This will help to generate a higher CTR;

  • Do not forget that all captions must be in Vietnamese;
  • MGID is also partnered with KIA. After the test, we realized that photos of cars on a real background (city, nature) or its interior photos have a higher CTR;

Now let’s consider which strategy to follow in order to promote products aimed at fighting the helminth infection. You can see the teasers with high CTR below.




It’s obvious that images of fresh fruits, vegetables, or plants work as well as images of female doctors. Next, how to make people interested and convert them into leads? You can use several approaches. Firstly, you may tell a story about a woman, who had such an infection and how with the help of this product she solved this problem. Or you can write an interview with a doctor by explaining how and why the infection works, and how to deal with it with the help of your product. Your goal is to convince people, so make sure your information is credible.

On the whole, we suggest trying a few approaches to see which one works best for your audience!


MGID traffic distribution is the following: desktop (19%), mobile (78%) and tablets (3%). Overall, MGID processes around 3,5 million clicks per week in Vietnam.

Sign up via this link and get a 25% credit match for the first (at least) $ 500 deposit!

Share your insights or experience with us in the comments below!

MGID team

  • Indonesia is the largest middle-income country in Southeast Asia comprised of more than 300 ethnic groups. Javanese and Sudanese are main ethnic groups representing 40.6% and 15.0% of the people respectively in 2000;
  • GDP per capita fluctuates around $ 4123 in 2019. It is anticipated to go up to $ 5704 by 2024. Then, economic growth is forecasted to reach 5.2% in 2019;
  • Indonesia consists of 34 provinces that have different incomes. For example, according to data from 2017, the nominal GRP per capita was equal to $ 17,374 in Jakarta, $11,732 in East Kalimantan, $ 4,386 in Papua and $ 1,708 in Maluku. So we suggest targeting more profitable regions if you want to generate positive results. Soon, MGID dashboard will have zip code targeting in order to make your targeting more precise;
  • There are more than 700 regional languages. But only Indonesian is the official language.


Device usage is the following: 60% smartphone, 22% laptop or desktop and 8% tablet.
Average daily time spent using the internet via the device is 8 hours 36 minutes.

  • eCommerce market continuously grows and amounts to US$11,133m in 2019. As the annual growth rate equals 10.3%, so market volume is expected to reach US$16,464m by 2023;
  • The number of eCommerce consumers is expected to amount to 241.5m by 2023;
  • Average annual revenue per user of consumer goods e-commerce (ARPU) is US$75.66;
  • In 2019, 32% of total eCommerce goods will be purchased via E-wallet.


Affluent consumers represent the biggest consumer segment. They are excited to try new products like energy drinks, hair vitamins, auto insurance, etc as a way of self-indulgence.

Indonesian consumers are also price-sensitive, which means they are highly interested in low prices, discounts, and special offers. Besides, they value quality and product attributes, so you should not promote cheap products of dubious quality. You should prioritize quality products at affordable prices. Moreover, keep in mind, that low-income Indonesians prefer Chinese products, high-income families favor Western products and Japanese products.


The most popular payment method was bank transfer (45%) and cash on delivery (45%). Credit card accounts only for 2%.


Nutraceuticals and BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) are dominant verticals on the Indonesian market. The annual growth rate for financial services (savings and investments) is about 10,5% and is projected to reach $ 565 billion by the end of 2030. As to health & beauty products, the annual growth rate is about 6,2%. Indonesian people are highly interested in skin products based on aloe vera. Then, Google research showed that personal loans were very popular in 2018.

You can see top queries on search below:
  • What is the best loan? what facilities are offered?
  • Which banks offer the lowest rates?
  • Is there any promotion?
  • What are the terms & conditions?
Keep in mind the information mentioned above while mastering your landing pages. Now you see what people tend to ask.

Moreover, data proves that people from Bali, Jakarta, and Riau are highly interested in buying a home, auto, and health assurance.

We also suggest you pay attention to Ramadan and Harbolnas (National online shopping day) which represent the two biggest shopping seasons in Indonesia, especially for health & beauty products, apparel, and clothing.

  • Triple-check the copy! You need to be sure you have the right headline;
  • Well, as usual, real-looking people have higher CTR, but keep in mind, they should be local;
  • dfRL3t9chjyCZssrkWB1qPvk8GQWQYqwyhiqAE5DzJ1YcwQO4O57qzexNop1MhQ7t0eqFcwk_YGeXH6lsp3p2vJELhKhghZwjv2kFaFVrU4EOW3zERTcd5URGNp9TPTv4HjriZCE

  • Don`t be afraid of something provocative. Indonesian people like it;
  • uzIZiIYVrrQgmN-F3cLX9YyRNV2FUB_zupjiNj4o41snXQfiE_fcX29HRbPzuSJVBT5rhfzCol2T4qkoj0hid10gBH8lQKCKAgDUwYOuVaeM-A48f4EDjQZKKqLwyxBY4eGEv_tW

  • If you are promoting not a certain product but some service you should put people in a situation with your creative that will be solved with the service you are promoting;
  • k2XdX-8JaBRFe0G-fvIATu7J8ALmeTO1JebXfE06tDzUh1sjCdScwJtY_4LzS_GeLzT9GCM3HAcnr7qmRLlyGRpHbkwPK3WqjVa2rrsefL5jrFA34ybLfjgJdJvrKYOaSbA_ByY9

  • The short mention of the benefits the person will get from the service in the headlines brings you higher CTR;
  • Promoting a brand you shouldn't hesitate to use its name in a picture. The name will bring clicks;
  • 5oaqydhidGny8fcXptIR_UweO9Gc2vqhqT8tp-KRKKpwJtVfGbqxgjKjpm0dOW3H5V9QtARA9FJgv8JEQlQ9o6uJ41ZtyDkuaKCYWwvlJCRqi01Nmlotyblu7PA0RGaw1NTPsXTA

  • Interact with people with the creatives to drive interest to a promoted brand or service;

  • tyIAFEnaLJy8hG-AevsghD1wDtwZLYogRdn-0yicyYjIeTlxGA6CU9QL6AFwl_yOQrUBsXYkORMdvtq-q7Squ4VabWYBNqivwKbc8KGw6sqxFWlquSNBZoS-bdU5PVDfX7NM9W3h
On the whole, we suggest trying a few approaches to see which one works best for your audience!


MGID traffic distribution is the following: desktop (12%), mobile (87%) and tablets (1%).Overall, MGID processes around 3 million clicks per week in Indonesia.

Share your insights or experience with us in the comments below!

Sign up via this link and get a 25% bonus on top of your first $ 500 deposit!

MGID team


eCommerce - Indonesia | Statista Market Forecast
Payment Methods in Southeast Asia | ecommerceIQ Data

  • Italy is the third largest country in the Eurozone with a 42 076 US$ per capita GDP. The economy is stagnating with a GDP growth rate at 0.6%;
  • Italy is the fourth most populous member state of the European Union with a population of 59,221,785;
  • Italian is the official language. Keep it in mind while mastering campaigns. It’s better to use the national language rather than English in Italy;
  • The three largest cities include Rome (2.8 million), Milan (1.3 million) and Naples (1 million);

Now, let’s figure out some features of the Italians.

According to the 2015 statistics, 48.0% of single people are over the age of 65, of which 61.6% are women and 29% are men. On the whole, the aging population drives greater demand for products and services. As we mentioned above, currently the median age is 46,3 and it’s expected to reach 50 years by 2030. It is useful to know that 40.9% of women in the age of 65-74 years are overweight and 76.9% of them are constant drug consumers. So you see that nutraceuticals product can work very well for the Italian market.

Italians value quality products and good customer service more than promotions. Moreover, they tend to prefer domestic products. So, we suggest focusing on providing quality products and services. Also, make sure your product lives up to the expectations. Studies proved Italian people are highly concerned with the quality of materials and ingredients.

As for households, only 31% of the Italian population lives alone, the majority continues to live with parents. Moreover, Italian millennials are marrying less and having fewer children. For instance, a single person household in Milano equals 52%. Thus, dating proves to be another promising vertical.

DEVICE USAGE (Percentage of the adult population)

97% of Italian people use mobile phones and the distribution of laptop and tablet usage is 62% and 31% respectively.
Average daily time spent using the internet via any device is 6 hours 04 minutes.

  • eCommerce market is expected to generate up to US$18,991m in 2019;
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2023) of 10.4%, resulting in a market volume of US$28,227m by 2023;
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to US$515.73;
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in the eCommerce market amounts to US$515.73 in 2019;
If we consider the eCommerce penetration rate, we see that 97% of 16-24-year-olds, 96% of 25-34 year-olds, 87% of 35-44 year-olds, 82% of 45-54 and 76% of over 55s log in daily.


It is expected that 39% of the total eCommerce purchases will be paid by E-wallet in 2019.

However, in 2017, a credit card was the main payment method used by Italians while shopping online, with PayPal and other digital services following after. As for the bank transfer payments and cash-on-delivery, they both remain the most uncommon payment methods for purchases.


The search trends of the past few days include erectile dysfunction, diet, diabetes, cellulite, and other inquiries related to vitamins. For example, in Trentino-Alto Adige people are interested in the subject of diabetes compared to other regions. Keep it in mind, while using zip targeting to customize your campaigns in Italy. In general, we see nutraceuticals as one of the leading verticals.

Online dating is also very popular. Predominantly, people from Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, and Lazio are interested in it. On the whole, most Italians are looking for mobile apps. Today, user penetration in online dating is 4.8% (2,6 million users), but it’s expected to reach 5,3% by 2023.

Then, Italians prove to be adventurous, so gambling has a huge success among residents of Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Basilicata, and Apulia.

Finally, money-making offers are also some of the most popular ones. The opportunity to make money on Bitcoins looks quite attractive to Italians. Or you can promote investing in Hi-tech company stock. But keep in mind, that you have to make your creatives look credible and reliable.

  • Italians prefer real-looking photos of women with blonde hair. Take a look at the example below:


  • They also love scandals, rumors, and celebrity news;
  • Body positivity is a new emerging trend gaining popularity among Italian people;


  • Italian men love shopping as well as women. They also tend to spend a lot of time at home with their children (stay-at-home dad trend).

  • We also suggest taking into consideration siesta time (3.30 hours) while designing content for entertaining, food or time-consuming services;
  • Try to use photos of bright millionaires, which highlight their appearance, and public lifestyle. They do not look like boring office plankton in gray suits. Those who declare, practice or personify success with a work schedule of no more than two to four hours a day. An example is Gianluca Vacchi. It does not have to be a real person, for the image in the teaser a "shell" is enough;
  • We also recommend using names of real millionaires as common nouns in the headlines, for example, "This method will make you Mark Zuckerberg in three days";

  • If you are going to promote a bicycle, for example, we strongly suggest using the photos of girlfriend or some millionaire riding it. By doing so you CTR should increase;

  • We also noticed that being a dog-lover is becoming the trend, so you can use photos of people with animals in your campaigns.

MGID traffic distribution is following: desktop (13%), mobile (83%) and tablets (4%). Overall, MGID processes around 1,6 million clicks per week in Italy.

Sign up via this link and get a 25% bonus on top of your first $ 500 deposit!

MGID team

  • Romania is a fast developing economy in the European Union with a GDP per capita 10813,72 $ in 2017;
  • GDP growth rate has seen a huge boom in 2017 with 7.3%. Then, there was a slowdown (4% in 2018) and it’s expected to reach 3.3% in 2019;
  • Romanian is the official language. We suggest making creatives in Romanian, rather than in English. Besides, do not use the Google Translator, it’s much better to pay a translator for a quality text;
  • The main ethnic group are the Romanians (88.9% of the total population);

DEVICE USAGE (percentage of the population)

60% of Romanians use smartphones and the distribution of laptop and tablet usage is 56% and 23% respectively.


The overall digital ad spend growth reached 16.1% in 2017, three percent higher than the European average.

Data also proves that display ads remain dominant on the market (89,6%). However, we also observe digital video ad spend growth at 36.2% in 2017.

  • Revenue in the eCommerce market amounts to US$2,809m in 2019;
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2023) of 10.1%, resulting in a market volume of US$4,121m by 2023;
  • User penetration is 53.7% in 2019 and is expected to hit 58.6% by 2023;
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to US$268.21;
  • In 2017 23.7% of users were 25-34 years old;
  • 19% of the population make purchases online;
  • 80% of online shoppers use mobile phones to access the internet;
Data also proves that 25-34 is the average age of Romanian Online shopper. Moreover, about 8 in 10 shoppers live in cities. Keep this it in mind while making campaigns.


Data shows that only 12% of the population has credit cards. On the whole, 77% of total Romanian people prefer to pay in cash on delivery in 2019. Moreover, it’s important to note that men spend more than women. 62% of card payments were made by men and 38% by women.


Once again, nutra is on the best performing verticals. Especially products which help to fight diabetes, papillomas, varicose, erectile dysfunction, and obesity.

As for diabetes, this topic interests most residents of Braila, Arad, Bacau, Ploiesti, and Buzau.

If we are talking about varicose veins, we recommend drawing your attention to cities such as Satu Mare, Neamt, Teleorman, Hunedoara, and Maramures.

The problem of erectile dysfunction issues interests most of all the residents of Muresh, Sibiu, and Maramures.

Finally, weight loss gains the greatest popularity in Argesh, Giurgiu, Valcea, and Dymbovitsa.

E-commerce is also one of the promising verticals. Try to promote linen clothes, gadgets, and various smart-watches.

  • Romanian people love the spirit of competition. They tend to compare themselves to others and try to repeat trends with lightning speed;
  • We suggest using respectful titles before the name: ‘’Domnul’’ for a man and ‘’Doamna’’ for a woman. They value familiarity and age. So use images and reviews of old people as an indicator of wisdom and experience;
  • Women are frivolous and willing to get acquainted with men, especially Europeans;
  • Then, Romanian people tend to distrust the advice of strangers. Therefore when writing headlines is better to take a friendly tone;
  • The cult of patriarchy in the family works very well if you want to make the investments, buying personal growth courses, etc. We suggest using manipulation like “to provide for the family’’, ‘’to justify expectations’’, ‘’to be a hero”;
  • They are also obsessed with the cult of social status, everyone aspires to occupy a respected place in society. For Romanians, this is the number one indicator of success. Keep it in mind online earning products or services, courses, and books on business development while mastering the creatives;
  • Romania is a country with unemployment problems and a large percentage of people are living below the poverty line or from paycheck to paycheck. So, they will likely go for the easy earnings, lending through household accents - "for holidays, for a restaurant, for going to the movies, for shopping”;
  • The country did not achieve a high level of globalization and urbanization, so when you design the campaign, pay attention to the details and stick to the local color, familiar environments, and textures. Bear in mind, you don’t need to demonstrate the evening of the Romanian family with 150-inch plasma in their house, as they are more ascetic in their tastes.
  • Here are a few examples of teasers





MGID traffic distribution is following: desktop (24%), mobile (73%) and tablets (3%). Overall, MGID processes around 1,3 million clicks per week in Romania.

Get a 25% on top of your $500+ first deposit by following this link

Stay tuned!
MGID team


Digital 2019 Romania (January 2019) v01

Ecommerce in Romania

Romania eCommerce Insights | 13.76 Million Online Shoppers By 2022

  • The Czech Republic is a developed European country with steady GDP growth of 2,2% in 2019;
  • The Czech Republic has the lowest unemployment rate in Europe. Salaries keep rising at 6,6% because of a shortage of the workforce in 2019;
  • GDP per capita reached 23,344.20 US dollars in 2018;
  • The official language is Czech. The biggest ethnic group is also Czech (64,3% of the population);
  • Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc, and Pilsen are the biggest cities.


Czech people are price-sensitive but at the same time, they value quality in products and services. Czech online consumers buy clothes, electronics, home and garden items, jewelry, watches, and cosmetics. Today, special prices are the strongest driver for purchasing a product or service. Besides, they prefer online shopping, because of convenience and home delivery.

However, according to statistics, only 13% of online consumers complete the purchase. Thus, ensure that your landings look convincing and credible. Make them simple, clear and do not overload with information. The best option is to show the product, describe a few main benefits, provide consumers with a special price and easy home delivery.

DEVICE USAGE (Percentage of the adult population)

65% of Czech use smartphones and the distribution of laptop and tablet usage is 76% and 29% respectively.

  • Revenue in the eCommerce is projected to reach to €2,368m in 2019.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2023) of 5.9%, resulting in a market volume of €2,984m by 2023.
  • User penetration is 69.2% in 2019 and is expected to hit 70.6% by 2023.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to €322.01.
  • In the eCommerce market, the number of users is expected to amount to 7.5m by 2023.
  • In 2017, 23.7% of users were 25-34 years old.

Only 25% of the population has a credit card. On the whole, it is expected that 47% of total eCommerce purchases will be paid by Cash on delivery in 2019. Czech people still prefer paying by cash, but we observe an increasing trend towards credit cards.



As I mentioned above, the median age is 41,7 years old. Thus there is an increasing growth potential on products and services for the older generation. Joint creams work especially well. On the whole, nutra is the dominant vertical on the market, Czech people are highly interested in weight-loss, antifungal products, and skincare.


Further, fashion and beauty, travel, toys and hobbies, small home appliances and consumer electronics prove to be profitable.

  • Beer for Czechs is a casual thing, so you can use it, for example, for the offers of dating or eventing with a title like "Beer tonight?" and it will not mean a meeting for beer, but simply a meeting, which is impossible without beer;
  • The Czech Republic is in the top 6 of the safest and most contented countries. Czechs are satisfied with what they have. No one will begin to overwork and overload his schedule with excessive training courses. They are confident in the future. When advertising products or courses, it is not worth playing on the emotions of fear of being left with nothing, it is better to rely on trends;
  • In addition to the above, the unemployment rate in the Czech Republic is one of the lowest in the world. People find jobs without a problem and can quit whenever they feel like in the search for new perspectives. You will not be able to put pressure on common European pain about “unloved work” and offer alternatives. The Czechs simply have no such problem;
  • Young people start working in the service sector very early despite the level of family affluence. A poor student and the son of a millionaire can equally be working at McDonald's. Nobody is shy about this and we do not recommend to demonstrate such work in advertising as a negative experience;


  • Czechs are in no hurry to have children, especially 35-year-old men. You should not offer them to find a wife with the help of a dating offer (to be replaced by a girlfriend, bae, partner), just as you shouldn’t sell family cars to them and put stress on the family in such offers as options and real estate.
  • With all the dogs and cats mostly living on the streets, there is no such tendency to spend a lot of money on rare breeds.


  • Young people tend to spend 5-7 years after school to think about their purpose in life, at this time working part-time jobs;
  • Very fat, mostly meat kitchen. There is no healthy lifestyle trend. Few vegan and vegan trends, shops and restaurants;
  • While walking, it’s normal to sit down on the floor or just sit where you want. You can use this insight when selecting photos of locales for offers of any vertical.



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