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Getting Traffic?

HubPages, Squidoo, and the like are great for links to your site, but you should have your own site, not a free one. Looks more professional.
And as far as link building and social media presence goes, there are really great services like Synnd, SocialAdr, etc. that automate most of that process for you. They do cost money (unless you go through a service like mine) but I think it's well worth it if you offer a good product or service.
You should check this site out. KnowEm Username Check - Secure your Brand or Online Identity on Social Media I just found it today and it's really cool. They want you to sign up and outsource profile creation to them.

But if you enter in the username you want to use, they will check out all the sites and see if the username is available. This is neat because you might want to use the same handle across the different sites.

If you just click on the "networks" link, it shows you a lot web 2.0/social sites. They have them broken down into categories, and even include a decent description of the sites. Yeah, you can't use every one. But this would be a good place to start.

Pick some based on what the potential seo/social networking value might be.

Download the no dofollow Firefox plugin. Check the sites in advance. The do follow ones are best. Avoid sites with url redirects, unless you're solely interested in the social media value of the site.

Get set up, and post articles with your links where you can. Post links in your profile pages where you can. Get followers where you can. Commenting on other pages, making friends...maybe even giving likes or something like that will benefit you. These usually generate internal links that pass PR back to your profile or pages. Just use the no dofollow plugin to see if PR is being passed.

Do it right, and you get backlinks plus social signals and followers.

I've never used it, but you should also check out
I love Squidoo also, they don't care if you drop links. And they are very upfront about it. :D

I haven't made any money from Squidoo, probably because I use the Amazon module. Do you add your affiliate links in the text body, or use the Amazon/eBay modules?

It is pretty easy to make money with Squidoo. I can rank lenses and earn within a few days.

I use a combination of both my links and their links. I have a criteria for picking out keywords to make lenses that rank fast. I also want to make lenses fast so I use the Amazon modules even though I would get a much higher percent with my own links. I generally add one large product photo with my direct link.

Also keep in mind that though my % at Amazon is usually 7-7.5%, many Amazon affiliates are at a much lower rate. Since Squidoo splits their rate which is usually at 8% you would end up at 4% which is what many affiliates are making anyway or close to it. So why take the time to add direct links for Amazon products when you can save time with Squidoos.

If a lens starts to go crazy, I can always go back in and switch to my links but I generally don't because it is time consuming and in that time I can be doing something else.

If you are not making money with them, you may not be picking the right keywords/topics.

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

Thank you!

I typed up an article and it was coming up on the first page on Google already! I'm wondering how I could post articles on my site instead of Hubpages and still get them on the first page so quickly. Does Hugpages have some type of priority or are they just really good with SEO?

I sent the PM. Thank you!

Sorry, I did not see your PM earlier. I messaged you back.

Yes Hubpages and Squidoo have an authority so it is much easier to rank on their sites than with a site you have that does not have a lot of authority.

That said, you can build links to your sites pages and outrank Hub and Squid but they can rank really fast because of the "trust" they have with Google.

Always though remember to build your OWN property. Treat Hub and Squid as side ventures.