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Good Days Ahead???


New Member
About 10 months ago, I created a website which was left for dead until I decided to do something with it. We'll just call the site greenMonkeys dot com. I have about 25 pages averaging around a buck or two a day in adsense. Not much effort has been put into it.

I'm ranked #2 in the niche "green monkeys" (again - making the name up) which is showing for 5,400 global searches and 4,400 local searches (using broad - and also w/ low competition). So, I consider this little experiment successful w/ me getting a couple bucks a day and I'll be using this as a benchmark for my future sites.

However, I just stumbled across some great niches on the google kw toolbar this morning. They are broad searches and one of them has 40,500 (global) w/ 18,100 (local) w/ very low competition. I know I can get some sites up pretty fast and have them ranking in these particular niches in about 30-60 days.

I believe I might be seeing some great days ahead - however, just wanna make sure of one thing - and something I should've known a long time ago but never really checked it out: Is local search mean in your general area of your IP address? Also, I'm assuming, Global is just anywhere in the world?
Local shows results for the last month for which statistics are available, and it’s also tailored to your country and language. Global includes all countries and languages and gives us average monthly searches for the past 12-month period.