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Google is Having a Bad AI `hair day` :D


Well-Known Member
Is this the beginning of the end for Google?


Catch a falling knife ...

No GS is in business
You mean Lehman Brothers Inc.
Yup, I do. I did remember that one of them started with an 'L' but that's it. I did think Goldman Sachs was one, sorry. Better brush up on my American stuff. I was thinking back to '08.

We have our own really awful crap been going on since February 2022. You won't likely hear about the worst, we now have internet censorship laws. Nor can I say anything much about it because if the newest bill passes, I could be fined or arrested for hate speech. People will be able to be put under house arrest with an ankle bracelet for pre-think as well, apparently.

As for online platforms (from the Globe and Mail):


Google agreed (Meta refused) to pay $100M for the privilege of allowing Canadian news links on their platform but all news organizations and streaming platforms have to apply to the CRTC for approval.

If the bill passes, I'll be back to remove all of that, as it also (apparently) applies retroactively.

(Globe and Mail, CBC, etc. are approved, at least for Canada, don't know if they're universally available)
Pornhub is owned by a company based in Montreal so oh oh :D
I know that they applied but have never heard if they were 'approved'.

Can you imagine the bankrupting amount of fines? Funny, not funny. If the bill passes, they'll either have to move to a different country, or close Canadian acccess to the site. Some Canadians have already left. Those who make their living as YT content creators, especially, if they're to be believed.

Anyway....been lots of bad sh*t but we have an election next October, we just have to manage until then.

Best Wishes Good Luck GIF by Studios 2016
``remove *harmful* content`` according to who's standards --that is subjective as hell.

Remove content found unlawful --OK but opinions are like assholes --everyone has one.
``remove *harmful* content`` according to who's standards --that is subjective as hell.

Remove content found unlawful --OK but opinions are like assholes --everyone has one.

Yup. It's not the first bill/law that the government has left vague. That way, they can use it however they like. Harmful is anything somebody doesn't like, or that somebody thinks you MIGHT say or do.

Don't you dare misgender someone, either. Even if you have no idea what gender or species they now identify with. That upsets some very badly and could land you in trouble.

I sometimes have to dis-engage, it's too much and feels like a dictatorial freight train bearing down. Just been a lot of similar crap that I never in my wildest imagination thought could happen here.

I'm going to stop talking about it now, it gives me a headache and I value my bank account (don't want it frozen) and remaining freedom.