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Guest Blogging

Matt Cutts is essentially saying be very careful of who you endorse on your blog, which we should have been anyway. Also be careful what blog you write and last one only you using guest blogging as a part of an overall strategy.
Each link building technique has a byproduct which we often overlook. These byproducts are much powerful than the original benefits. When you look at the Matt Cutts' wording, it clearly indicates that guest blogging for links is dead but if we take guest blogging as a business technique, we can still use guest blogging. We just have to ignore the link prospect from it.
Now a days Guest blogging are not working for Keyword ranking purpposes , i am mainly focusing on PPT Creation and blog posting and forum posting .
Guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers write posts to be published on other bloggers' blogs. Guest blogging can work in one of two ways:
  • You write a post to appear on another person's blog.
  • Another person writes a post to appear on your blog.
Guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers write posts to be published on other bloggers' blogs
Guest posting” means writing and publishing an article on someone Else's website or blog. I offer this on my own site and do it quite a bit on other blogs with audiences that I want to speak to. It's a great way to connect with new readers and get your name out.
The host blogger must include a link to your blog in the post somewhere (usually at the beginning or end). Over time, these backlinks will raise the value of your blog to search engines, making your content easier to find via Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others.
Guest bloggers and contributors Google’s not planning to penalize you under its new guest blogging equals spam warning put out yesterday.
Guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers write posts to be published on other bloggers' blogs. Guest blogging can work in one of two ways:
  • You write a post to appear on another person's blog.
  • Another person writes a post to appear on your blog.
after reading what mayvin and virtual traveler and u all said does it rally work for getting back links
and traffic, because i never tried this so i have a doubt, any one tell me required answer please,
Guest blogging was used excessively for getting back links but recently Google warns marketer about guest blogging if done on a large scale and with low quality posts. So do it naturally
For Most Traffic To Your Blog You Can Starting with a niche have the High search and bad competition and you can you the forums and Web Social , Yahoo Answers , CraigList ...