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Half life 2 November 16th

Well I'll stfu for now and say that the game gets better the more you play. A few of the levels are among the best I've ever played on any game to date. It still has some blah areas but what game doesn't?

I'm not finished yet but I prolly will be in the next week or so. Right now I'm building another website that I want to go live soon so it's taking up my free time.
Ya I beat it and will likely play through again once I up my RAM count. A friend of mine is working in the SDK and building a MP map. I too have ideas in this area and will likely start my own MP map sometime in the new year (as well as a movie). Right now, my hardware isn't allowing for smooth enough movies and decent rez when running Fraps which is why I've done nothing.

What did you think of the ending?
The first time I saw the ending, I was like what!?!? its over, no!! Left me and everyone elae at the steampowered forums, asking questions. There was so many theiors out there on what was going to happen, and alot of found easter eggs in the game, such as one in the hoverboat level and 2 other places I think, where a picture can be found on the wall where it shows the evolution from monleys to humans, and humans to combine. One of the theiors was that freeman was the gman, a bunch of stuff was said about this, being Gordan freeMAN [gman] but other people said g man stands for government man, and quite a bit of other names, some other people said they looked the same, try looking at their eyes and that will give you a hint at where they went with it. But alot of stuff said that it couldnt be possible, why would the gman need to go back in time and save himself, he had to make it through the first time by himself, so that couldnt be possible. Other people have said that alot of people in the game obvisouly know whats going on but wont tell freeman. Remember where you were atop the cinidale? [sp??] well anyway, the guy in charge [whats his name? was president of black mesa, now leader ruler of world] told you that your contract was up to the higest bidder and alyx seemed worried about this and told you not to listen to him. The gamn also tells you this. ITs obvious that the gman is trying to save your life, or you would proabbly be dead at the end of hl1 and 2. Yea, anyway theres so much more I could say but ill leave it at that. I thought the ending was great, left me wanting more, and cant wait for hl3. Funny how one game can make you think, so much.
