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Happy May Two-Four, Canada!


Dojo Master
Queen Victoria's Birthday, Victoria Day......Whatever you call it, we all know it as May 24 (Pronounced two-four for those who don't know).

This is a Canadian's unofficial start of summer, camping and beer drinking.

Sidenote: Beer comes in what we call a two-four. Coincidence? :D

strange brew platform GIF by Warner Archive

May 24 long weekend, it typically (always) rains. Most people in our area take that as fact. At least this year in southwestern Ontario, we are blessed with a super hot and humid start to the holiday weekend. Rain to follow for the next two days, of course.

Regardless of how you're celebrating this year, my fellow Canucks, have fun, stay safe and raise your glass or bottle to the (long dead) Queen for giving us a long weekend.

Canadian Flag GIF
We've had fireworks every night, starting Friday. One or two of the neighbours set them off and the rest of us sit in our yards and woot and clap for the good ones. Different neighbours doing it each night. Last night we had a neighbour on each side of the street setting them off, it was a really great show!

We are in our second continuous month of stay at home orders, so this kind of community sharing feels really good.

Today is the actual holiday but tonight will have a very very pared down fireworks show. Typically, on the last night it's just a few somewhere down the street. I don't mind, I like fireworks, I'll take what I can get. :)
So, when the throne passes to the new King the holiday ends?
King's Day new date.
:D Happy, Happy
I don't think it will end but having an added one for Charlie's birthday would be okay with everybody. :D

Can't quite picture him in that King role, it's going to be strange.
Happy May two-four 2024!

Been a quiet one here in Ontario so far but I expect tonight will see our neighbours setting off their fireworks.

Cheers and enjoy!

Getting Older Happy Birthday GIF by All Better
День рождения королевы Виктории, День Виктории... Как бы вы его ни называли, мы все знаем его как 24 мая (произносится как два-четыре для тех, кто не знает).

Это неофициальное начало лета для канадцев, кемпинга и питья пива.

Примечание: пиво бывает так называемым «два-четыре». Совпадение?:D

странная варочная платформа GIF от Warner Archive

24 мая длинные выходные, обычно (всегда) идет дождь. Большинство людей в нашем регионе воспринимают это как факт. По крайней мере, в этом году на юго-западе Онтарио нам повезло с очень жарким и влажным началом праздничных выходных. Разумеется, в ближайшие два дня последует дождь.

Независимо от того, как вы празднуете этот год, мои друзья Кэнакс, веселитесь, берегите себя и поднимите свой бокал или бутылку в честь (давно умершей) Королевы за то, что она подарила нам длинные выходные.

С 2-4 МАЯ!
Канадский флаг гифка
и почему в моей стране нет такого праздника?

Google Translation: And why is there no such holiday in my country?
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Google Translation: And why is there no such holiday in my country?
I don't know, Alexis. You should request it. :D

Just to let you know, we are an English-only community. If you aren't able to say something in English, please provide a translation. Thanks. ;)
So, when the throne passes to the new King the holiday ends?
King's Day new date.
:D Happy, Happy
No, Victoria was his grandmother. Or great grandmother, I forget which.

The king already sits on the throne since his mother's death. I miss her.