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Hello, AffiliateFix community)

If you really have searched for a particular place where to get experience and knowledge about marketing, then you are at the right place. Greetings =)
So, marketing is all about experience I think, theory is vital too, but everything is concluded at experience. The more marketing campaigns you run, the more understand of marketing mechanism you have.

Ofc, it's pretty significant to get acquainted with the theoretical base, but never spend too much time on it. It's better to determine the direction of your marketing, for example, affiliate ones, choose the niche and find the affiliate, which will pay you money for traffic and lead generation. You can receive additional knowledge right here at this forum, as there are bunch of sections and they have helped me couple of times too.
As a matter of fact, the only thing you need are goals. Set the objectives and strive for the best, good luck!