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Help Making my First Conversion

Thanks mwong.

I searched for anime blogs and they are about episode reviews and their own opinions on the anime but those blogs were only for fun and information. They didn't have any anime affiliate features. So I was thinking. What if I build an anime blog similar to those, how can I fit in the promotion for the anime product/service? Or what if I fill my whole anime blog with information about the anime product/service? Any opinions on which type of content I should use?

~ Shoukei ~
Hi Shoukei,

You can post contents about the episode reviews, informations like the characters' profile or exclusive information you found anywhere.

Since you are affiliate for and, do they provide any banner or picture ad for you to put in your blog? If they do, just post the banner in your blog.

You can also anchor your affiliate link in your post and your signature.

Give a thorough comment on others blog about their post. Try to avoid comments like "good job", "I think you are right". If you think they are right, try explain why. Your readers will be more likely to clink on your link because it looks like you really share what you think.

I think you should combine your blog post with the anime information and the anime product. This means that you talk about the anime product after a few posts about the anime. And again you can anchor your affiliate link at your signature for every post.

And when you are talking about the product, highlight why they should buy the product. Maybe for collection or for easy viewing. If your merchants provide email message, you can get inspiration from there and write your own short post about the benefits of getting the product.

By the way, you can also join anime forums to get information and maybe how to promote the product.

I hope that helps. :D
It is nice to see that you are putting in a lot of efforts to get good traffic to your site, and trying your hands on various seo techniques to increase your business,, but let me tell you on page optimization is also very important along with off page factors which we generally call seo techniques. So see that your website has good and interesting stuff which can help you make conversions.

Pick a product that people actually want and need, that people are actually willing to spend money on. Choose a product that has great customer service, this is a big factor in making profits.
Thanks for the advice, mccain and tiger325.

"Pick a product that people actually want and need, that people are actually willing to spend money on. Choose a product that has great customer service, this is a big factor in making profits."

Tiger325, according to what you said above, what if the product that people actually want and need doesn't match the niche? And if it does, how are you going to convince them that that product can satisfy their wants and needs?

~ Shoukei ~
Hi again.

It's been a while since I last posted here. :p

I've setup an anime blog and I don't seem to get any traffic except for my visits when I add new posts. What can I do to get traffic? Just to know how many people visit my blog, can I insert a Statcounter script somewhere in my blog? If yes how can I do that?

~ Shoukei ~
Hi Shoukei,

Nice job in the blog. It looks nice. I never thought that bleach is now at 168 episodes. Just don't have the time to follow it. :p

You can try writing articles about the anime and put yiour review in the articles to increase traffic. Then submit your articles to the article directories. If you submit to, you can submit your articles under the category arts and entertainment => movies tv. You can try similar category for other article directories.

You can also be members at various anime forums and display your signature link. From there you might look for other member's blog and comment on their posts and might increase your traffic.

Those are some of the ideas I can give you as I am not familiar with the niche.

You can add statcounter at your blog. Just go here:

StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web stats

and create your account and follow its steps. When you get the codes, just copy and paste the code to your page element and you will get the counter.

Hope that helps. :D
Hi, mwong.

Thanks for checking out and commenting on the blog.

"You can try writing articles about the anime and put yiour review in the articles to increase traffic."

Using article marketing sounds like a good idea but how can it increase traffic to my blog? Is it because it has a link to my blog and when people read my article, there is a chance of them clicking on it and going to my blog? If that's the whole idea, I have to make sure the article gets to the top of the search engine's list to get more views, right?

~ Shoukei ~
Is it because it has a link to my blog and when people read my article, there is a chance of them clicking on it and going to my blog?

That is basically the idea. Besides, if other webmaster post your articles on their websites, you will get those extra traffic.

If that's the whole idea, I have to make sure the article gets to the top of the search engine's list to get more views, right?~

Marketers are costantly fighting for the top spot. Getting to the top involve some degrees of SEO skills and that is something I am still learning.

But personally I think if you can land your articles on the first or second page of the search result, it is still fine. And I am also learning to do that. :p

Hope that helps. :D
Well im screwed lol

Man I don't like you guys (kidding). All the work I've done on a web site is out the window with this thread. I've got to start all over but thanks to you guys I'm headed in a safer direction. I really want this to work and I've got the drive. Someone take me under your wing lol.
That depends on what is your domain name. If your domain is "tarotforyou", it will be confusing if you put /dogfood.

If you're going to promote multiple products, your main domain should refer to you or your company rather than any specific niche or product. If your name is Joe Spitzelschmidt, you would want to do something like "" or ""... that way, if you pick the wrong niche, you can easily refocus your efforts on a different niche without trashing your domain or the traffic it already gets.

Not that I think anyone is going to be typing "spitzelschmidt" into a URL with any kind of frequency or accuracy, so if your name is difficult, consider your company name carefully. ;)
In most cases I would disagree with name or company name domain for affiliates - unless that company name also includes your keywords (example would be OK but would not be of much value).

Ideally you don't want a bunch of unrelated products or niches - you want a single focused or multiple related niches on one domain name. AND you want your keywords in the name.

So for example if you didn't want to commit to too narrow of a niche or were worried about the wrong niche, but knew you wanted to be in the financial niche you could get a generic name like that would work with insurance, mortages, car loans or CC - or market them all since they are all sub niches of the finance niche.
Ideally you don't want a bunch of unrelated products or niches - you want a single focused or multiple related niches on one domain name. AND you want your keywords in the name.

Once you have focus, I agree - but until you find it, flexibility is more valuable, so you can try multiple niches and different focus without much impact. It seems more critical that you get out there and do something, rather than agonise over your keywords and whether they really fit the niche you'll ultimately have.

And I tend to disagree on keywords in the domain name. I just have a basic sense that the benefit is minimal, and it robs you of later flexibility. Does it really matter that much? It seems like "GoFishingNow" or the like would do more harm than good in the minds of your visitors - and next to nothing in the search engine rankings. I'm more likely to trust "Spitzelschmidt/Fishing", even if there's also a "Spitzelschmidt/Quilting". It just feels like it's more of a continuing relationship.