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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Help others first..Always Pay it Forward! Then The Profits Come In!

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New Member
The very first thing I always teach my new recruits is that when looking at a lead or Networking prospect that comes into your funnel/list, the first thing you want to ask yourself is "How can I help this person achieve his or her Financial goals" rather than "What can I make off of this person".

In doing so, you come from a more spiritual, karmic and/or "energy of the Universe" and thus your personal life and business life explodes with profits!

Never forget that!

Yep you are right. When i was new in this business (actually i still am) i thought of one thing: How can i make money :O and that is a totally wrong mindset.

Now i think like: If you care about your leads/customers they care about you ;)
Yes this is a great way to think. At my websites, I always ask myself, "How can I offer my customers genuine value?"