Hi everyone
I'm completely new at the internet and affiliate marketing but in the past two weeks I have learned a great deal. I look forward to bringing my site together and sharing info with everyone. Alas, the problem comes out. I always hear that our site niche should be about something your passionate about and have a decent amount of knowledge. My niche would be about masonry. I'm a stone mason in the phila area and own my own co. I was thinking about an how to, tips advice. I guess my target area would be homeowners.Is this niche just to boring and wouldn't drive traffic. I'm not sure what to add for links to companiess and their services. Would love some ideas, thoughts,advice? Should I find another niche?
JOhn the Mason
I'm completely new at the internet and affiliate marketing but in the past two weeks I have learned a great deal. I look forward to bringing my site together and sharing info with everyone. Alas, the problem comes out. I always hear that our site niche should be about something your passionate about and have a decent amount of knowledge. My niche would be about masonry. I'm a stone mason in the phila area and own my own co. I was thinking about an how to, tips advice. I guess my target area would be homeowners.Is this niche just to boring and wouldn't drive traffic. I'm not sure what to add for links to companiess and their services. Would love some ideas, thoughts,advice? Should I find another niche?