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Hey Newbie here


New member here, looking forward to reading and learning, since I'm interested in IM, mostly CPA and PPC. I just wanna use this medium to introduce myself, African-American, struggling really hard and it seems IM is the only place where you can get a job, make a living and not discriminated against, deal with bias in work places and actually keep your job and not blamed or kicked out as the weak link of the team or be told we can't give you this job because it may be difficult for Americans to hear you, and I've spoken English all myy life and never had any other first language.

Hoping to find some guides here and if anyone would be kind eugh to put me towards the right direction to CPA starter guide, set up, tracker set up and using Bing and Facebook Ads. Thanks.
Hello Shyne. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum.

To get yourself started go through all the guides posted on this forum, all the case studies and all the journals and success stories. That will give you some kind of motivation how people have started from zero here and is still growing.

Check these forums:-
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

If you have any queries, don't forget to ask it here Newbie Helpdesk

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
Hello and welcome, @Shyne ! Sorry to hear that you've been having a rough go of it but happy that you've decided to map out your own destiny. All of those haters may have been doing you a big favour. :)

Those threads that @internalsoul linked to, are the places you want to go to first. They will provide you with the basic education and motivation for progressing. You may also want to check out the PPC forum.

Tip: Information overwhelm and confusion is a very common problem at first. The way to overcome that is to focus on ONE vertical, ONE traffic source, ONE tracker at a time until you either master them or decide they aren't for you. Don't move on or expand to other areas until you do that and your focus will be better and less scattered.

And anytime you have a question, just start a thread in the appropriate forum to let us know. Someone will come along to help you. That's what we do, that's how we roll. :D

Enjoy the forums, Shyne!
@internalsoul and @azgold.....thank you guys for giving such words of encouragements, I really appreciate it so much; and also for the direction you've provided on what I need to do and where to look.

Looking backk at my thread, I see I really did say a lot, some of which might have been unnecessary but it's true, I have been through so much hell. Anyway, what I forgot to share was that I've tried Affiliate Marketing in the past, not too loong ago though, but I keep focusing on getting out there to the 9 to 5 lifestyle just to making a living and be able to pay for my apartment atleast. But, all in all, such ventures has never lasted highest has lasted 7 months, in between I did a little bit of Amazon Affiliate Marketing, didn't go as planned, so a lot of money into it as I was working and putting back some of my paycheck into it, because my final goal is to be an online entrepreneur at some point. Paid writers for content like I have always done but I just noticed the end product no matter how many revisions done, it still wasn't what I wanted, I have to sit down and rewrite it as well.

At the end of it all, after investing in articles, SEO and social media, I barely made $100 with Amazon. I ended up taking the articles off the site and just let it sit. I finally read and read other forums, watch youtube videos, was about to join a membership course in PPC (Pay Per Call) as I wanted to do that but also CPA as it mostly uses the same modus operandi, attending webinar and all the information was vague, that I knew the script and knew when the sales pitch would come, I never signed up for anything as I knew no one making millions would be interested in the smaller dollars through courses if that wasn't the real source of their information as they just provide generic content found on forums like this in ebooks or member programs, it was all a scam.

Found this forum, started reading and saw that it had what I wanted, I decided to join the membership knowing it cost some money $67, but with a very limited budget of $500, I decided to try to learn starting a CPA campaign and stick with it. I'm not overwhelmed yet with the information, because I have seen people making money but for me, a newbie to CPA, I know landing pages, I see them, I know how to get the links on my Maxbounty account because I was accepted yesterday, but the building of your own landing pages, split testing the landing pages, using trackers and setting it up, all that basic knowledge, even starting a Bing Ads account, though found that on Youtube now; has been vague on here and I need the basics of that so I can start my first campaign and learn with that, want to use that as a self learning experience.

So, @azgold and @internalsoul, where can I find how to guide for building a landing page, starting a tracker and tracking the link or just starting a campaign that goes in this form.........Bing Ads ---> Tracker ---> Offer Landing Page, without having to build my own landing page, let that be a start up, learn from the data, split test with my own landing pages.

Thank you guys for the good words.

Welcome! I represent AdsBridge - a tracking solution for affiliate marketers.
We offer a free trial with no limitations on our features, so you'll haver time to learn everything you need to know.
I can send you guides :)
Good luck to you!
New member here, looking forward to reading and learning, since I'm interested in IM, mostly CPA and PPC. I just wanna use this medium to introduce myself, African-American, struggling really hard and it seems IM is the only place where you can get a job, make a living and not discriminated against, deal with bias in work places and actually keep your job and not blamed or kicked out as the weak link of the team or be told we can't give you this job because it may be difficult for Americans to hear you, and I've spoken English all myy life and never had any other first language.

Hoping to find some guides here and if anyone would be kind eugh to put me towards the right direction to CPA starter guide, set up, tracker set up and using Bing and Facebook Ads. Thanks.

Welcome to AffiliateFix @Shyne ! Nice to have you with us.

We all have a story to tell and many of us had to overcome great obstacles and social difficulties to get our businesses successful. Stay the course, never give up, be very active, and make the proper investments.

Use this forum as a mentor. It's full of members at every level of experience which makes for many balanced perspectives for a Newbie to learn from. Take the time to read through the forums here and see for yourself that the Newbies achieving success have actually dedicated themselves to success in this industry and reaping the rewards by following the advice of fellow AffiliateFix members, being dedicated to success, putting the time in, and making the necessary investments. You cannot shortcut the learning curve. It goes slower for some and it goes faster for others. Everyone has their own intellectual absorption rates, skill development pace, commitment level, and budgets.

You are a FIX'er now and that means you have the world at your feet with IM. Here are a few suggestions:

Read and learn through extensive reading in this community. Select one vertical. one tracker, and one traffic source. Learn from your fellow members here to master each one of them (a couple of months). Then you can expand and replicate your successes.

As a Newbie, you need to read, study, invest, and implement. Perseverance, dedication, and taking action are the cornerstones of the success you will obtain.

Read through the various areas of the forum to learn about the types of marketing available for your new business. Make a list of all the types of marketing and take some notes along the way. Then determine which area of marketing with which you will start your journey.

Do this to select an area of marketing to start, as well, do this to select a tracker, a traffic source, and to select a vertical.

Then read up on the affiliate networks and select two to begin with that will serve your needs and the types of offers you would like to promote. Put your application in and they will call you for an interview. Be professional and be prepared to answer some questions about how you will promote offers, do you have a website, are you a Newbie, etc. Please note, if you join the Dojo, we have a thread there that can offer assistance in getting accepted to some of the networks.

Now that you have selected a basis to begin, read all of the threads in this forum that relate to your initial selections so that you have a rudimentary understanding of their features and benefits.

You will require some investment. A VPS server, domains, traffic, landing pages, etc. You will need a budget for daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. This will change over time and you will need to update it often so that you know exactly what your costs and earnings are.

This is where it all starts to earn. You must now begin to implement what you have established as your foundation for your business.

Here is some advice and guidance that will help you establish your initial goals:

Make sure you complete the following first.

Every business needs:

1. a plan
2. a schedule for research, learning, and execution
3. a budget.

Remember to read through our WIKI and get to know the basics as well as some of the buzz words in the industry.

I also recommend reading the following thread:

As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Here is a set of immediate goals:

1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here as it is full of great tools and features.

Remember This! : Nothing has to be perfect before you start. Read & study, but invest and implement at the same time. You cannot learn all of it from reading and studying. A great deal of your learning comes from implementing!

Good Luck!

@T J Tutor
Every business needs: I very much understand this, I think I mentioned having a $500 start up budget.

1. a plan: Right now, my plan is just a basic learn and implement, and learn more, just as you started in point 2.
2. a schedule for research, learning, and execution
3. a budget: $500

Remember to read through our WIKI and get to know the basics as well as some of the buzz words in the industry.

I also recommend reading the following thread:

As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Here is a set of immediate goals:

1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here as it is full of great tools and features.

I got from number 2 to 4 covered now and set up, choose my vertical, angle and first traffic souce as well. Already learnt to set both the tracker and traffic source, for now I want to start with direct linking. As time moves on I'll get to learn other traffic sources, the use of landing pages, seriously Lol, I know the use and how important it could be to conversion increase, but what I don't know is how to build them, what resources would be needed as I wouldn't want to use free domains or have to buy one everytime I'm starting a campaign, and if I want to split test, that would be so expensive.

I'm still looking out for information of how to learn this part of CPA marketing, also saw a video on youtube showing how you don't need a new domain everytime you need a new landing page but it was a product promotion. I learn very well from reading and when I'm sure I know what to look for, I then look for a video to make sure I see how the picture comes all into place.

Any you're have been so helpful, I wouldn't mind taking mentorship, but who has time for newbie's nowadays, but like a said now a total noob, I've done affiliate marketing, and all I need was setting up a website through the most popular blogging platform today, wordpress and then writing articles and doing a little bit of seo. So, CPA marketing is entirely a new world for me, and I see I still have a long way to go. I'm not looking to break even this very first month, but atleast see how viable this is and also have gained a lot of CPA marketing knowledge.
hey @Shyne , thanks for joining affiliatefix.

The only community which work towards the newbie to make enough knowledge to make money. Not in reverse !!!

@T J Tutor , @azgold , @internalsoul . @Zach AdsBridge and many more are some of the best in this industry who's focus is at your best interest. So i believe we all in safe hands.

Having said that .. wanted to ask ... are you "in" this to make quick and fast money or passionate about making impact to other customers with your affiliate network ?

You seems telling again and again about "struggle" and "hardwork" etc . If you love what you do .. do we define that as struggle ? just curious to know..
hey @Shyne , thanks for joining affiliatefix.

The only community which work towards the newbie to make enough knowledge to make money. Not in reverse !!!

@T J Tutor , @azgold , @internalsoul . @Zach AdsBridge and many more are some of the best in this industry who's focus is at your best interest. So i believe we all in safe hands.

Having said that .. wanted to ask ... are you "in" this to make quick and fast money or passionate about making impact to other customers with your affiliate network ?

You seems telling again and again about "struggle" and "hardwork" etc . If you love what you do .. do we define that as struggle ? just curious to know..

I don't have an affiliate network, I'm a starter internet marketer, perhaps you read wrongly, if I was looking out for information reading an affiliate network, why would I be interested in its struggle, just like other manager or business owner, I would be promoting some product but I've not, not in anyway.

So you best bet would be to read thre thread all over again. I am looking for guidance, because I am taking this up full-time, work from home and for myself. That's all.
So, @azgold and @internalsoul, where can I find how to guide for building a landing page, starting a tracker and tracking the link or just starting a campaign that goes in this form.........Bing Ads ---> Tracker ---> Offer Landing Page, without having to build my own landing page, let that be a start up, learn from the data, split test with my own landing pages.

If you want to make your own landing pages then you need to know a bit of coding and designing. If you are not good at it then you can opt for landing page building service where you can create your landing pages by using the drag and drop option provided by the service provider. If you are using Adsbridge tracker then you can use their in-house landing page editor tool. Here are few links for your assistance:
How to build landing pages
FREE Sweepstakes Landing Page For CPA Marketers
Free Download: 120+ Landing Pages

Regarding tracking set up, just make a quick search and you will be able to find the guide. Regarding campaign set up I would suggest you to split test both direct linking and landing pages. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Add your offer to the tracker
  2. Upload your landing page to your hosting
  3. Add your landing pages to your tracker & pass the click id back to your network (check tracker set up guides)
  4. Create a campaign with your preferred traffic source (Split testing direct linking and landing pages)
  5. Copy your campaign url
  6. Create a campaign on your preferred traffic source using the campaign url you have generated in your previous step
  7. Gather data and optimize your campaign.
This is how the campaign will work:
Traffic from traffic source ----> Tracker campaign url ------> Landing page/Offer page(in case of direct linking) ---> Offerpage( In case of landing page)----> Conversions( $$)
@internalsoul, You've been so helpful. I know how landers ork now and I've Voluum, I'm trying to just figure out how to set an offer which includes a LP, I can perfectly set up the direct linking method right now using this module: traffic source -----> tracker link ------> offer page.

I know if I were to use a LP, it would come in just after the traffic source and look like this: traffic source--------> trracker--------> landing page--------> offer page. For me, I would like to tracker between both, meaning have to links tracked so I can actually have more feedback on terms optimization and LP effectivenes This is what I mean: traffic source--------> trracker--------> landing page--------> tracker -------> offer page.

Hopefully you understand what I mean, read your 17k journal was impressed, saw your blog, you're doing real good and giving valued information, despite English not being your first language, which can be really seen on your blog articles. I was hoping you would jump on here and share more information sooner but regardless, you journey made me thinking of asking for your help or mentorship, you don't have to show me anything, just give me access to ask some direct question and you can answer on here, which really isn't a mentorship, it's just sharing valuable knowledge which might be helpful to other members later on.

First question I have, anyone could share their knowledge; how possible is it to set up LP using a wordpress blog? I'm average at wordpress and can use photoshop and coreldraw, so I can work my own LP, so has anyone here tried this method?
If you want to make your own landing pages then you need to know a bit of coding and designing. If you are not good at it then you can opt for landing page building service where you can create your landing pages by using the drag and drop option provided by the service provider. If you are using Adsbridge tracker then you can use their in-house landing page editor tool. Here are few links for your assistance:
How to build landing pages
FREE Sweepstakes Landing Page For CPA Marketers
Free Download: 120+ Landing Pages

Regarding tracking set up, just make a quick search and you will be able to find the guide. Regarding campaign set up I would suggest you to split test both direct linking and landing pages. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Add your offer to the tracker
  2. Upload your landing page to your hosting
  3. Add your landing pages to your tracker & pass the click id back to your network (check tracker set up guides)
  4. Create a campaign with your preferred traffic source (Split testing direct linking and landing pages)
  5. Copy your campaign url
  6. Create a campaign on your preferred traffic source using the campaign url you have generated in your previous step
  7. Gather data and optimize your campaign.
This is how the campaign will work:
Traffic from traffic source ----> Tracker campaign url ------> Landing page/Offer page(in case of direct linking) ---> Offerpage( In case of landing page)----> Conversions( $$)

Like I said, you don't have to showme anything, just answer questions and point me towards the right place to look or read. Anyone else can do that as well.

Another question, what other paid traffic sources other than bing and facebook ads are out there, minus google? I hear about LeadBolt, LeadPages, do they actually worklike Bing and Facebook? Will you recommend a newbie use any if they sre just tryīng to get data from direct linking, even if not so much result is expected?
my final goal is to be an online entrepreneur at some point.

Definitely doable!

Paid writers for content like I have always done but I just noticed the end product no matter how many revisions done, it still wasn't what I wanted, I have to sit down and rewrite it as well.

Yeah, unless you can afford to pay good, native English language writers, that can be pretty typical.

At the end of it all, after investing in articles, SEO and social media, I barely made $100 with Amazon.

Maybe but consider this...the skills and knowledge you acquired by going through that is going to help you moving forward. Think of it as an investment in your affiliate education.

I never signed up for anything as I knew no one making millions would be interested in the smaller dollars through courses if that wasn't the real source of their information as they just provide generic content found on forums like this in ebooks or member programs, it was all a scam.

Very smart!

has been vague on here and I need the basics of that so I can start my first campaign and learn with that, want to use that as a self learning experience. need help, please just let us know. Those with experience will help you with whatever you need.

Re some of your questions above, I think @internalsoul has been offering advice. :)

I wouldn't want to use free domains or have to buy one everytime I'm starting a campaign, and if I want to split test, that would be so expensive.

You don't have to buy a new domain each time or for split-testing. Get one that is relevant to the vertical you want to work with. You can split-test with one domain, i.e. each lander on a different page, or a tracking rotator.

how possible is it to set up LP using a wordpress blog?

You can upload the lander to your site (file via Filezilla, or the code), or you can use a free plugin that allows you build a lander right on WP, and also will do the split-testing for you if you set it up that way. I'm afraid that I can't vouch for the loading speed of these pages, however.

what other paid traffic sources other than bing and facebook ads are out there, minus google?

Oh, lordy, there are so many! Check out Resources and don't forget to see if you can take advantage of some of the discounts offered.

My strong suggestion to you is to first figure out where your target audience hangs out. You could use the most highly rated ad network in the world but if your audience isn't there, you're wasting your time and money.

Shyne, I know that it can be frustrating initially when you feel you have to hurry up and make this thing work. Your motivations for that are shared by many but that usually results in disappointment. Everyone gets there at a different rate and there are few if any shortcuts. There are things to know by reading; things that only 'click' after doing. Learning + experience will reward you. :)

Once you are ready to get rolling, you may want to start an online journey. By doing that, you'll get advice and encouragement every step of the way from the community. Not all members check the Introductions thread.
I've Voluum, I'm trying to just figure out how to set an offer which includes a LP
You don't have to set up different offers for landing page. Simple add it to the tracker as you would do for direct linking. Then create your landing and use the click url provided by voluum in your CTA button/text which you can find in your voluum settings. That's it nothing more. Now when you are creating a campaign in your voluum, you need to provide the landing page and offer in your campaign settings. Voluum will take care of the rest as you have already specified which offer is associated with the landing page. It will redirect the user to the offer when someone clicks on the CTA button on your landing page which is pointed to the voluum click url.

Here is the complete voluum guide: Voluum - The Ultimate Guide!

This is what I mean: traffic source--------> trracker--------> landing page--------> tracker -------> offer page.
It doesn't work that way. You tracker tracks everything from the beginning to the end. You don't have to track it twice. It will go like this:
traffic source--------> trracker--------> landing page--------> CTA Button (Voluum click url redirects the user to the offer and notifies the tracker when a conversion occurs because you are already passing the [click id] to offer to track conversions)-------> offer page.

Note: When you are adding an offer in your voluum, you are actually passing the click id for tracking conversions through sub id's of your offer url. For landing pages you just use the voluum click url & for direct linking nothing is required.

Hopefully you understand what I mean, read your 17k journal was impressed, saw your blog, you're doing real good and giving valued information, despite English not being your first language, which can be really seen on your blog articles.
Thanks and yeah English is not my first language.

I was hoping you would jump on here and share more information sooner.
Sorry about that but I was little busy lately so I wasn't active that much yesterday.

you journey made me thinking of asking for your help or mentorship, you don't have to show me anything, just give me access to ask some direct question and you can answer on here, which really isn't a mentorship, it's just sharing valuable knowledge which might be helpful to other members later on.
Just ask your queries and I would try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

how possible is it to set up LP using a wordpress blog?
You can do that by using a plugin like OptimisePress. But I prefer HTML landing pages as they are way faster than wordpress and can be customised to any extent. I personally use Adobe dreaweaver for coding and editing.

Another question, what other paid traffic sources other than bing and facebook ads are out there, minus google?
There are plenty of traffic sources. Depending on your offer and the kind of traffic it accepts you can select your traffic source. I would just say that try 1 traffic source at a time and try to master it first before you move on to next traffic source.
Here is a list of paid traffic source on my blog: Paid Traffic Sources - 2017 Advertising Guide | Affiliate Ninja Club

I hear about LeadBolt, LeadPages, do they actually worklike Bing and Facebook?
Leadbolt is an in-app advertising & user acquisition advertising network. You can find more information here: Paid Traffic Sources - 2017 Advertising Guide | Affiliate Ninja Club

Leadpages is actually a landing page builder and not a traffic source.

Will you recommend a newbie use any if they sre just tryīng to get data from direct linking, even if not so much result is expected?
I would always recommend a newbie to split test both direct linking and landing pages. In most of the cases landing page outperforms direct linking. What if direct linking isn't getting conversions where as same offer with landing page is getting conversions. In that case, gather data with direct linking is useless as you have zero conversions. You can't optimize anything without getting conversion data. So gather data by split testing both, optimize based on the conversions they are receiving.
Very clear detailed instructions, and guys, I don't wanna start an online journey yet, I just want to use this thread to gathered some understanding and knowledge, I don't want to have myself distracted with other peoples journey right now, because while waiting for responses on my I will always dabble into other threads, rather than try to implement what I just learnt or read.

I am going to start one for sure, but I don't think it is the right time yet, but I was wanting to ask about The DoJo, some ads on the forum says one payment for the lifetime, but when I reach the subcription page it says payment is for a 12 months period. Don't know which is correct and don't know how much value it would add to me, I'm still kinda skeptical about signing up, because that would be at a detriment of some needed tools.

I have a question about Voluum, for any campaign one is not running the ads, I see it still see clicks and even when ad is pending review in Bing, I see clicks, did I make a mistake, but after reviewing the link you share about the Voluum guide, it the link in the green column I always use in ads which means I did set it up right. But, where is the ghost clicks coming from, also saw one from zeropark, I visited zeropark when you mentioned it earlier, or it Voluum tracking my i.p, and there's another click on the link it says from Singapore, I'm not advertising to those places, or does any visit to the promoted offer show up on my Voluum, if so where do I have a unique link associated to me referral.
I don't wanna start an online journey yet

No problem, whenever you're ready. :)

I was wanting to ask about The DoJo

The Dojo (and its ads) became defunct in November of 2016, don't know where you would have seen the ad.

I reach the subcription page it says payment is for a 12 months period. Don't know which is correct

This one is correct:

Normal User - this is what you'd get with an enhanced account:

$67.00 USD per 12 months

Verified User Badge
Link In Signature
Image In Signature
Start Threads In Business Centre
Can Change Username
Remove Own Threads
Remove Own Posts

even when ad is pending review in Bing, I see clicks, did I make a mistake

Is it just a very few? Could it be the Bing people checking your links while considering approval of your ads/landers?
@internalsoul , i tired direct linking with bing, they closed my accout.

@azgold, it was a few clicks, and account got suspended, looks like I'm starting a third account.

Guys, I'm gonna start reading and testing how to design landing pages today, didn't all night gathering some knowledge, joined instapages and played around with the platform a little, also trying to grab a few domains at godaddy.

I got a question, what are your opinions on landing pages with this url formart, a wordpress page cos instapage does provide that,
@azgold, you said this earlier

"You can upload the lander to your site (file via Filezilla, or the code), or you can use a free plugin that allows you build a lander right on WP, and also will do the split-testing for you if you set it up that way. I'm afraid that I can't vouch for the loading speed of these pages, however".

Any guide on this cos I think that's what I'm trying to do with wordpress.
@internalsoul , i tired direct linking with bing, they closed my accout.
I am not sure what went wrong with your account but bing is very affiliate friendly.
I got a question, what are your opinions on landing pages with this url formart, a wordpress page cos instapage does provide that,
There is no problem with your url. You don't have to make it seo friendly as you will be pushing paid traffic. Just make the url easy for you to remember.