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Hello I am new here.
I am really enjoying the information being discussed in the threads.

I run SMM platform called TOPSOCIA that helps users boost their social media accounts.
I am having trouble getting users on the platform and I am wondering if there are any tips you can share with me?

It costs me $100 a month to run this platform and its been a few months of me running it and my savings are running low.
in 3 months I have garnered about 30users pooled from reddit and quora. Out of the 30 users about 4 users converted and used the services.
We also offer Affiliate programs which I believe can incentivize people to spread the word.

Highly Appreciate your input :)

Makito from Topsocia
Hi welcome here
Enjoy your stay


It costs me $100 a month to run this platform and its been a few months of me running it and my savings are running low.
site looks fine --all the orange is a bit much ... Are you the developer of the dashboard and api?

What are you alternate sources of capital --besides affiliates?
Do you own a home that you can collateralize? Other assets maybe ...

Are you offering 90% of the profits to affiliates (pass thru deals when ventures are under-capitalized are ..well, you know)? Trying to start a business in itself is very high risk. Social media scheduling is rather established now with incumbents. Where is your edge. I just see me too ...

You're invited to register your business as a resource -- that is a no cost option

Hello Topsocia,

I hope your business picks up soon! How do you achieve the growth you are promising to your clients?
Hi there, our services are automated and checked regularly to make sure they work. You are technically using services that boost profiles, such as buying likes, followers, and more.
The quality of services ranges frrom cheap low quality services to more premium services at a higher cost.
Hope this helps :)