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New Member
Anyone who cares to read this thread,
I am excited to learn more about affiliate marketing and how I can improve as time passes. I’m also here to sprinkle a little education and a dash of humor into your day :ninja:

Something about me? I'm a sudoku nerd and puzzle junkie. I spend hours on both activities as they're comforting to me. Now, tell me something about you!
Nice meeting you Sudoku! And welcome to AffiliateFix forum

Great to have you here, you can start with newbie desk on the platform where you would learn from basics about affiliate marketing.

Rest, i am Zaryab and i represent an affiliate marketing network by name "StarBurst Affiliates":)
I am excited
You certainly are, judging by the number of hashtags you've used. :rofl

Welcome to AffiliateFix, @cheykb ! An excited new member is always welcome here.

I'm azgold, admin extraordinaire. Self-proclaimed, of course.

I'm a sudoku nerd and puzzle junkie.
Letter Boxed and Strands are just two of my favourites.

Enjoy the forums, let us know if you need any help.
Welcome in here and i wish you succes in your affiliate marketing journey .I am also an affiliate marketar working with digital products using organic traffic .Can i know more about your strategy ? How do you plan to promote offers etc
Hey, welcome! I’m totally with you on the sudoku – though I’m still hanging out in the easy level, haha. I like to think of myself as a "sudoku work in progress" . But hey, we all start somewhere! Looking forward to learning together and sharing a few laughs along the way!