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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Hi there)


New Member
I promote merchants on Share A Sale primarily with traffic from SERP and PPC campaigns. My main traffic channels are Bing Ads and Google Adwords. My favorite merchants are education websites - MasterclassCom and GrinferCom I think, that online courses promotion is avery powerful idea right now. My experience and sales tell me that;).

:affiliatefix:So, Its me)
Welcome here Alex and i am glad that you go so far that many people as a lot of people are afraid to invest in paid traffic ,thus keeping them far from their dream .
I promote merchants on Share A Sale primarily with traffic from SERP and PPC campaigns. My main traffic channels are Bing Ads and Google Adwords. My favorite merchants are education websites - MasterclassCom and GrinferCom I think, that online courses promotion is avery powerful idea right now. My experience and sales tell me that;).

:affiliatefix:So, Its me)
Hi there! Welcome to :affiliatefix:!

Nice to have you here :)

If you wanna discuss any tools and soft for affiliate marketing — contact me any time you want!