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Home page linking or deep linking which one is better?


New Member
Home page linking: If I indicate all keyword for my home page. My home page can get quick back link, as a result good page rank and good position in SERP. Most of the directory and blog, forum don’t not allow deep page linking for free, but it is very easy to get link for home page and popularize it and get result.
Deep page link: If I link all my keyword to my home page, visitor may come through a link and get confuse in home page. Suppose I have a post 3 level deep, but through my keyword visitor came to homepage, and cannot find directly that post, user frustration and bounce rate will increase. However it is very tough to get back link for deep page link.
What you think is the right process? Concentrate only on home page or popularize deep category page individually. Thanks for spearing your valuable time.
I've always believed that a link to a relevant page holds more weight with Google than a link to anywhere else on your site.
If you're selling Blue Widgets (they're soo common! lol) there's not much benefit to be gained by pointing links to a home page that has barely any text about Blue Widgets when there might be a page describing them completely.
Link to the page where Blue Widgets are mentioned in the text at least a few times.
After your website is established in Google, deep links after would help a lot.

30% Deep Link and 70% Home Link. 50% / 50% is good too but it all depends on your keyword competition.
Try to keep a step with the places you're posting into. In some blogs you might not be allowed to deep links so watch out for those. Same for forums. Anyway, try to keep a balance between those two linking methods. :)
You need both... and don't forget that the deep linking will help you harvest The Long Tail ;)
In general, I would always go for deep-linking. That makes it easier for people following links to get to the right page. It also helps search engines to find all the pages on the site and understand what they relate to. As long as your site navigation is decent, Google will find the home page from the deep linked page.
You should always give weight to your visitors because search engines love a user-friendly site. Site that is easier to navigate to, is one of the sites with lesser bounce rate.
If you give more weight to deep-link, there is a good chance that you will send people directly to the information they require. If someone came to your site looking for a specific thing, they would want to be taken to the specific page about that specific thing, not the home page.
So deep and links from relevant category give more weight.
Google is going to penalize the web pages having the low load speed. All of us know that home pages are always having the higher loading speed other then the internal pages or the deep link pages. So what is better for SEO to link back to your home page other than the deep page.