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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

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Affiliates Wanted HOT OFFERS PICKS!!! Wewe Media (Updated Frequently!)


Active Member
Guys, moving forward this is what we gonna do... it's gonna be AWESOME!

We will carefully handpick and feature 3 to 5 offers! and we will Announce it to you very frequently!

.... Our criteria goes like this

- If the offer is not F'in good... it won't be here
- If the offer is not working with our publishers... it won't be here
- If the offer doesn't get us a bottle of beer after we do a test... it won't be here


- If the offer is!@#$%^& GODLIKE!... it will be here!
- If the offers convert like !@#$%^& GODLIKE with our publishers! it will be here!
- If the advertisers tell that these offers are GODLIKE and after we test it, it turns us into GODS... it will be here!

... Ok, maybe that's a little too much... LOL

I know you guys in this industry are so tense... So here I am breaking that tension

On a serious note, We handpick the best offers for you below! Let's get the ball rollin... ;)

To find the latest featured offers... Simply find our last post at the most bottom of the post or last page of our thread ;)
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Get Naughty & Break That Limit

I understand that it sucks nowadays with so many limitations and regulations going on with running offers. We know that affiliates tend to test the limit in running offers and we all know that being a lil naughty tends to give results the most. Ya know what, the offer below is perfect! It allows Content Locking, Friendly, Incent & iFrame! Sum it up.. this offer has NO Restriction! Time to up your game and test the limit once again!


40267 - HDplay - (Download Content) (MC - 2Click) - Brazil - TIM only
Payout: $0.75

OS: Mobile Traffic - All devices, IOS & Android
Iframe is Allowed only between 00:00 to 06:00 (BR timezone UTC -3)
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url: Screenshot

Porn O' Leads!

When this offer came onboard it was ... Okay let's not talk about the past and let's look at the future, shall we? All I can say, the CR keeps improving! Now standing at 0.5% and the advertiser are still continuing to opt at their back end to improve the CR. Take this light, our pubs that get it working is averaging at 75 - 100 leads. *Tips: Works best on Pops, Banner & Redirect!


40050 - YouWantLove Porno - (Adult) (MC - 1Click) - Spain - VODAFONE only
Payout: $7.50

1click + prelanding Vodafone only
- No mainstream traffic
- No aggressive flow (no coupons, no aggressive prelanders, no iframing, no content locking)
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url: Screenshot

The Childhood GEN Y & GEN Z Grew Up With!

If you don't know about this character... go ask your kid... they'll know it. This character has been a global phenomenon for those going through their childhood and teenage years in the 2000's. (Eating instant noodle while watching this TV series while skipping college cuz you just drank too much the night before? Can't get more Asian then me!). Since technophobic belongs in GEN Y and GEN Z category! This offer is a GREAT performer! Trust me..


37508 - Ben10 - (Games) (MC - 1Click) - United Arab Emirates

Payout: $2.38

CARRIER: Etisalat and DU
OS: Android
TRAFFIC: Mainstream
No misleading marketing, no incentivised without prior authorization.
No misleading promotion
Preview url: Screenshot

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
This Offer Is Only For Us! (Creative Included)

Hey guys, we have this brand new offer. If you are thinking high payouts and exclusivity, this is going to be the right offer for you.

This offer is exclusive to us from direct advertisers. Little background why you should test this out.

This offer is only for MOVISTAR (Costa Rica). Out of the 3 carriers available, 50% of the population uses MOVISTAR. Talking about the offer page, bicycle demands are on a rise due to heavy traffic. We are expecting a rising trend of the population using bikes for all around commuting.


43145 – Desafio – (Download Content) (MC – 2Click) – Costa Rica – MOVISTAR only

Payout: $0.56

Geo: CR
3G Flow: 2 CLICK
Wifi Flow: NONE
Carrier: Movistar (CR)
Traffic: MS
NO – Wifi, Adult, iFrame, Incent, SMS Traffic
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Creatives: 43145 - Desafio - (Download Content) (MC - 2Click) - Costa Rica - MOVISTAR only - Google Drive
Preview Url: Screenshot

3 Offers Antivirus! RUN FRIENDLY!

This offer doesn’t come often. Antivirus Offer that is allowed to Run Friendly!! ON 3 GEO. If you have never run it before, then you have to know that Antivirus is one of the best converting vertical for mobile content offers. Don’t wait.. Bank in that cash on Friday and enjoy your weekend!


39098 – AVG Antivirus – (Antivirus) (MC – PIN) – Turkey – AVEA only
Payout: $3.00

– 3G with AVEA: OTP (Pin submit)
– Wifi Allowed
– Devices allowed: Smartphones
– OS: All
– Adult allowed

No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.

Preview URL: Screenshot


43088 – AVG Antivirus – (Antivirus) (MC – 2Click) – South Africa
Payout: $3.00

Vodacom, MTN, Cell C 2-Click flow
MO on wifi
No Incent
No Adult
No Misleading Marketing
No use of trademarks

No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.

Preview Url: Screenshot


43231 – Antivirus – (Antivirus) (MC – 2Click) – Italy – TIM only
Payout: $9.75

Carriers : TIM
Own banners allowed
Os allowed: iOS, Android and Windows phone

No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.

Preview Url: Screenshot

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
1 - CLICK ɛkˈskluːsɪv !!! Mobile Games
Here we go again. The most exclusivest offer direct from advertiser.. yeapexclusivest!! (even my grammar software gave triple thick red line for that!)

Overview of this offer! It's a Movistar only and you should be happy! Here's why. It's the carrier that covers 68% population 4G/LTE. And here's why you should at least test mobile games offer if you haven't already. The average revenue per user in the Mobile Games segments amounts to US$16.51 in 2017.

Last but not least why you have to test this out.. It's 1Click ... Not much offers having 1Click Exclusive at this current time. Payout at $0.66
39165 - Minigames (Games) (MC - 1click) - Argentina - Movistar Only
Payout: $0.66

CARRIER: Movistar (AR)
RESTRICTIONS: Check Offer Description Inside Affiliate Panel
Network cap in effect. Check with your AM for allocated cap.
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:

1 CLICK! No CAP! $2.38!

Another mobile games offer for you! Yeah, imma shove it up again and again... All and all who don't want you to make money? If I told you is good. That just means its good.

For this offer, it's in UAE! The best performing market in MENA. Side knowledge for you to know... Total mobile subscribers are at 17million. Concentrated on two mobile carriers DU & Etisalat. This offers is on both carriers! Of course, it's 1-CLICK! No Cap! High Payout! with Creatives Included ;)
37509 - Download - (Games) (MC - 1Click) - United Arab Emirates

Payout: $2.38

CARRIER: Etisalat and DU
OS: Android
TRAFFIC: Mainstream
No misleading marketing, no incentivised without prior authorization.
No misleading promotion
Preview url:

Dating Season is Coming?!

Our offers team told the marketing team that dating season is coming!! this offer will be FREAKIN GOOD!!! Announce our Pubs!!! ... We are like "?!?!" "Wow!! we just knew that we have seasons for dating!! I thought we only heard those kinds of seasons in Animal Planet." LOL

But hey this offer is GOOD. Let me explain why. 1st it's open to 9 GEO for you to target! 2nd It's payout is at $6.30. 3rd, those that get it to work is averaging at 50-70 leads/day. 4th it's working great with display traffic! Here.. let me give you tips... Out of all those GEOS available... the one that likely to convert great are Swedish, Danish, Norwegian. I have many of those GEO friends and most of em are going head over heels for Asian Women. ;) Thank me later
43608 - Asian Lady Online - (Adult) (SOI) - (US, CA, CH, SE, AU, GB, NO, DK and NZ) - Desktop only

Payout: $6.30

Age: 30 to 70
Gender: Male only
Traffic Source: Any except incentivized, adult, torrent and gambling traffic. No mobile traffic. No email traffic.
Pixel: Fire at First page submit
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
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Almost-Legal To Prank!
Who doesn't love Halloween? Trick or treats, costumes, ghosts, zombies... haunted house... oh yessshhh, I love a good thrill. Still, in the spirit of Halloween, I am going to feature this awesome offers below..

Do you know in South Africa, Halloween is marked as one of the favourites events the year? Hm... C'mon it's everyone favourite events right?! Imagine. It's the only day that you are almost-legal to prank everyone and not get punched.

But hey! this South Africa offer is not a prank from us! It's legit! for the past 1 - 2 days, it's been converting Great. Virtual reality games as well have been one of this year's biggest trend, Don't believe me? See what the big gaming companies are doing right now! Worth givin it a shot! My-TIP: pair it with the creatives ;)
43654 - HALLOWEEN SPECIAL GAMES (Games) (MC - 2click) - South Africa - Vodacom Only
Payout: $3.00

TRAFFIC: Mainstream Adult
Wi-Fi traffic, Blackberry, Incent, Feature Phones
No Misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:

How To Communicate With Ghosts?
Another Post Halloween offer! This offer is about a device to listen to ghosts?! That's cute... You know what! I'll recommend you something... a real device to communicate with ghosts... don't believe me?... here you go! Spirit Box PSB-7. Youtube it and see it work! Now that you have seen it and knows about it... Thank me by running this offer!

Do you know why it will convert? .... If you click on the link that I gave you (I repeat it's not a prank!! Don't lose trust on me!!!)... then most likely your user will click on the offer page... Believe me, there are only 3 types of people in this world in view of ghosts, The ones who are Scared as F$%^&, Curious as F$%^& and Believe as F%^&. The ones curious and believe will most likely convert on this offers!

If you are wondering how do I know about this stuff?!?! Let's just assume I am Wewe Warriors by day and GhostBusters by night ;)
43722 - FANTASMAS EN MANSION - (Download Content) (MC - 1click) - Mexico - Telcel Only
Payout: $1.50

GEO: Mexico
3G FLOW: Prepaid 1click / Postpaid 2click
OS: Android & iOS
TRAFFIC: Mainstream
RESTRICTIONS: No typo squatting • No content locking • No clickjacking • No likejacking • No unsolicited electronic communications (spam) • No incent • No Facebook • Only pre-approved banners • No misleading promotion • Fraud will not be paid

Tell your AM's you LOVE em!

This is the time that you've been waiting for! We have Thailand campaigns back up again! After being on hold for a month to pay respect to Thai's former King, your all-time favourite campaigns from the Land of the Smiles are now up and running!

We have various campaigns available from click-flows to MO flows, mainstream, sexy and adult, targeting all major carriers AIS, DTAC and TrueMove and wifi.

As of latest test, 38083 Kodfin Cute Girl (Download Content) (MC - MO) - Thailand - AIS Only, doing great numbers for last 24 hours at 300 leads.

HEADS UP: Expect more TH offers from your favourite networks in the coming days! My-PRO TIPS: Secret to getting the best TH Campaigns... is... Tell your AM's you love em and show appreciation to everything that they have done by running this offers! and ask for the best TH campaigns ;)

If after all that they are not giving you the best TH campaigns ... report back to me... they are just a few chairs away... (bro code activated!)

38083 Kodfin Cute Girl (Download Content) (MC - MO) - Thailand - AIS Only
Payout: $0.60

OS: All
Carrier: AIS Only
Flow: MO on 3G , PIN on WIFI
Restrictions: No misleading promotion , fraud will not be paid.
Please check with your AM of any restriction before sending traffic to avoid unwanted chargeback.
Preview Link:

Sign Up & Run!
We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
Cure Your Monday Blues
To start the week, let's cure our Monday blues with something Spicy...

Let's take a look why this offers will work. This offer is targeting toward TELCEL carrier user. Insider facts about this carrier... They are the biggest carrier in Mexico with approximately 70 million subscribers.

You should run this offer because sexy content excites user in this GEO. A downloadable and shareable video is in constant increase especially adult. This is the perfect offer to strike the GEO and generate huge conversion with the 1-CLICK Conversion Flow!

*This offer especially has been generating a good stream of conversions for our publishers.
43733 - MUYHOT (Download Content) (MC - 1click) - Telcel Only
Payout: $1.87

WAP Prepaid - Single Opt-In
WAP Postpaid - Double Opt-In
TRAFFIC: Mainstream
No typo squatting • No content locking • No clickjacking • No likejacking • No unsolicited electronic communications (spam) • No incent • No Facebook • Only pre-approved banners
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:

Did You Pay Attention?
Remember last week, I talked about the Most Exclusivest offer that we could get?! Did you give attention to it? We just got it last week, a few publishers who paid attention have run this offer for a week and this week we are featuring it again...

If I told you this whole featuring offers we did is only for whats best, whats hot and basically everything that will definitely benefit you...

And if you understand the whole concept of this featuring offers... that means...

39165 - Minigames (Games) (MC - 1click) - Argentina - Movistar Only
Payout: $0.66

CARRIER: Movistar (AR)
RESTRICTIONS: Check Offer Description Inside Affiliate Panel
Network cap in effect. Check with your AM for allocated cap.
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:

Magic Flow?!
Here's Wewe AM's Facts... Our account managers often come up with secret codes with their affiliates depending how close you are with them! Like I said on the previous HOT PICKS, Have you told your AM's you LOVE em?!

Now is probably the greatest chance for you tell your AM's that you love them so you can unlock the secret of this Magic Flow.

This offer below is generating 50 leads without the magic flow and the AMs told me that they are ready to announce the magic flow

"Can't you just tell what F$%^& is this Magic Flow?!"

Nope, I can't, my relationship with the AMs is like TOM & JERRY. Yeap we just love to bully each other.

Hurry and ping your expert AMs now! They are waiting for you!
44717 - KaKaHot Play (Downlaod Content) (MC - 1click) - Germany
Payout: $9.70

OS: All
Carriers: VDF &O2
Flow : 1 click flow
Target: No wifi. No tablet. Incent/ Fraud traffic not allowed!
Remarks: The word “free” or words with the same or similar meaning cannot be used.
Note: No misleading promotion , fraud will not be paid!
Please check with your AM of any restriction before sending traffic to avoid unwanted chargeback.
Preview Link:

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
This is a good network told you that he provide weekly or net30 but estimate he will pay you definetly there pubs on net 45 basis . i am lovingly hate this network
Thank you for this post. Do you launch CPS campaign? And, I want the link of your forum post of offers.

Guys, moving forward this is what we gonna do... it's gonna be AWESOME!

We will carefully handpick and feature 3 to 5 offers! and we will Announce it to you very frequently!

.... Our criteria goes like this

- If the offer is not F'in good... it won't be here
- If the offer is not working with our publishers... it won't be here
- If the offer doesn't get us a bottle of beer after we do a test... it won't be here


- If the offer is!@#$%^& GODLIKE!... it will be here!
- If the offers convert like !@#$%^& GODLIKE with our publishers! it will be here!
- If the advertisers tell that these offers are GODLIKE and after we test it, it turns us into GODS... it will be here!

... Ok, maybe that's a little too much... LOL

I know you guys in this industry are so tense... So here I am breaking that tension

On a serious note, We handpick the best offers for you below! Let's get the ball rollin... ;)

To find the latest featured offers... Simply find our last post at the most bottom of the post or last page of our thread ;)
Thank you for this post. Do you launch CPS campaign? And, I want the link of your forum post of offers.
No i didnt launch cps compaign . actually my partner works with you and you did not pay him still september month payment so i think its better to pay your old pubs first then you have to attract new pubs for your network . your finance team is toooooo much lazy . Make active your finance team first . sorry if you feel bad but this is actual fact .
Christmas Specials! Uncapped!
Christmas is around the corner! Have you thought about what you gonna put in the box, below the Christmas tree?!! Diving in the data researching... Statistically, December or the Christmas month generates the highest holiday spending. Total spending are expected to exceed $1 trillion and around 53% of the populations are expected to use the mobile device to do holiday shopping this year.

Knowing that this Christmas time is getting near, here at Wewe Media, we have compiled, test and set up the hottest Christmas pages in APAC - uncapped!!!

Good news is... It's all about the latest and greatest trend... (iPhone X, iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 8 and Starbucks vouchers. Starbucks vouchers are getting potentially 100 - 200 leads per day. Just FYI). What?!! I love Starbucks!

So what are you waiting for? Get all of these offers tested now and don't wait until its too late to scale...

NOPE! Above is not the offer page!

ID - Description | Payout | Preview

45080 - iPhone 8 (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Australia $2.10 Screenshot

45081 - iPhone X (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Australia $2.10 Screenshot

45082 - Xmas Apple Gift (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Hong Kong

45098 - Xmas Starbucks (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Hong Kong $0.18 Screenshot

45084 - iPhone X (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - New Zealand $1.47 Screenshot

45087 - iPhone 8 (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - New Zealand $1.47 Screenshot

45089 - Samsung S8 (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - New Zealand $1.47 Screenshot

45090 - Starbucks (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Singapore $1.19 Screenshot

45092 - iPhone X (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Singapore $1.19 Screenshot

45093 - Samsung Note 8 (Christmas) (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Singapore $1.19 Screenshot

45094 - Xmas iPhone 8 (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Taiwan

45101 - Xmas Starbucks Giftcard (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Taiwan $0.18 Screenshot

45103 - Xmas Samsung Note 8 (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Taiwan $0.18 Screenshot

45110 - Xmas Starbucks HONGBAO (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - Taiwan $0.18 Screenshot

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
This is a good network told you that he provide weekly or net30 but estimate he will pay you definetly there pubs on net 45 basis . i am lovingly hate this network

Hi Satya,
Thank you very much for your feedback. Would be great if you could PM me the account manager you are working with? We have been maintaining on-time payments to our partners and I will bring up your feedback to our management for us to further improve our clients' experience!
Thank you for this post. Do you launch CPS campaign? And, I want the link of your forum post of offers.

Hi Archna!
Yes we do have CPS campaign, although not a huge collection of offers available in our database. Please do register with us and you can get live support via our dedicated account manager that will be assigned to you.

You could register with us Here
IM BACK! & NO Boobies!
Happy Monday Everyone! I've received heads-up that a few of you are asking, where's the person behind the featured email?! Awww... That's so sweet!!... Not going into details... but IM BACK, and for today we are featuring offers with Female ABS! no boobies guys! not today... loll

Why should you run? We have dozens of offers from these advertisers! All offers from em do well, but among them, this offer below stands out highly from the rest! CR is averaging @ 1.35% - 1.65% for almost 1.5 week. Is adult traffic looking for abs now? ;)
45750 - Chicas Fitness (Adult) (MC - 1Click) - Costa Rica - Claro only
Payout: $0.37

3G FLOW: 1 click
OS: Android, iOS, any mobile
Adult: YES
Other banners allowed: YES (NOT HARDCORE CREATIVES!)
Please check with your AM of any restriction before sending traffic to avoid unwanted chargeback.

Unlock this Content Locking Power!

Unlock the powers of the Greek gods with content locking! If you haven't noticed, Greece does very well with content locking with this "generate coins for your favourite game" copy.

Since Viber is very popular in Eastern Europe and is used for an average of 16 minutes a day, this campaign can easily generate 100 - 200 sales per day. Contact your expert AMs for other GEOS you can unlock with content locking.
45314 - Viber (Downloads) (MC - PIN) - Greece - TOP OFFER WITH ADV
Payout: $8.25

Flow: PIN Flow
Carriers: All Carriers
Devices: All Devices Mobile + Web
Traffic Allowed: Mainstream only
Restrictions: NO BRAND BIDDING
Creatives on pre-approval
No misleading creatives
Targeting advice Mobile devices
Incentivized traffic (content lock)
Please check with your AM of any restriction before sending traffic to avoid unwanted chargeback.
Preview Link:

She is Cute!

If I'm going to recommend, this is probably the best offer for Bangladesh! And It's just not me, even our advertiser is highly recommending this offer... Key points on why this offer is great...

1. This offer content is local (high conversion from targeted user)
2. No caps (Fire away and scale up quickly!)
3. CR in the range of 0.9% - 1.1%
4. The lady on the left... she is cute! don't you dare disagree!

45446 - Bollywood Photoshoot (Download Content) (MC - 2click) - Bangladesh - Airtel Only
Payout: $0.11

NO Wi-Fi traffic, Blackberry, Nokia OVI, Tablets, Incent Inventory
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
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Our Weekly Update
Don't Miss Top Converting Opportunities

This Week's Highlights

>>>>> We Will Be IN AWA Bangkok 2017! Booth A59
>>>>> AWA Free Tickets Competition (7 Left!)

Featured Offers Of The Week

>>>>> No Boobies! Not Today!

TOP 5 Single Offers EPCs For This Week

>>>>> Top Offers November 22, 2017


86 New offers updated this week for you to test & run!!!
>>>>> New Offers November 22, 2017

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
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Blackest Highlights For Black Friday!
"BLACK FRIDAY should actually be called THE HUNGER GAMES. People kill each other and the winner gets a $20 crockpot!"

Black Friday madness is upon us and it is probably the best time that people unleashes their greed, and of course, we don't want to let go of this opportunity... here we've got 3 best CPL offers in US UK and AU for this weekend online sale! FYI The fun doesn't have to stop tomorrow... keep the fire burning with "Post Black Friday - Sales or Sweeps!"

46293 - Quiztionnaire 216 iPhoneX_BlackFriday(Sweepstakes) (SOI) - United Kingdom
Payout: $1.12

Single Optin lead - Validated
No Email traffic without approval
No Virtual Currency/ Cashback / Content Lock
No sms-marketing, No push-notifications,
No instant-win
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Link:
46296 - iPhoneX Black Friday (Sweepstakes) (CPL) - Australia
Payout: $2.81

Geo: AU
No Email traffic without approval
No Virtual Currency/ Cashback / Content Lock
No sms-marketing, No push-notifications,
No instant-win
Preview Link:
46277 - Black Friday (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - United States
Payout: $1.23

GEO: United States
Allowed Method:
Banner, Search, Social Media, Incentive.
Any usage of the word "Free" or promotion via SMS/WAP is strictly prohibited, These infractions can/will result in removal of all earnings, possible termination of account, and potential legal liabilities.
No Misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.

Sign Up & Run!

We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
We are delighted to announce the first batch winners of our Affiliate World Asia FREE AWA and Flight Tickets Giveaway Contest!
Here are the lucky registered winners affiliate id:

  • 1791 - GRAND PRIZE
  • 2728 - 3rd Prize
  • 1546 - 3rd Prize
Congratulations! See you at the Affiliate World Asia Bangkok!

Claim your FREE AWA tickets from as low as generating $10K with us!
There are still seven (7) slots available!

Register now for a chance to win FREE AWA and Flight tickets!
The contest will run until 30th of November 2017 or until all 10 winners has been secured!

Find out more about the GRAND PRIZE inside our website by clicking the link down below! It's worth the shot!

FIND OUT MORE! AWA BKK – Wewe Media Group
$8.82 2-click Uncapped!
Let me guess, You broke the bank on BlackFriday! Hahahaha... Me too... only a few penny left on my wallet. No one is covering for me though. But I got you covered.

It's time to earn back with these 3 high payout offers! 2clicks for carrier traffic (Optus and Telstra) for Australia --- UNCAPPED!!! <- that's the keyword.
We've got different pages for you to test (the best ones are these three) and we can use ANY pre-landers as long as the price point ($9.99/week) is stated.

Hurry, the flow will be changed in 3 weeks so we have to earn from this fast! (Adult and iframe traffic not allowed.)

46225 - AVG Antivirus - (Antivirus) (MC - 2Clicks) - Australia
Payout: $8.82

Carrier: Telstra & Optus
Flows: 2 clicks
OS: All OS are supported
Restrictions: NO ADULT TRAFFIC, NO Incentive traffic allowed and you MUST add the price of the service in the banners ($9.99/week)
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

46227 - Clash of Clans - (Games) (MC - 2Clicks) - Australia
Payout: $8.82

Carrier: Telstra & Optus
Flows: 2 clicks
OS: All OS are supported
Restrictions: NO ADULT TRAFFIC, NO Incentive traffic allowed and you MUST add the price of the service in the banners ($9.99/week)
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

46277 - Black Friday (Sweepstakes) (SOI) - United States
Payout: $8.82

Carrier: Telstra & Optus
Flows: 2 clicks
OS: All OS are supported
Restrictions: NO ADULT TRAFFIC, NO Incentive traffic allowed and you MUST add the price of the service in the banners ($9.99/week)
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

Sign Up & Run!
We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.
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It's the time of the year again, the holidays are here and so is our Featured Offers and it's completely stuffed with Health options that are All SOI friendly, and absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS!!!

46405 - Forskolin (Health) (SOI) - Italy
Payout: $10.5

SOI: All SOI are supported
No Restrictions
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

46404 - Mezoderma (Health) (SOI) - Spain
Payout: $10.5

SOI: All SOI are supported
No Restrictions
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

46409 - Garcinia (Health) (SOI) - Portugal
Payout: $10.5

SOI: All SOI are supported
No Restrictions
No misleading promotion, fraud will not be paid.
Preview Url:

Sign Up & Run!
We'll be more than happy to help you get started immediately. Here is the link to our Signup Page. Alternatively, you could also contact directly to our account manager (AM) via Skype ID: ci.villezas

*Do mention referral code AffiliateFix to ease the registration process.