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How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform


New Member
How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform, from Italy, France, Spain. Can anyone help me with some advice or a method?
Do you mean acquire email leads?
Do you mean develop leads for the platform?
Do you mean drive traffic to the website and get users to sign up?
Hi T J Tutor, thanks for the reply. All the 3 options listed by you interest me. I own a dating platform and I try to bring traffic to it. I tried on some platforms that sell traffic (CPM and CPC, very well known platforms in the field), but the results are poor. I read that the best conversion results bring the email campaign leads and I want to test. If there is an affiliate who does such campaigns and wants to collaborate I am here :)
  1. Buy ads (ad network)
  2. SEO website
  3. Play wack-a-mole games with cloaking in Facebook
Hi Graybeard, thanks for the reply. I tried on some platforms that sell traffic (CPM and CPC, very well known platforms in the field), but the results are poor. SEO is underway, but at the moment it doesn't bring me anything. Play wack-a-mole games I have not heard. Can you give me more details please
Facebook does not like dating site affiliates.

  • That's because most of them sell you RTB garbage.
  • This week's push traffic --
  • The 374 'Clicks' that I consider good didn't produce any positive results.
  • My conclusion: the offer site is no good --needs work.
    None registered for free --that is a no payout but a positive sign of intent or interest.
  • This represents a $60 ad spend over a few days (2 GEOS).
Indeed, it is, a large part of the traffic received for example last week is garbage. From $ 80 I didn't have any sign-ups. I am looking for an affiliate to generate email leads, here the conversions are the best


  • Untitledaff.jpg
    22.5 KB · Views: 33
Cat Playing GIF

Play wack-a-mole games I have not heard.
Facebook does not like dating site affiliates.

sell traffic (CPM and CPC, very well known platforms in the field), but the results are poor.
  • That's because most of them sell you RTB garbage.
  • This week's push traffic --
  • The 374 'Clicks' that I consider good didn't produce any positive results.
  • My conclusion: the offer site is no good --needs work.
    None registered for free --that is a no payout but a positive sign of intent or interest.
  • This represents a $60 ad spend over a few days (2 GEOS).

If there is an affiliate who does such campaigns and wants to collaborate I am here

Before you are permitted to recruit affiliates here, you must be a registered and approved business in our resources area. No exceptions. Since you are a company and seeking to recruit affiliates (seeking one affiliate is a fools game), you need to have an affiliate portal installed on your platform so the affiliates can track their affiliate earnings as well as other metrics.

I read that the best conversion results bring the email campaign leads and I want to test.

While email blasts can be very successful, you cannot demonstrate, no one can, that email promotions are superior to other forms of promotion. If you have promoted your own dating site with limited or poor success, then I would first look at your own campaigns more closely. I think if you are unable to properly promote your own company, it is nearly impossible to expect others will promote it for you. Affiliates want to promote a successful company, not a company without a track record of success.

Your campaigns likely need to be refined, split tested on creatives, landers, traffic sources, and the core site and platform itself may need some retrofits.

What you need is an individual you can hire to build up your brand with internal promotions so you can develop a track record of success. Once you have this in place, you can then begin to integrate an affiliate model on your platform.

In my opinion, "you are putting the cart before the horse"!
You may have only had 100 Real clicks ~20%
$0.80 real CPC
You don't really know from stats like that ...

Assuming that to be true --if 1% - 2% of your real click did not register an email --there is a real problem apart from the ads themselves.