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How can I get traffic for BINARY AND FOREX???


Hi, I wonder where to get traffic to some binary and forex trading offers of CPA, is just that I dunno where to get traffic for this type of vertical, I´m new to it so I could use a lil help.

Thanks to all that reply.

Best regards folks.

Feel free to PM me if needed
Hi, I wonder where to get traffic to some binary and forex trading offers of CPA, is just that I dunno where to get traffic for this type of vertical, I´m new to it so I could use a lil help.

Thanks to all that reply.

Best regards folks.

Feel free to PM me if needed

Hi Francisco, I've been in the binary affiliate game for 10+ years and would be happy to share some tips with you in PM or Skype: SteveBanik32. Hit me up if you are interested, let's chat.
Hi Francisco, I've been in the binary affiliate game for 10+ years and would be happy to share some tips with you in PM or Skype: SteveBanik32. Hit me up if you are interested, let's chat.

We are a community that shares this information so that everyone benefits. Please don't take members off site. For one thing, it makes you look like you are trolling our forums for clients without being an approved resource here. This will get you banned. Secondly, as a community, we expect our members to help one another in the forums so everyone benefits.

If you can help @Francisco Zapién , do it in this thread!
@TJ Tutor, Sir I appreciate your help and attempts of making this forum better every day, BUT I don´t agree with you on that of not allowing people leaving their contact info on the threads, that´s really not very harmful, it all relies on the people , whether if they are smart and can discern if the other fella is legit or scam , or not. In this particular case, the man who left his skype contact here helped me a lot (we´re actually beginning to talk business) so I don´t see ok to kinda threaten folks in this forum about banishment. I totally get you mister, you don´t make the rules here , you just follow orders and it´s ok man but be more flexible man.
If you take this as an insult or whatever you wanna call it , it´s alright man. I just don´t want you to ban me or have me in the target.
If rules are rules I will understand Tj
Best regards in New York.
Hi everyone, I've worked as an affiliate manager for 10+ years now in the Binary/Forex sector on both the broker side and the affiliate side and I wanted to share some things to keep in mind if you are interested in becoming a Binary or Forex affiliate and you are just starting out.

1. First, you should know that from the Binary broker perspective there are only 2 types of affiliates - (1) affiliates that send a high volume of FTDs (First Time Depositors) per month and (2) everyone else. Everyone besides a very few select affiliates fall into the second category. Unfortunately, if you are an affiliate that is not sending a lot of FTDs every month there is a good chance the broker will "shave" your commissions, meaning that sometimes you will not get paid for the traffic you send. This is simply the nature of the business, sometimes broker affiliate managers have to cut corners to make ends meet or reach monthly or quarterly targets and often time the easiest way to do this is simply to not pay the small guys by telling them them that their FTDs didn't count because there was click fraud or some other issue that disqualifies the FTD from payment. It's a sad trick, but I've seen it happen too many times.

2. Second, the brokers always look at each affiliate and each FTD in terms of ROI for the broker. So if you send 1 trader that deposits $200 and doesn't trade much or deposit again and now the broker is supposed to pay you $350 CPA for a trader that only deposited $200 and will never deposit again - the broker will lose money on the deal. Now if you are sending 100 FTDs per month - no problem, the broker will take their loses on your 1 bad trader and pay you for the good traffic. But if you only sent 1 FTD that month - good luck on getting paid. Again in this situation, the broker will see that they are losing money on your traffic and find an excuse to not pay. As you can see, it's simple mathematics - if the broker is not making money they will find a reason to not pay you.

3. Third, out of all the affiliates I've seen in my 10+ years in the business (including my own experience as an affiliate for many years) here is THE BEST METHOD that I've seen to run traffic. Hands down the best way to send quality traffic is to create a community. It could be a forum, a chat room, a webinar, a blog, a Facebook group, a event - anything that brings people together and creates a community of devoted followers. Just like AffiliateFix created a community for devoted affiliates who come back to the site everyday to get updates, find out new things and interact with each other, by creating a similar community for Binary & Forex traders you will be able to get the highest quality traders to come to your site, click your links and deposit to the brokers you recommend. These traders won't just deposit once and disappear forever, they will keep depositing and trading for years, which means that the value of your traffic will be astronomical. This is exactly the type of traffic that every broker dreams of. Sure there are a million other ways to get traffic that work great in the short term like funnels, landing pages, sales letters, robots etc. but often times those are a "one trick" pony - people deposit once and never come back. To have a dedicated community of devoted traders is the diamond in the rough in the Binary & Forex affiliate business.

I know this a very brief overview of the wild world of Binary & Forex affiliation, but I hope this gives you a few tips to start out. The complexity of dealing with brokers, affiliates, traffic quality and payments is one of the main reasons that I helped launch the Binary affiliate network (Full disclosure I'm currently the Affiliate Director for

By joining an affiliate network like VIP that sends high volume traffic to the brokers and deals with the brokers directly, it protects affiliates from getting screwed over by brokers, ensures that the brokers pay on time and ensures that affiliates get fair pay for every FTD they send. If you want to chat or learn more about Binary & Forex affiliation, feel free to reach out. I'm one of those guys who's been in the industry for too long and likes to talk about it with anyone who wants to listen :) My Skype name is "SteveBanik32"


P.S. I'm sure there is going to be some broker affiliate manager who is going to say that the broker tactics I revealed here are not true, but this is my honest experience from being in the industry for far far too long.
Hi, I wonder where to get traffic to some binary and forex trading offers of CPA, is just that I dunno where to get traffic for this type of vertical, I´m new to it so I could use a lil help.

Thanks to all that reply.

Best regards folks.

Feel free to PM me if needed

In this vertical more important sales funnel if you have good funnel you have $
Unfortunately, if you are an affiliate that is not sending a lot of FTDs every month there is a good chance the broker will "shave" your commissions, meaning that sometimes you will not get paid for the traffic you send. This is simply the nature of the business, sometimes broker affiliate managers have to cut corners to make ends meet or reach monthly or quarterly targets and often time the easiest way to do this is simply to not pay the small guys by telling them them that their FTDs didn't count because there was click fraud or some other issue that disqualifies the FTD from payment.

Some good info there Steve, but I have to comment on the shaving. You can easily counter this if you build a good funnel.

For example: I run a couple of funnels that require the ftd to send me proof of deposit (screenshot) in order to acces a certain strategy, signals or software. This way I can always check if the broker is shaving me. If it happens I just show them the proof of payment. I always "test" a new broker with a funnel like this to see if they're legit.