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How can we improve AffiliateFix? - (Answer for a chance to win $100).


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How can we improve AffiliateFix? - (Answer for a chance to win $100).

It's no secret that i'm a little bit of a perfectionist. It's also no secret that i'm a true entrepreneur and always want to better what I do.

With that being said I constantly want to improve AffiliateFix as I really try to make it the only place you need to be online for everything affiliate marketing.

So I need your help!

How can we improve AffiliateFix?

We have 13000+ members on this forum and i'd like to think this thread can reach well over 1000 replies at least.

I want your opinions on how if anyway we can improve the site.

I want you to think about,

  • Design
  • Ease of use
  • Content
  • Forums
  • Topics
  • Activity
  • Extra pages (deals etc)
  • Reviews
  • Ability to post
  • Welcome
  • Userbility
  • The Dojo

and everything else...

Answer to win $100

Every person no matter if you've never posted before or have hundreds of posts who replies here answering these questions will be entered into a draw to win $100 cash.

Simply copy and paste these questions below and reply with your honest answers,

What do you like about

What do you not like about

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve

All those who reply will be entered into a random draw to win $100 cash - thank you for your time.
Approved Entrants.

black dragon
What do you like about As I am a returned user and thus I've seen the earlier version of the UI, I find that the new design looks more up-to-date (modern) and cover more variation of content

What do you not like about Not sure is it due to my browser, the header (the one with menus) and the personal profile section (the one with dark bar as background) seem to be too big and cover practically the whole screen and thus I need to scroll down every single time.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) Not apply to me hehe!

How can we improve I think giving out some incentives or freebies for the most active or regulars are key to attract returned members, keep it going. I can't recall exactly how the old logo looks like but I think the latest logo (of black ninja head) does not blend it quite well with the overall red theme. Again, UI is very individual ;-)

K, all the best to you and congratulate for such a huge progression of your brainchild!

What do you like about

That everybody is very helpful and willing to answer questions and that K is a very active owner and is always participating on the forum. The sub-forums are laid out in a way that is easy to navigate.

What do you not like about

I haven't found anything that made me say to myself, "I don't like that," or, "I think that should be changed."

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

N/A - I always post when I can contribute, or at least I'm hoping it's a contribution.

How can we improve

Nothing comes to mind at the moment. I visit here at least once a day and it's a very well run and helpful forum.
What do you like about

I Love everything about it .... design, So Friendly ( specially Admin) , Access to valuable stuff, ...

What do you not like about

its just a little thing which is, nobody tries to like and reply about stuff and make kick a.. conversation with other members...

How can we improve

i think everything is great, but we need more members... if everyone just bring one of his friends and try to retweet and share stuff in FB, that would be awesome...

because we Don't Just want traffic for affiliate , instead we need to have lots of activity s in social network ....

That's the Key to Have a powerful Forum.... :eek::ninja:
What do you like about I really liked AffiliateFix, especially when I helped to account peerfly accepted. As a beginner it is very helpful. I can also learn from other members who have been successful according to its area.

What do you not like about Nothing. So far I have never felt dissatisfied with AffiliateFix.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) : I'm just a beginner. So I can only listen to stuff from other people. What I can according to ability, plus the corresponding capital if needed :)

How can we improve For content, I feel very good. But in my opinion, in terms of look I prefer the look of the first. with black. And maybe that there is a chat facility with other members: D

I really thank you K. You help me, you teach me, and you're my inspiration for success in online biz :)

What do you like about

What I like about Affiliatefix are the design, community, and content. Let me elaborate, the design is wonderful. It is easy to read, very clean and flat. It is minimal and modern, so you know the affiliatefix is really following what is the trend and adapting to changes. It is customized to really have a feel of professionalism.
The community is just AWESOME. Come on, we have AM's, Owners, Tools Creators, Industry leaders, all in one place. This is EPIC. The content is amazing. You really don't need to buy any shitty wso for a great guide and content. All you have to do is ask here and experts will answer it for FREE.

What do you not like about

If there are ups, there are down. Lack of content and activity. We have 13K + members, but most of them are not engaging here. Only industry leaders post content, others are just leechers. We need to get the content and activity going.

How can we improve

We need lots of great content to get more people coming here. yes, we have quite some here but we need more.
Get new Mods, I still see lot of Low Q post here and some spam post. We need to make Affiliatefix more HQ forum.
Always Quality.
Ability to remove post for HQ members..
Ability to CLOSE thread.

I think that is all?
Last edited:
What do you like about
An openness community that having same interest in CPA that having expert feedback.

What do you not like about
It do take sometime to login and browse the forum contents and sometime forum is not as fast as Warrior Forum. Not everyone post comments now days.

How can we improve
Tried the mobile apps for faster navigation eventually I delete it (although is a paid apps). Looking for more frequent feedback and the hot tools coming in WSO. Or maybe JV opportunity. (Trusted)
What do you like about

I've learned a lot by just reading posts. The Dojo has been a tool that I wouldn't trade for anything. I've also made a few good connections with other marketers.

What do you not like about

We, as members, should try to engage each other more (I said "we" because I'm included in this). I know there are times when we don't log in often. But we have such a great resource here. It'd be a shame not to use it....even if it's just a few minutes a day.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

Doesn't apply to me

How can we improve

I liked the contests. They were fun. I think cool little contests and other similar events would be great to spark our creativity and keep us active.
you just ask about...

What do you like about

I like Design and Content.

What do you not like about

Price of The Dojo

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

I'm Begenner.

How can we improve

To give Us free tools to get traffic and some tools to ranking website and youtube video!

Thank you! :)
Cool 5999 threads at the moment of writing :)


What do you like about The helpfullness of the members, the overal theme (love red) and the fact that there is a big FREE section, where the other forums are paid to get in, some raised the price immensely recently IMO.

What do you not like about 13000+ members and yet most sections have around 100 threads, Adult which is huge only has 23 threads, common that's really low for such a vast topic. People seem to shy away from it in this forum for some reason.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) NA although i am guilty of not posting at all for months, not that i don't like the forum, it's super, just so much to do and so little time to do it in. (9 to 5 slave or rather 12+ hours a day working, 3 kids and trying to become an affiliate rockstar, long way ahead of me though :) )

How can we improve I think the forum is super, K you're really devoted to your baby and the community supports each other. Bit more activity for 13000+ member could make it the best aff forum there is on the web.

Just my 2 cents
What do you like about

The community is awesome. Everything else is optional as long as the people are cool.

Oh and the voting threads for changes to the forum are cool. It's great that we get to participate in shaping the forum and express our opinions.

What do you not like about

I don't have any negative remarks. Even regarding the lack of content and activity. I'd rather get fewer pieces of quality content than go to bed every night with information overload.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)


How can we improve

I know there is already a wiki on the forum, but now that there is a Newbie Corner, I think it deserves an FAQ. Otherwise, questions like, "What's a good starting budget for PPC/PPV/whatever?" or, "What are the best CPA networks for newbies?" will constantly pop up.

Also, it would be nice to see some SEO tools/resources in the "tools and resources" section up for review (like SEO Clerks, Moz, Ahrefs, and others).
What do you like about

* The plethora of varied information that covers every method!
* Extremely friendly community willing to help those who ask for it
* Information is organized, making it easy to find what you're looking for
* This is an active forum, you can login and find new posts and someone here pretty much anytime
* Really supports newbies, even to the extent of assisting with network acceptance
* The networking possibilities
* Encouragement and guidance to stretch and grow and take some risks to succeed
* After getting familiar with the community, members get a sense that it's safe to ask questions without feeling like a total dumb ass
* The little ninja emoticon :ninja: :)

What do you not like about

I really had to think to come up with anything for this one. Guess the occasional thread that gets buried before getting answered?

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) - N/A

How can we improve

Although I have no suggestions for this and am guilty of it myself, perhaps there is some way to encourage newer members to post their case studies, too. That's a hard one for people who don't have a full grasp on what they're doing (myself included) but I have to wonder if it wouldn't be amazingly helpful for the more experienced to offer advice and other newbies can see how the process works and perhaps mimic techniques for their own stuff. I think maybe that's already the idea but perhaps there is some way to increase involvement in that area? Maybe have a leaderboard for multiple follow-alongs to stimulate competition and action-taking? I don't know if that's motivating or intimidating but it sounds like a fun way to approach it.

The only other thing I can think of is idiot-proof guides. Not everyone knows the technical side of things, like how or where to upload a landing page; tracking demystified; how to set up your record keeping, etc.. Yes, there are sites and YouTubes on such topics but extensive research muddles the mind and can shut you down before ever taking any action. If those types of guides were available, no one would have any reason to go anywhere else to get a foundation for their business. I am mentioning this here because most newbies are shy about asking for these sorts of things. I'm not referring to spoon feeding, simply easy-to-follow guidelines to get off to a sound start.

I love this forum. Even if you don't change anything, it's still my number one!
What do you like about

- I like AffiliateFix, first because always reward members with giveaways.Second,because there are a lot of method and guides about making money.

What do you not like about

- Nothing.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

-Because also on others forums , I don't post a lot. I am a guy that only reads and rare comment.

How can we improve
- Posting more methods about CPA,PPD and PPC.
What do you like about

AffiliateFix have a lot of tut & best network there, I'd like to join AF when i become publisher , AffiliateFix is indispensable & very important with us

What do you not like about

Asia publisher have not much !

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve

You shouldn't stick big banner upside of interface forum , it's can be right or left , u know .

You should promote AffiliateFix better to asain publisher, I know a lot of man come from asia is really great publisher with daily earning become >1000$ . If they joined with us , Any network worldwide will almost love AffiliateFix .
What do you like about Great info from a like minded community.

What do you not like about I find getting around and finding what I'm looking for sometimes a bit confusing.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) Think I've asked 1 expert question. I don't say something unless its worth saying.

How can we improve Make the interface a little less busy and use friendly.

What do you like about
- A lot of useful posts and tutorial from experts. And K is the best admin i've ever meet :) Also love the tools (affkit)
What do you not like about
- Still lack of content. In dojo there are many categories but some have only 1-2 topics.
How can we improve
- Maybe invite experts to write more guides in the dojo :)
Hi i think affiliate fix is the best marketing based site on the net i have come across, the forum"s are full of helpful users all of which are more than happy to encourage newbies and provide information that that can help in conversions. I have had nothing but a positive experience while on here.
Also you get a chance to ask questions to real experts who are banking huge is just mental and for anyone wanting to make a real go of making a life from the comfort of your home this is one huge perk of this great site.
If i had one complaint is i can't see how i post on here i know i have done in the past but can't remember i have looked but just can't see it. Sounds daft i know!
And just to note i will be joining the Dojo on payday.
What do you like about

AffiliateFix is a great place to network, learn new things and communicate with each other and that is what I like about it. However, what makes this the best forum site I been a member of is it is not only a forum and it is very professional.

What do you not like about

I can't think of anything.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

N/A - however, I have not replied a whole lot because I am extremely busy.

How can we improve

Can't think of anything.
What do you like about
Looks like there's lots of combined knowledge here.

What do you not like about
The big red bar across the top. I haven't been here to often but I'll have more ideas the more I visit this forum.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)
Never interested me until now.

How can we improve
Make a mobile app, get rid of the big red bar at the top (I think its for newbies only ), do group projects/co-ops, summarize some of the educational threads into pdf/video courses that can be downloaded.