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How fast can you type test!


Know that this post is kinda old, but I thought I'd take a shot at it anyways:

1st Attempt

Words per minute (WPM) 72
Keystrokes 362
(362 | 0)
Correct words 66
Wrong words 0
You are better than 89.01% of all users (position 9943 of 90445 - last 24 hours)
First go - You are better than 87.69% of all users (position 15069 of 122435 - last 24 hour

You are better than 99.19% of all users (position 920 of 113075 - last 24 hours)

110 WPM on this test, first try. I am up to challenge anybody !

Beat ya guys :)

That's great! I wish I could type that fast... I tried once and got 77%. I could probably do a bit better in portuguese, but 99% is really impressive!
119 Words per minute :)


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