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How has the weather been recently?

Cold in Montreal :( We had some snow 2 weekends ago! or is it already here? haha
I had to post today that... we are in "Gone with the wind" mode in Spain, specially in the south!... Tempest is a euphemism at this point :S!
My weather keeps on changing as time goes. In normal years, during this period of time, we do receive short rains compared to what we are receiving now. The government however had informed us in advance that towards the end of the year will receive abnormal rains. My absolute daily whether is characterized with cold and mild showers in the morning. The good part of the mid morning is usually made of a humid weather. However late in the afternoon we experience rains which continue till late night. We expect this to go on for a while based on the weather man.
Hey guys... we are still here!, the wind has not managed to blow us away... YET! xD Today its still a little breezy but the sun is out and its one of the amazing blue sky and "fresh smell in the air" day :)
The sky is blue ... the best kind of blue with some marshmellow clouds... and slight chill in the air. 21º

A welcome change from the heat we had this summer.

Its Thursday, one day to go! ;) ... So, switching on a little Ella Fitzgerald and concentrating on this stats for the weekend!
An awesome change of weather events! We had snow a couple of weeks ago. The past couple of days have been 22-24C!! Absolutely awesomely amazing and extremely atypical for our part of the world. Have never experienced that temperature in November before.

Supposedly, we get 25C today; 18C tomorrow then down to 9C and lower, starting Saturday. Boo. But hey, these days we are getting now are huge, wonderful bonuses.