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“Adavice”/  “CPA


New Member
This is going to be the first official journey that I'll be sharing with my very supportive community.

The goal of this journey is to make 20000$ with Seo Host King affiliate program which I feel is realistic depending on the steps I have taken

What I have done

1. I have created a G ads $350 Threshold account that has campaigns running on it already with VCC cost of $45 and free AWS VPS

2. Submited On free guest posting site lists in the same niche

3.& I Submitted the ad on the Threshold adword account, i used the direct affiliate link! and the Campaign got approved.

"The most effective ways to make hosting affiliate cash is making how to make wordpress website Youtube videos and refer those newbies, always work like a charm."

Cost: $45
Earnings: $2950


I would be updating this thread or when there's an important update as this serves as a motivation for me
1:14 is not that unusual for Google PCP.
What is unusually good is your PPC bid to the payout of a conversion --that part is excellent.
"The most effective ways to make hosting affiliate cash is making how to make wordpress website Youtube videos and refer those newbies, always work like a charm
I take that to be <sarcasm>?
Olá, você pode me mostrar isso na prática?

Google translation inserted by Admin: Hello, can you show me this in practice?
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the offers convert bro you don't have to learn anything you can simpely direct promote them using fb ads or google ads you will find creatives on the dash and bc of the value they provide you will get leads

if you don't have funds to use on ads edite youtube with camtasia! free
Minimum payout is 10$
Weekly payments
Payment methods Paypal,Bank transfer,Check,Crypto,paypal,Apple Pay,BTC

Personally I'm skeptical. This seems more like shilling to me.

direct promote them using fb ads or google ads

Are you telling us you are direct linking Google Ads to an affiliate offer?

What I do not see is your Google Ads screenshot. I can't see how you can possibly make the click costs measure up to your claims.

I have created a G ads $350 Threshold account that has campaigns running on it already with VCC cost of $45 and free AWS VPS

So how many times did you reach the threshold during that period?

Average cost per click for SEO, SEO Services, etc. is between $5 and $7.50 minimum and can go much higher.

If you are direct linking, what is the free AWS VPS used for? After all, they come with loads of restrictions not conducive to our forms of marketing.