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Gold How I Made Thousands With Instagrams

You look like a busy man, so, many thanks for take your time writing this post, we really appreciate this ;) I was wondering, as sometimes manage IG accounts it's a pain in the neck, what kind of tools would you recommend to make this task easier? Because, I guess you didn't follow by IG on iOS by hand. Any bot, emulator or similar?

Again, many thanks, indeed.
Hi just saw that you run a social media website and am a little bit curios to know some of the key products that you deal with. I know is it not related to the thread but when i was going through the thread, your account caught my attention. I am the person who like interacting with people just to here the story that they have gone through so that i may not go through the same mistakes you did since I am also running a 2 weeks old media company.
What I would like to understand is how you got the offers for this campaign? If there are good offers that anyone can help let me know about it would be great.
First of all, great case study.
Anyone has tried advertise IG, just wondering

Follow liker bot. It just automates everything because I don't have time to manually build up accounts.

Gyazo - 3fbee101cb76ce92b1a3d9948852db51.png

Video of the twitter version, Same concept.

Anyhow back on topic sorry, op ill delete video if you don't want it here. Just let me know. By the way how many times a week so you pose these iPhone things etc?

I suggest you to learn some program languages, it may takes away some of your time, but you can really create your own bot as you want and it can save you a LOT of cash
How I Made Thousands With Instagram

As a Instagram user one day when scrolling down my feed I noticed someone I was following reposted a page that was claiming to be the Chipotle official instagram and promised the first 5,000 followers a $25 Gift Card. I seen this a few times for some other brands before I finally looked at some of these pages and realized they were just fake pages that people were using to get followers. This gave me the idea to do the same but instead of doing it for followers I promoted CPA offers on them. Since I was too busy to test it out for myself I had a friend create one of these pages for "Target" and had him create a CPAlead account. Thats all I told him I didn't select a offer for him he just selected one of the top converting offers which was something for "winning lunch for a year". He also didn't use a landing page he just shortened the URL with and set it as the bio URL. When he started promoting the earnings just came in and I'm talking like over $100 in the first day, this is when I started marketing on IG.

How did I gain Followers?

Follow people:

The first thing I did was follow a few people on some of the accounts going around such as @blackfriday_apple. There was literally a Blackfriday account for every brand and product. The only difference between them and me is I was doing it for money. What I noticed other people were doing was renaming the account to some other name after reaching a good amount of followers to basically have 20k followers which is LAME. What i did was basically what i told my friend to do i just used my web development skills to enhance it. I created some IG accounts, I started following people, I created landing pages for every offer I was promoting and I created real HQ promo banners something probably only I was doing. I waited for the accounts followers to grow to at least 7k followers before i started promoting on them.

Pickup dropped names:

Since people were changing the name at a certain follower amount you were able to pick up the account once they renamed the account. Once you did that you would just be getting followers coming in from the promotion that user account had. The amount of followers you gain depends on the rate of which that account was getting followers.

Partner with people:

Along with creating and growing my own accounts, there was a account I seen with like 70k followers for a iPhone giveaway page. I contacted the account, I pitched to him the earning possibilities and provided proof of my earnings and I started working with kid promoting on his account. I ran all the traffic through prosper and gave him access so he can see it the clicks and earnings coming in. With this account a lot of people were tagging the account in their iphone pictures because it was the holiday time, this made it look like people were actually getting their iphone from my instagram. I also picked up another account with another large iPhone account with around 40k followers.

Buy the accounts:

Yes you can simple contact these account owners and try to buy the account. A lot of people are not interested in doing this and I have no idea why. Seems likes are more important than money now a days. When buying accounts on IG you have to take security measure because a person can transfer the account password and you change all the information then they can take back the account simply by clicking a link in their email saying it was not authorized.

Making Money:

The flow to make money was create professional banners > grow page > send followers to link in bio with another professional banner.

How did I choose what to promote:

I basically looked for popular brands or companies and that had a offer on one of the networks that I was working with. If there was a offer for lets say Amazon on a network i was working on I would make a IG for them and also send traffic to the Amazon offer. I promoted a variety of such offers and earned thousands doing it.

Example Banners:

View attachment 4360
View attachment 4361

Dont use brands logos:

I did get in trouble for using brands logo in my banners and landing pages. This is what made me switch from brands to products such as the iPhone. My affiliate managers however just warned me and all was good.

Promoting on the large iPhone account:

Since this account had the most followers it was very easy to monetize. I created banners and I created a landing page then I directed the followers to it. For weeks i was doing nothing but just posting the same image which just directed them to click the link in my bio. This worked for a while until results weren't as good anymore which is when i started making changes

What I Learned:

Proof pics works:

For my iPhone promo page I did update the landing page with banners, along with updating the landing page with testimonials. After doing this i did notice an increase in likes as well as leads. I bought an SSL cert for my LP domain and posted an update letting people know and this also helped with leads.

Get people sharing:

When I first started directing traffic to the offer i simply told them to go the the link in my bio. People were doing it and I was getting leads but my followers began dropping like flies. Im talking 70k to 50k so what I did was change up my message instead of saying “Click the link in our bio to get your iPhone” i started saying “Click the link in our bio to get your iPhone, Tag 3 friends below so they can get theirs also.” Then i added a message like “2-Day delivery in most areas” this I think made people who didn’t even believe it to just go and maybe try it out.

Make changes:

At first my goal was to just get all the traffic to the iPhone offer. This worked out well when I had so much volume and I was making over $1,000 a day. When volume started going down i had to find ways to improve traffic. The first thing i did was change up the landing page and gave it a fresh look twice. The next thing i did was implement a custom offer wall, I didn't just want to pass all the users to the iphone offer I wanted to give them a option. Also I noticed that some of the traffic would come back to my landing page. To monetize this I implemented a button which when clicked it showed them 4 offers and a message basically saying “Complete one action to continue. If you're not redirected try another.” These offers included joining a site, or downloading a app which was much simpler than the iphone offer for the users. This took me from having my earnings falling down to $100 a day up to $500 plus.

Use CDN:

Just use cloudflare and their free ssl. Improves speed, protect against prying eyes

New graphics

On a day when i thought i was going to end around $150 i designed and posted a new banner and my earnings went up to $400. After seeing this i regularly updated the banner some of which will be attached as well as the landing pages. Im not going put some of the newer ones since they are still being used. I got the (1) unclaimed and timer from @cashmoneyaffiliate guides so shouts to him.


Analyzing my Data:

Instagram is a social network available to various mobile OS. While analyzing my data for the iPhone promotion account I was surprised to see that a majority of the clicks came from Apple devices and I’m talking a significant amount. I didn’t track all clicks but from the 100,000+ clicks I did track. About 80% of the traffic was from Apple devices with about 80% being from the iPhone and the rest from iPod. Im not sure where the iPad is included in those number because my tracking software does not differentiate in those numbers.

What I Learned from the data?

iPhone users want a new iphone, majority of the clicks was as I said from apple devices. This is useful if I wanted to do a paid campaign.



IG Banners:
Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files

Iphone LP:
Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files

I'm promoting a Amazon product on Instagram too. I have a landing page already built you want to school me a little bit? I just told someone today on the forum that I notice every time I switch up the page looks I get more people or more amazon clicks. I started this because of the holidays so how can I get followers. Does it matter if I follow 30k people and only get 15k? Plus i was thinking not to promote anything until a certain amount of followers.

I can make a banner in 5 minutes that's a smart idea and I should of did that from the jump!

I have a instagram followers app that allows me to follow people for coins and then trade the coins in for more automatic followers. They also have a likes app too it's better than the followers more discreet if no one un-follows. I did that so make my pictures look more legit like I have back up to support what I was promoting.

It's crazy I'm damn near doing exactly the same thing you are and your getting better results. Your product is way better too. I'm promoting a hydroponic indoor garden lol. I was hoping for a good amount of conversions for the holidays.
Anyways I can use tips, advise, coaching anything that will help my get more conversions.
You look like a busy man, so, many thanks for take your time writing this post, we really appreciate this ;) I was wondering, as sometimes manage IG accounts it's a pain in the neck, what kind of tools would you recommend to make this task easier? Because, I guess you didn't follow by IG on iOS by hand. Any bot, emulator or similar?

Again, many thanks, indeed.

You can do a lot of stuff in IG online, with sites like

Websta - the best Instagram web viewer online
Deskgram - Upload Photos and Manage Instagram From PC/MAC
Schedule Instagram posts with
Tools to promote your Instagram account on Facebook and across the web
Introducing Your Instagram Feed on the Web
Instagram for PC - Official Instagram emulator project
5 Tools That Let You Upload to Instagram from a Desktop Computer

*** Please note the following:
- I have not used any of these sites, so I cannot vouch for any of them
- I did not link to Gamblr because I read that some people were losing their accounts because of it
- I read that using a computer to upload photos is in violation of IG's TOS

Personally, I don't want to use my phone to upload photos, I don't have a data plan so it would cost me a fortune. That's the only reason I don't yet have an IG account.
Really great post + content! You really killed it with IG. What kinds of content did you post on your IG account? How long until they banned you?