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How long before you guys started making money

I first start with ppd with cleanfiles and youtube then i swith to clickbank amd from i remember it pass like 2 months when i see my first sale .That feeling was amazing when i see that 40 bucks on my clickbank account
That's not a fair question without knowing you background and past areas of experience.
I think, back in 2003 I made $800 or so my first month --but I had a year's learning in that business and in basic IT skills.
When I first started a website, about 15-20 years ago, I did it to learn marketing. I built the website to learn on it, and I applied everything I learned, because this is the best way I can learn. Most of things I tried were useless, lost a lot of time, but about 6 months later traffic bumped and made money from it.