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How long did it take you to succeed in Affiliate marketing?


I'm currently trying to learn affilate marketing since March.

I made some money on Clickbank, but I'm having a hard time to find the perfect traffic source.

- Google ads traffic is the best, but you can't rely on them as they ban your account fast.

- Facebook is the same as Google.

- Bing ads is great too, but too much competition.

- Push Ads? I spent around 500 euro with them but haven't had much success with them.

What I do like is that they approve campaigns in like 5 minutes which is amazing.

And they won't ban you that fast, as for traffic quality I don't really know for sure, but It feels like all bot traffic..

- Native is great, but higher budget needed to make it work.

I don't know man, what should I do.. I want consistent results with high quality traffic and without dealing with bans and so on.

How long did it take you to succeed?

Any advice?
I think the best way to earn consistent high traffic is SEO.
You should treat your affiliate marketing just as a regular business. It requires a long period of time to grow a business and make it successful.
If you want your business to run for the long term, you should not focus on achieving high spikes in your traffic earlier. Grow your business gradually and make it last longer.
What is your definition of 'success'? Everybody's goals are different...
Some need to put the bar very high to push their efforts and might never reach (or move it further if they get close)...
Others have to take little steps and succeed every time they make one...
Why are you getting banned so much?
Fix that and you will succeed more.
The fix is to be more legit probably or to be better at deception

Why are you getting banned so much?
Fix that and you will succeed more.
The fix is to be more legit probably or to be better at deception
Where did I state in this post that I'm getting banned? I'm saying in the long term you can't rely on some of those traffic sources.
What is your definition of 'success'? Everybody's goals are different...
Some need to put the bar very high to push their efforts and might never reach (or move it further if they get close)...
Others have to take little steps and succeed every time they make one...
What I mean by success is making a full-time income online.
I thought you were masking a statement and not speculating.
Yes, it was a statement, but I didn't say I'm getting banned all the time :) With Google, I was banned wrongfully, and it is really hard to get that back while running whitehat offers.

As for Facebook, I know people are getting banned as well for no reason, sometimes without even promoting anything.

Those traffic sources work perfectly and I had great success with them in e-commerce, but in the long term, you can't really rely on them.
- Google ads traffic is the best, but you can't rely on them as they ban your account fast.

- Facebook is the same as Google.

- Bing ads is great too, but too much competition.
I thought you were masking a statement and not speculating.
That is not about the time spent, but it is all about the practice that you get on the daily basis and your ability to learn on your istakes and search for the information you need on the INternet.
With Google, I was banned wrongfully, and it is really hard to get that back while running whitehat offers.
You can't rely on anything except your balance in an insured bank account or a stable government's bond issues.
Now what is the likelihood and probability?
Cut your losses and run with the wins until the winning diminishes to less than a reasonable return.
If you want a guarantee buy a refrigerator.
Answering the question in the title of this thread, it took me a little more than a year to start making money (not a lot, but some). However, if we measure by "attempts", I believe I built over 40 different websites and tried a ton of different methods until I finally stopped jumping from one thing to another, had a good look at my business and understood how I could start achieving better results.

That said, I think a good tip for someone getting started and having an overload of information, is to try to keep the following mindset:

* Learn as much as possible;
* Practice, gain experience and increase your focus on things that work;
* Keep an open mind.

Keeping an open mind and staying focused may sound a bit contradictory, but it isn't.

For example, when you say that Google and Facebook will ban your accounts, that may be a case of being more open minded. And,as you see new ways of using the platforms, you may end up increasing your focus on them.

It's true that many affiliates deal with constant account bans and, if you can create new accounts and keep the cat/rat race going, it's a way to make money.

However, it's not the only way to do it.

Both Google and Facebook have a criteria for banning accounts (it's not the same for both platforms, but they have their own criteria). If you understand it, you'll be able to find ways to run campaigns without having that constant fear of losing your accounts.

So, just because you've seen people having issues with account bans (or even have faced this situation yourself), don't assume that this is the only and absolute reality.

This can limit your ideas and make your learning curve longer and more difficult.

This same idea applies for other situations. When we get too overwhelmed, it becomes hard to step out of the whirlwind and see different possibilities.

But, for me, it was the moment I managed to do that that initiated a change in my business that resulted in my first profits.

I hope it helps!
It takes from 6 months to several years to start making profits with affiliate marketing. More precise timing and your overall success depend on your ability to create quality content, optimize for SEO, drive traffic, and promote your affiliate products.
You should treat your affiliate marketing just as a regular business.

I totally agree with you. I'm newbie to ACP but not to internet marketing. I'm still confused about the right approach.

I see some affiliates who build a vertical affiliate site and promote the offers there and they are very succesful. Than I see other affiliates, more in the dating and gambling industry, which don't build vertical websites but promote the offers in some other way which im still missing, maybe pop unders?

So it feels like the first approach is correct, more long term biz oriented and the second one is less solid? Can you help in understanding the righ approach?
Up to this point, I knew little information about this type of marketing. I think it's a good niche for attracting an audience and traffic for a business. It all depends on the skill and level of knowledge of the SEO specialist who does it.
I've been doing SEO for about a year now.
It seems to me to be a great niche for making money and I really like this niche.
But affiliate marketing is a bit more complicated.
Since I am working on my own, recently I needed an additional way to advertise my advertising services and my good friend advised me interior design mockup.
It has really helped me out in advertising my services and has raised the number of people that want to do business with me.
I think it can also be relevant for affiliate marketing. especially if it's the start of a career.
Try it, it might really help you in some way.
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I'm currently trying to learn affilate marketing since March.

I made some money on Clickbank, but I'm having a hard time to find the perfect traffic source.

- Google ads traffic is the best, but you can't rely on them as they ban your account fast.

- Facebook is the same as Google.

- Bing ads is great too, but too much competition.

- Push Ads? I spent around 500 euro with them but haven't had much success with them.

What I do like is that they approve campaigns in like 5 minutes which is amazing.

And they won't ban you that fast, as for traffic quality I don't really know for sure, but It feels like all bot traffic..

- Native is great, but higher budget needed to make it work.

I don't know man, what should I do.. I want consistent results with high quality traffic and without dealing with bans and so on.

How long did it take you to succeed?

Any advice?
Good luck my friend, I am new to click bank, what method did you use to profit from click bank
The best way to run Facebook Ads affiliate campaigns is to follow a few simple principles. These principles are designed to allow you to start with a small budget, find what works for you quickly, and finally scale your campaigns while still keeping control of your advertising costs.

Frankly, Facebook Ads is one of the easiest advertising platforms I've used in my 15-year career. The targeting options are almost limitless, the amount of traffic can be increased at will, and you have a wide variety of ad formats to unleash your marketing creativity.

However, all of these targeting and optimization options are only good if you can track the effectiveness of your campaigns AND attribute them to your ads.

And that, unfortunately, is a huge trap for many marketers, beginners, and experts alike.
The only problem with Fb Ads is that for few years now, Ads on Fb are easily banner and so your ads account. That's why many people suggest to point the adds to a pre-lander which is on some kind of blog style website (you own) and from there, the user will click to the final landing page.
I'm sure there are other methods which go more into the dark side of the way of marketing staff (blackhat).
As in any other activity it may take uncertain amout of time. You have to understand that success is an abstract notion, if you make your first steps in affiliate marketing successfuly, then probably you have already gained a bit of success. In my opinion, it may take years to become successful, the main here is what you mean by the word success. I believe that people shouldn't start any activity just because they want to become successful and earn lots of money. First and foremost you should have a true desire to become successful, just because you really like this activity. Only then you should think about money.