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How many days should my Facebook ads testing phase last?


Active Member
Hi all, someone on Reddit told me that I should spend money on the testing phase of a Facebook ads campaign for at least 7 days.

He said that I'll get sale after a week of spending.

According to him, it takes 7 days for the Facebook algorithm to learn.

$10/day is all that is necessary to get my first sale.

What are your thoughts?
The duration of the testing phase for your Facebook ads can vary depending on several factors, such as your budget, audience size, and the objective of your campaign. However, a common recommendation is to run the testing phase for at least 3-5 days.

During this time, you can gather enough data to evaluate the performance of your ads and make informed decisions about which ads are working best and which ones need optimization. It's important to allow enough time for the Facebook algorithm to optimize your ads and deliver them to the right audience.

After the initial testing phase, you can continue to monitor the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed to improve their effectiveness. Remember that testing is an ongoing process, so be prepared to iterate and optimize your ads based on the results you see.
Thanks for the reply. In your opinion, how much should one spend on testing? TJ Tutor once said that business owners should send at least 500 clicks to an offer before judging success and failure.

If my cost per click is $0.50, that means I should spend $250 on testing.

What are your thoughts?
Thanks for the reply. In your opinion, how much should one spend on testing? TJ Tutor once said that business owners should send at least 500 clicks to an offer before judging success and failure.

If my cost per click is $0.50, that means I should spend $250 on testing.

What are your thoughts?
Hey , may I know how 500 clicks help judge success and failure? Does this mean "it's a failed campaign if the clicks are not up to 500"?
I'm not sure about Facebook. I would rather pay attention to other platforms, perhaps MGID. One of the most obvious advantages compared to Facebook is that there are less bans. Yes, there are rules, but they are much more lenient than Facebook's. Maybe it depends on the geo, but for testing, I chose LATAM, and there is a significant difference there.
perhaps MGID
I highly recommend staying away from MGID. They recently allowed a breach on our affiliate account and did not lift a finger to correct it. We have had a great relationship with them for many years, until now. We removed them from our community as a result.

Beware MGID, their support has gone to shit!
In your opinion, how much should one spend on testing?

That question is far too ambiguous because if you had a $500 budget and the clicks were $500 then you get one click. Your budget is determined by your cost per click, per view, or et al. You have more factors to consider when establishing a budget for testing and then for running the funnel. Demographics, day parting, offer payout, cost per click/view/etc.

None you are considering the fact you should also be split testing, cost of creatives, copy, landers, and more.

TJ Tutor once said that business owners should send at least 500 clicks to an offer before judging success and failure.
Hey , may I know how 500 clicks help judge success and failure? Does this mean "it's a failed campaign if the clicks are not up to 500"?

I used the term "success or failure"? Maybe, but it just doesn't sound like me.

I do subscribe to using determining factors of value in a test or a funnel. I see test funnels of mine that result in negative ROI at first and then turn on big with positive ROI's after a few tweaks.

If my cost per click is $0.50, that means I should spend $250 on testing.

NO! Read the above.

Too many of you are basing budget on the cost of a click only. None of you are taking in consideration the offer payout and other factors.
I highly recommend staying away from MGID. They recently allowed a breach on our affiliate account and did not lift a finger to correct it. We have had a great relationship with them for many years, until now. We removed them from our community as a result.

Beware MGID, their support has gone to shit!
Hi T J , Max from the MGID team here. I’m really sorry to hear about your experience - definitely not what we aim for. Could you share your account details with me so I can look into what happened and make things right? We’re here to help!
Hi T J , Max from the MGID team here. I’m really sorry to hear about your experience - definitely not what we aim for. Could you share your account details with me so I can look into what happened and make things right? We’re here to help!

I'll message you later today or over the weekend the weekend.
I highly recommend staying away from MGID. They recently allowed a breach on our affiliate account and did not lift a finger to correct it. We have had a great relationship with them for many years, until now. We removed them from our community as a result.

Beware MGID, their support has gone to shit!
Only those who do nothing never make mistakes. If you've used the service for years, it means you were satisfied with it. Have you ever seen a service without any glitches? Even McDonald's has messed up.

If I were you, I'd give MGID another chance.
To be honest with you, this is just empty talk From the first day you can judge the results A successful advertisement is from the first day Nothing will change after 7 days

Based on what?

This tells me you know nothing about "dialing in" the various attributes of a funnel. At minimum, it takes three days to determine if a funnel has the ability to perform. There an abundance of variables that need to be tested including, but not limited to:
Day Parting
Day of the Week
Split Testing
Angles, Hooks, and Triggers

There is more, but a person must test all variations to dial in on what works. Ask any super affiliates team and they'll tell you they may go well beyond what I have listed.

The first day is not nearly enough to determine anything other than will you be banned if you are cloaking and at risk of being banned for advertising forbidden content, services, and/or products.

I have two new funnels in split tests on FB and Google at the moment, launched yesterday. Each are split testing five landers, five ad variations, and five FB pages. I am starting them in U.S., GB, and Canada. These will take four days each to complete testing, analysis, and adjustments. That's just for those three countries. Then when they are dialed in and ready to scale, we'll be doing it all over in Germanic countries with a third group after that for Hispanic countries and beyond.

You have much to learn about dialing in a funnel mohbelguessab.

I highly recommend NOT doing any Blackhat stuff on FB, or anywhere else! Absolutely unnecessary to earn and earn big. You cannot sell a company that relies on BH, you can easily sell a WH company!
Based on what?

This tells me you know nothing about "dialing in" the various attributes of a funnel. At minimum, it takes three days to determine if a funnel has the ability to perform. There an abundance of variables that need to be tested including, but not limited to:
Day Parting
Day of the Week
Split Testing
Angles, Hooks, and Triggers

There is more, but a person must test all variations to dial in on what works. Ask any super affiliates team and they'll tell you they may go well beyond what I have listed.

The first day is not nearly enough to determine anything other than will you be banned if you are cloaking and at risk of being banned for advertising forbidden content, services, and/or products.

I have two new funnels in split tests on FB and Google at the moment, launched yesterday. Each are split testing five landers, five ad variations, and five FB pages. I am starting them in U.S., GB, and Canada. These will take four days each to complete testing, analysis, and adjustments. That's just for those three countries. Then when they are dialed in and ready to scale, we'll be doing it all over in Germanic countries with a third group after that for Hispanic countries and beyond.

You have much to learn about dialing in a funnel mohbelguessab.

I highly recommend NOT doing any Blackhat stuff on FB, or anywhere else! Absolutely unnecessary to earn and earn big. You cannot sell a company that relies on BH, you can easily sell a WH company!
believe me i know facebook ads more than you!
All the information circulating is wrong and there is no such thing as warming or test for 3 days
People who talk have no idea.
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believe me i know facebook ads more than you!

Oh really, I accept your challenge!

Your other threads you claim to be new and wanting to learn. Now you claim to know more than me!

I spend well over $10k a month on FB alone and some months as much as $20k. I have an FB assigned Ads Consultant. His name is Jeremy. I promote luxury brands only through invitation only affiliate programs. I am 100% Whitehat.

All the information circulating is wrong and there is no such thing as warming or test for 3 days
People who talk have no idea.

I never said "warm up" anything. I explained the processes of split testing and refining funnels to find the ones that work and then be able to scale them. I asked you about the specific tools in another thread and you didn't answer because you have no idea what they are. Careful now dumbass, your ignorance and lack of skills in marketing are showing.

You, in some of your other threads, state you want to learn to promote adult content on FB and to learn to use a cloak. Anyone that doesn't know how to do this in no way knows more than me about FB marketing! Additionally, doing Blackhat on FB, or anywhere, is a lame, stupid, unprofessional, and idiotic way to promote anything as a newbie and teaches you absolutely nothing about marketing.

You are a "POSER"! You are ignorant, and incapable!
Oh really, I accept your challenge!

Your other threads you claim to be new and wanting to learn. Now you claim to know more than me!

I spend well over $10k a month on FB alone and some months as much as $20k. I have an FB assigned Ads Consultant. His name is Jeremy. I promote luxury brands only through invitation only affiliate programs. I am 100% Whitehat.

I never said "warm up" anything. I explained the processes of split testing and refining funnels to find the ones that work and then be able to scale them. I asked you about the specific tools in another thread and you didn't answer because you have no idea what they are. Careful now dumbass, your ignorance and lack of skills in marketing are showing.

You, in some of your other threads, state you want to learn to promote adult content on FB and to learn to use a cloak. Anyone that doesn't know how to do this in no way knows more than me about FB marketing! Additionally, doing Blackhat on FB, or anywhere, is a lame, stupid, unprofessional, and idiotic way to promote anything as a newbie and teaches you absolutely nothing about marketing.

You are a "POSER"! You are ignorant, and incapable!
im new in cpa marketing
im expert in facebook ads

i spend 50k-60k per month in COD in my country

im new in cpa marketing
No one provides real information, just talk and motivation

I asked several questions in the group, no one responded with real information

if you want proof dm me i have spent 110k last 2 month

anyway i know facebook ads better than you for 1 simple reason
I spend in a country where I can get more sale and low cpm that means I face more problems and i can learn facebook ads with 1k spend what you will learn when you spend 20k its simple do the math

Don't be so arrogant please I spoke to you in a respectful way
and you are not providing any useful information you are talking basic things in this forum