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“Adavice”/  “CPA

How much have you made this month?

What is your name over at Bubblews? I am unsure if we are connected there. If we are not I would enjoy being connected!

I'm just the same as I am here - cefmac. I connected to you a few days ago, as I saw one of your posts made it to the front page!
Money I've actually been paid:
Social Spark - $4.04 (from the referral program)
forum posting - $5.09
jingit - $0.60 - $0.15
Pinecone research - $3.00
mTurk - $47.84
app redeem/app trailers - $2.79
Qmee - $0.85

Total for this month: $64.36 (I generally make around $20 - $60 a month so this has been a good month for me lol...)

Gift cards:
Darwin's Data - $25 Amazon card
My Coke Rewards - $5.00 McDonald's card

Stuff: - A sephora nail polish

Adsense - $5.56 (I've never made enough to get even my first check, but I just started using webanswers a lot more and this month I made $5.19 so far on there. I'm up to about 200 questions answered so far.

I also have a community for weight loss on which lets you add articles, participate in forums, etc. and I've made $0.37 this month, but I haven't done much with it yet. You can join any community on there and add articles to earn from adsense and/or you can make your own community based on any topic. It's pretty cool.)