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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

How much will Emporium Directory be worth?



I need an appraisal of the value of Emporium Directory from you guys. Say that I decide to sell off the directory after the next PR update, how much would I be able to get, or how much are you willing to pay for it?

Not sure how old the site is or how many submissions it has or backlinks, but.
Assuming these numbers are good and the fact it has a Page Rank of 4 and a good alexa rating you should be able to get around $300 to $350.
Hmm...not a bad price, although I was expecting higher :) The site was registered in November 2006, by the way.

The alexa is under 100,000 and its PR4, its certainly work more than $350 but then again, it depends on who wants to buy it.
I value it higher than the bid for positon directory you sold for $1,500 but again, it depends on buyer.
The alexa is under 100,000 and its PR4, its certainly work more than $350 but then again, it depends on who wants to buy it.
I value it higher than the bid for positon directory you sold for $1,500 but again, it depends on buyer.

Ah, sounds cool. Would be useful if I decide to sell the directory. I plan to hold on to it for a little while longer though :tongue: But would $3K be a fair value?
