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Guide How to build your own funnels for nutra products

Dr. cash

Affiliate Network
Affiliate Manager
Over the past 2 months, we've conducted 100+ interviews for the media buyer position. To the question, "How do you search/create a funnel?", the most common answers we've gotten are:
1) I download 10 funnels from spy services and test them, something might work out
2) The manager sends me the top offers for the week, I choose the "toppest" one, take a few stock landing pages and run to drive it before the funnel is empty

To the question "Why are you looking for a team and not working solo?", in 90% of cases the answer is the following:
I face difficulties in finding funnels, it either goes all in the minus or get to the plus only by paying for a billing.

And that's where everything falls into place :)

Of course, both options of searching for funnels mentioned above have a place, but there are many BUTs.

BUT in the first case - lack of detailed information on the funnel (age, interests, budgets, etc), possibly VERY different conditions, etc

BUT in the second case – taken prelanding, high competition, manager who doesn't understand the difference between CR and CTR, besides, almost all webmasters, and even larger teams work on API and the manager can't tell what and how it drives.

So, we come to the conclusion:

Your own funnel is the best option.

But how to realize it?

I will highlight the main steps:

1) Studying GEO and direction
2) Defining approaches and selecting an offer
3) Launching the first stage of tests
4) Working out the TOP approach

5) Launching the second stage of tests and scaling up

Study of GEO and direction

At this stage, you need to study the specifics of GEO: population, coverage, political situation, average salary, popularity of your traffic source in the country. And of course, the demand for your chosen destination. For example, it may be reckless to drive skin whitening products in Poland :)

You also need to understand the specifics of your chosen destination. Otherwise, how can you drive diabetes a plus without even knowing the age of your target audience, their pains, fears, etc.? You need to study in detail the problems that plague your target audience and offer them the BEST solution to these problems. By the way, has more than 240 GEOs available to you, including exotic ones, and your AM is always happy to help you with localising your funnel to a new GEO.


Identifying approaches and choosing an offer

Choosing an offer is quite an interesting question, there are several factors to consider:
  • Freshness
  • Results of future competitors (Are there any competitors at all or will you be the first to launch this offer. If there are competitors, you can check with the manager: what volumes, what web or team, etc.)
  • Form factor, which will go to your target audience (for example, young people like all kinds of mixes, and older part of the audience is quite conservative and likes pills).
  • Advertiser's trust and its openness to providing the web with any information.
  • Terms
  • Price
These are probably the most basic points in choosing an offer. If you're having trouble choosing an offer, you can explore relevant offer selections here or ask your AM for help.

You get acquainted with the information on the offer page on allowed/prohibited approaches, analyze the campaigns of future competitors and select a few approaches for yourself.

Next you need to choose prelanding pages, what to do at this stage? This is where spy service/library helps us out. We choose landing pages from other GEO (ideally similar to yours) and give in translation to PP, you can take stock ones from PP. I advise to take it easy at this stage, the usual proofreading is enough, if necessary, make minimal edits. It is important not to take 10 landing pages for each approach, if you are not ready to allocate large budgets for the test, pre-calculate the math.

Let’s suppose you’ve chosen the medical approach and another one with a celebrity. One prelanding page can contain several approaches at once. For each approach you have selected a few prelanding pages and made relevant creatives for each, distributed the approaches into campaigns and are ready to run the test.

Launching the first stage of tests

Having done the maths beforehand, calculated the price limit of a lead and the budget you’re willing to lose in case of anything, we can run the test. So, you've completed the first stage of testing. You have analyzed and concluded that the approach with a celebrity absolutely doesn’t work, but the medical approach shows excellent results. Perhaps in the approach with a celebrity you have made a mistake with the choice of a personality, you can try to change him or her and make a retest. But for the purposes of this article, let's focus on the medical approach.

Working through the TOP approach

This stage, as well as scaling, I consider to be the main one in assessing the level of the buyer and their expertise.

You have analyzed all the information obtained after the initial tests: ages, placements, approaches in creatives, top landing pages, paid attention to facebook'a behavior (e.g. by the end of the day the envelope absolutely disappears), and on the basis of this data you start to work out your TOP approach:
  • Emphasize the age that performed the best in the prelanding pages
  • Update the photos in the feeds
  • Use text and photos from your prelanding pages in creatives for 100% relevancy
  • Exclude the saddest prelanding pages (base)
  • Add urgency effect
  • Add more hooks Update testimonials
  • Change the header
  • Make sure that on all devices the prelanding page is working correctly and styles are not going anywhere
  • Make a comparison with other offers, show the target audience that your product is better for them on all criteria: from effectiveness to speed of effect and price.
  • And an infinite number of marketing and psychological techniques.
  • Perhaps the advertiser will give you detailed feedback, and on the basis of this you can increase the conversion/apruv/r.chek.
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Launching the second phase of tests and scaling up

If the results are sad, go back to the steps above and look for thevariables that are making things sad. Even if you have completely lost the desire to work with this area/GEO, it is important to analyze and gain experience. If you are happy with the results, move on to scaling.

This is a reason for a separate article, the only thing I can say is:

- You shouldn't take out a loan on a Lamborghini because you have 600% ROI.

You need to be prepared for the fact that advertising may close, there may be a political rival in GEO, and many other things that don’t depend on you, but you’ll suffer financial losses. But these are trifles, the only thing that can be guaranteed is that sooner or later the funnel will run out and it will benecessary to resuscitate it somehow. I strongly recommend you to think about it at once, and not to run around afterwards.

The above is only ONE OPTION and cannot guarantee you ROI of 600%.