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How to Choose the Right Hosting for Monetization with Push Notifications

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform
Zeydoo — Earn with Push Subscriptions
propush-hosting-banner.png offers an easy, even relaxed way of monetization. Once you have a ready website or a landing page and a high-quality traffic source, it’s half the battle!

Still, you need to prepare for your monetization — and choosing the right hosting is one of the important steps. Why does it matter so much and how to arrange it all wisely?

Why is Hosting Important?
These are the issues you can easily avoid if you pick the right hosting provider. Hosting is responsible for your website or landing page's quick and stable work — it’s like a house footing.

A hosting server you use for your site or page must be capable to manage all incoming traffic, and all user requests — 24/7. Any mistakes, delays, or activity breaks may result in losing users: they will barely visit your page again to check if you fixed the issues.

So what hosting is better? Free or paid? Dedicated, Web or VPS? What location to choose? What hosting servers to consider?

If you want to find answers to these questions, we recommend you to read our latest article about hostings and how to choose them - read the article here!

Once you choose a suitable hosting provider, it will do its work smoothly — with no distraction from website mistakes. And of course, use monetization to increase your profits!