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Seeking Help How to deal with chaos?


Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
when you wanna get something done
a specific thing on a specific date
but theres random shit laying around
and landmines everywhere
how do you approach the task?
Depends on how high the priority is of the due date and what the consequence might be.
If it's not badges and guns or a penalty or fine --I'll get to it when I can.

I see self imposed deadlines as mere goals. If it's days, weeks or months past due --so what?
Depends on how high the priority is of the due date and what the consequence might be.
If it's not badges and guns or a penalty or fine --I'll get to it when I can.

I see self imposed deadlines as mere goals. If it's days, weeks or months past due --so what?
so what?
another day passes
24 hours of 99% bs
nothing gets done
Do or die doesn't usually turn out well. You get sloppy trying to make a deadline; or, do the best you can in the time allotted.

I work with real (empirical) data not hopes and dreams, and what some guru says on YouTube. That is BS and anything that is evolved from that is mostly BS.

If you set goals in a CASE IF schema each goal will have a varied outcome or path. Any sort of business, political crisis or war battlefield is a CASE IF --and not a binary 0,1 or boolean no,yes outcome.

July 26 -tomorrow


That's my deadline I am gaming the market --no shortages of variables and there is always an unexpected chaotic event --news mainly --some good some bad --and some is just a nothingburger. I try to just filter out the nonessential of most of the nonsense I see.

If you don't anticipate and try to cover the options you can only have a win or lose outcome. That's BS. That is usually a waste of time the same way buying a lottery ticket is a waste of money.
so what?
another day passes
24 hours of 99% bs
nothing gets done
There is ALWAYS some random distraction --don't get distracted and don't set absolute deadlines or goals. Make your game-plans for a flexible period. Learn to pivot and move on but try to always move forward incrementally as defined by the current circumstance.
when you wanna get something done
a specific thing on a specific date
but theres random shit laying around
and landmines everywhere
how do you approach the task?

This is the typical day for many of us. One has to be a "multi-tasker" of a specific type. You can be that by training yourself and the first element is to learn "proper" multi-tasking through the "surrender" approach. Surrender as in giving in, not giving up. The surrender approach has been discussed for thousands of years and is a crucial and core element in multi-tasking for success. It is a form of acceptance. It includes knowing ahead of time that what you are calling "random shit" and "landmines" are always there in one form or another and they will always find a way into your day. Expect them, surrender to them, and add them to a priority schedule. Pushback causes stress, acceptance causes comfort.

I spend the first part of my day in my bed watching the news for an hour while enjoying my first pot of Starbucks fresh ground French Roast. That is all the background of what I am accomplishing in that first hour. Like most, I awake already having items in my calendar and days schedule. Both of those are living items that are in a constant state of change. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is absolute. Expect and plan on constant change in all things. When you can do that, you will quickly learn that all things around you are in constant motion and calling on you for your attention. That is not where your issue is, your issue is in not expecting it and not being a schooled and avid professional of MULTI-TASKING! Surrender, accept, and prioritize.

Now that you have adopted the surrender, accept, and prioritize elements in our life and business, you must then learn "blocking". When in process with any item in calendar and/or schedule, you must employ blocking. I sit at a desk with nine (9) external hard-drives, two laptops, two towers, and four monitors. My eyes are always wandering while on task. I also always have streaming media or music on in the background. You see, many are mis-diagnosed with stuff like attention deficit. Many are actually flailing and untrained natural multi-taskers. With these people, of which I am one, you immediately resolve their condition intentionally giving them many tasks to accomplish and encourage them to have them all going at once and encourage them to constantly jump from one another. This happened to me. The test for me was trying to get me to focus on one thing, accomplish one thing. This is fine if I am mowing the lawn, not so much for something like when I was a 3 star chef at my families restaurant. Watch a chef, watch a sales manager at a busy car dealership, watch a coach of a football team at training, and you will see some of the finest examples of those that manage what you call "random shit & land mines"! For us, our natural state is needing and succeeding by indulging and working on many items at once, jumping from one to another at the same time. It brings order to our way of thinking and living and the result is WE GET SHIT DONE!

You see what I am saying. I, and others like me, never find our selves lamenting the random shit and landmines because we actually look forward to those encounters. The ones that are of no value, we identify and shove aside without worry.

Don't hate the random shit, embrace it, organize it, prioritize it and learn to do that on the fly and quickly. You will become a butterfly after this metamorphosis.
Well I only got to 50% or so. What happened I had 1 near miss. I underbid .005263 (about 1/2%).

'B' is my order bid price.
What/Venture idea:
Sources needed:
What data you need to make a decision:

I think everything else is tactics, that need be reconfigured to meet goals, over and over, as you go --until they start working.
Then you may be able to scale the plan if the TAM (total addressable market) is worthwhile.

But you have to have a core foundation of some real world data. Imaginary goals and fabricated data is a recipe for failure. On the other hand, if you know a business, and can see a disruptive, or at least a very competitive idea, I think it is worth pursuing. Wost you can do is fail when you test the waters.
Deterministic chaos: long term weather forecasting is challenging because the wind, temperature, and barometric values are constantly changing.

I consider financial markets as mainly orchestrated chaos. The trends begin with political policies or market disruptions of all kinds. You either pivot strategies, colloquially: roll with the punches, or stick to the plan --do or die --long term.

Truly chaotic events are nearly impossible to predict, like:
  • When there is a military coup d'état of a new dictator.
  • When a father gets a promotion at his job and is required to move to another city.

These are consequences of changes in dynamic systems. Although the end results could be predicted, no one could ever know how long it might take to get from the beginning to the end. More often than not, something different will happen before reaching the intended destination.

However, I think that there are always signs of tumultuous events, and that in itself, precludes the event from being truly chaotic --we were just blind or ignoring the pattern --perhaps pretending to think that the possibility would just diminish or go away. Sometimes it will but usually it does not.
You see what I am saying. I, and others like me, never find our selves lamenting the random shit and landmines because we actually look forward to those encounters. The ones that are of no value, we identify and shove aside without worry.
You just have to get past it or learn to pivot --or strike "carpe diem" and take advantage of the chaos.
Unfortunately i think this its the biggest reason why people dont succed in business but only
I remember milion times that i decided i will work on some tasks each day but unfortunately either : confort ,not beging in a mood to do it etc stop me to be consistent each day like a real job