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How to deal with ZERO DAYS as an affiliate?


Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
A zero day is a day you make no commission
you may get high traffic and or many clicks
but nothing will convert on that day
its just the way it goes in the affiliate game
but I pay it no mind
in fact it gets me more focused & more critical
gets me asking questions & TAKING ACTION
  1. how can I improve?
  2. what am I missing in the stats?
  3. where do I need to drill down in Analytics?
  4. what made previous days lucrative?
  5. what trends could be affecting conversions?
  6. have I got broken banner links?
  7. is my site mobile friendly?
  8. are the main products out of stock?
  9. is there something in the news?
  10. whats going on at Google Trends?
the most important question is simple
--> am I following my GAME PLAN?

cos out of all this 'pain' & failing & learning & drama
I learned one simple kinds calculation
& it drives everything that I do as an affiliate
  1. who are my CUSTOMERS?
  2. where do I FIND my customers?
  3. what do my customers NEED?
  4. what is the main SOLUTION I give them?
  5. are my customers HAPPY with my solution?
  6. are my customers BUYING 'my' products?
  7. then we get to the MONEY part
starts with the money I need to SURVIVE
not become a millionaire or earn $100,000
some crazy sh1t I posted in this thread (DREAMS)
& its in 4 stages beginning with this month

Target 1 (May & June, 2022)
Day Commission > $20
Week Commission > $140
Month Commission > $600
Deadline > May 1 thru June 30, 2022
Pays for > project costs only

we get there through the commission calculation
inspired by @iamb -->

need 78,400 visits this MONTH for 4,704 banner clicks to rack up 70 sales ($5,950) and earn $595 commission
need 2,614 visits every DAY for 157 banner clicks to rack up 2.5 sales ($200 and earn $20 commission)

but if am on track for the month
dont really give a damn about the day
cos no 2 days are the same
but sticking to the plan works over a month
and you reach your TARGETS

so a zero day is really nothing to worry about guys
thats if you set your targets
make a plan and keep pounding it relentlessly
you gonna make a breakthrough
Nice post and as a maketars we all have this problems .The thing its when you see traffic conversions etc then everithing falls into place and its easy to work hard ,be productive etc as you are motivated happy etc .The problem its when you check your stats and you see almost no traffic or sales etc ,then it comes the problems as its hard for you to continue work hard as you dont have motivation ,you are negative etc