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how to design best logo for website?

Nowadays the approach to logo designing has cardinally been changed, everything because designers try to step away from the classical design with the surplus of shadows in their works. The design is getting flatter. So, it's easier to create something not only for designers, but for ordinary people, who don't have any specific knowledge in this field.
You need to pass special courses where experienced designers explain all the peculiarities of contemporary design direction. As for designing logos for websites, then I guess there is nothing different from designing of logos of worldwide companies and corporations. Look at Google, Mozilla, Ford, Volkswagen, Burger King and other corporations. They try to step away from 3D logos.
Catch this opportunity.
you are saying some facts here to be honest
is one of the best advice i heard
I’ll toss out an idea that others here might frown at since it’s a form of crowdsourcing, but it avoids the contests and, instead, connects up clients and designers to discuss the job — just like a traditional client-designer relationship.

Upwork 9, for example, has a different model where potential clients post jobs on which interested designers can bid. The client has the opportunity to read the bid proposals and look through portfolios before selecting designers to interview. You can interview as many as you’d like, but in the end, you select a designer and agree on a contract before the designer proceeds to begin work.

That said, these kinds of platforms (like Upwork) also have been affected by a race-to-the-bottom mentality, so if all you’re looking for is cheap, you’ll find it. There are also good, reputable, experienced, professional designers there too, but they’re typically more inclined to respond only to the higher-paying jobs or direct invitations to bid.

There’s also Behance 5, where you can browse through designers’ portfolios and make decisions on whom to contact about the job.

As already mentioned in previous posts, if all you’re thinking is a logo, you’re sort of missing the bigger picture of a logo being just one component in a visual branding strategy. A good designer will ask you about that and give you advice. A less-than-good designer will just take the logo job, draw a pretty picture to your liking and quickly move on to the next job before you realize that the logo you liked isn’t necessarily the logo that, for various reasons, will work best for your needs.
I was playing around for a bit this morning with Inkscape

'crapo' fictitious org just fast cuts with fonts ...