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How to increase blog traffic.

buy 500K of bulk traffic over an extended period of time (3 months maybe?) it might cost $1.50/1000 or less
you could buy banners to get name recognition -- if you have a short memorable domain name ... I am assuming your content is of value and you will keep your ad referral's attention long enough to execute some monetization strategy ...

you could spend hours and hours on posts in social media and see ...
I posted on a twitter feed with a bot using an updating XML feed and a program I wrote -- after a while (4,000) tweets I started getting 5 click thrus a day to the targeted website (WOW :()

there are millions of *blogs* on the Internet -- with SEO your odds are really bad (a long shot).
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I would suggest you to post some engaging content regularly. Use social media websites to attract more visitors. Connect with other bloggers and comment on their blogs and ask them to share their views on your posts. Optimize your blog post for search engine and target keywords.
Blog traffic can be increased by posting regular articles and sharing them over social networking websites. This will help to gain more visitors to your website and build your blog popularity in search engines.
I agree with you, as well I do the outreach for influencers that can share their opinion about my project. It can be a barter with links, writing a review, guest posting. Some bloggers can accept your article for free. And don't forget about seo - backlinks from other sites with good anchors can grow your traffic.
  • Build a large following on Twitter
  • Automate the sharing of content on Twitter. (you cannot scale if you don’t do this)
  • Link to your blog on Twitter in your profile
  • Increase your likes on Facebook
  • Link to your blog on Facebook
  • Share your post (including links to it) on Facebook
  • Build an email subscriber list from day one
  • Host a webinar (you can capture many emails when you run a webinar)
  • Create and publish great content
  • Make it easy for people to share your content with a Twitter retweet button
  • Ensure you have a LinkedIn sharing button (there are over 230 million users there)
  • Include a Google+ sharing button even if you don’t use it very much (over half a billion people there!)
  • Facebook sharing button is a must.
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nobodies will barter with other nobodies with links, reviews and guest posting <<< this is all just background noise online <<< there are millions of nobodies doing it.

Most product are just copycats -- "the other guy made money I can too" type thinking.

There are some notable exceptions; products that are truly innovative (iPhone) or disruptive (Uber) <<< these are far and few between. Phones and taxi cabs were preexisting art (technologies) however smart phones and ride sharing were new and became popular. Tesla is another example -- whether Tesla will become another Tucker Automotive or the new contender for the auto manufacturer crown is contestable.

At any rate: You will have to pay to increase awareness with either sweat equity work that is high risk =SEO; or, awareness advertising promoting you platform that can be costly and not be that effective=Buy Ads. Or, you can dream and get lucky.
Look for forums like this one that offer a signature for a link or have a profile option for a home page. Seek out other users who will trade backlinks with you. There are a lot of groups on Facebook for this.
Omg, thank you so much guys for this useful post! Took me ages to read but my goodness, some interesting advice here!
If you are building from small blog it's almost required to comment bigger blogs niche related to this. Social media, seo, there is a lot of work to do with it.
Make your posts attractive and iresistable to your target audience. This way, you would have traffic increase on your blog and you won't even be struggling to buy traffic like many blog-owners do. It is all about SEO optimization which is very organic and share your posts on social media.
To increase blog traffic, ensure you have blog content that is attractive and easy to read. Make your blog's theme user friendly and have content that is generally acceptable. Study your demographic target and customize your blog to suite them. That way, you'll be shocked to notice that your blog will start experiencing traffic jam.
Put your blog related to your landing page as well, share in social channels, find the contact related to your business and email to all for your products and whatever you introduce the new content.
Sure, most bloggers do not have related landing pages, which is the mistake that many people do. SEO is the way, as I normally say. Finding business that deal with the same niche you are handling and use your blog to promote them. That way, you can be sure to increase traffic to your site
To increase your blog traffic, I'd propose you consider SEO in your budget. Also, ensure you regularly update content in your blog, share links to your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and participate in forums that allow you to share links to your blog. One rule of the thumb is that you must make your content readable, brief and captivating at all costs!
Hi, the common methods of drawing traffic to your blog is by sharing your posts and links to your blog on Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram. You can also share links on Affiliate marketing forums and other websites that allow backlinking. However, SEO is key, and you must ensure you optimize your content for SEO. If you ain't a guru in this, let the pros do it for you