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How to Install Prosper202.

I set up success Prosper202 on VPS DigitalOcean. I recommend you using VPS DigitalOcean because just 5$ per month. Tool run very smooth.
Any need help please contact me via Skype: haotam1986

What spec is this VPS? $5 a month sounds undoable for a proper VPS..
What spec is this VPS? $5 a month sounds undoable for a proper VPS..

You can choose your Droplet Size. I'm using Droplet $5:
512MB Ram
20GB SSD Disk
New York 2
Ubuntu 12.04 x64
And run very good !
I use a vps from beyond hosting, but it costs me almost 50$ a month, for me it's quit expensive because i'm not making any money yet.
Have some tips for changing it to a cheaper server maybe?
Hi guys, anybody has experience with vps linux can help me, please.
After edit 202-config-sample.php and save to 202-config.php. Go to install process, I got this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/ on line 248

I already set all file and folder with permission 777.
Any body know this issue please give me some advice. Thanks.


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I found out the root cause, should change property in php.ini: "short_open_tag " to "on" then it works fine.
Highly recommend Digital Ocean, I set up an Ubuntu 12.04 / Nginx VPS server for Prosper and got first class support from them. Vouchers are available online if you search.;)