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how to post a sales thread

Chris Tom

Service Manager
Service Manager
Marketplace Seller
CPA Network Script
How to run your own CPA/Advertising Network

I wanted to post a sales thread in market place "script"but it says i don't have the enough privilege to do so.
Could you please let me know how/where i can post a sales thread about my new script?

Thank you
Hi, Chris. You are already a Resource vendor, you don't need a Marketplace listing. :)

I'd recommend that you post an update on your listing thread, or as a post on your Discussions tab.

You can also create a thread in the Business Centre with an Announcement prefix, if you have some exciting news about your company.

If you need any help, let me know.

Thank you for your reply.
When i try to post an announcement in Business Center, I got this "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."

But i have been able to add in my resources. Waiting for approval.

Thank you