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How to Promote Grayhat Apps in Google Ads Without Getting Caught


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YeezyPay — Trusted Google Ads offices
Being an affiliate marketer is like living in a jungle where only the smartest and fastest survive. Promoting grayhat apps through Google Ads requires you to be clever and use some sneaky tactics. It’s not enough to just know the rules; you need to find ways to bend them without getting caught by Google’s algorithms and moderators. In this article, the team at YeezyPay, a service that provides access to Google Ads trusted agency accounts, will show you how to promote offers in grayhat verticals using mobile applications and Google Ads.

What is grayhat in Google Ads and what are the risks?​


Before you start promoting a grayhat app, you need to know what Google Ads considers grayhat:
  • Adult content: This includes adult dating, gambling, and betting. Anything related to 18+ content needs to be handled carefully.
  • Financial risks: This includes loans with high interest rates, cryptocurrency schemes, and pyramid schemes. These activities can harm users financially and are closely monitored by Google.
  • Copyright infringement: Apps that include music, movies, or software that violate copyright laws can get banned quickly.
  • Aggressive or deceptive methods: This includes hidden subscriptions, changing content after approval, fake ratings, and intrusive ads. Google sees these as unfair practices.
Google wants to protect its users and its reputation, so it fights against grayhat apps. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money from them.

How to promote grayhat applications and get away with it

Promoting grayhat apps requires a strategic approach and careful planning. Here are some important tips to help you bypass Google Ads moderation while maintaining your account's safety:
  • Use a whitehat landing page: Instead of directly promoting the grayhat app, create a neutral landing page with safe and relevant content. For instance, if you're promoting a casino app, consider using a gambling information site that doesn't mention real money or bets. While this approach may result in losing some potential customers, it's a safer method for promoting your app.
  • Create quality content: Ensure that your landing page features content that is engaging, unique, and valuable to your target audience. This will encourage users to download the app and increase your conversion rates.
  • Be careful with keywords: Avoid using keywords that directly indicate the grayhat nature of your app. Instead, opt for more general or related keywords that can help you attract your target audience without raising suspicions from Google.
  • Use whitehat images and videos: If you decide to use images and videos in your ads, make sure they comply with Google Ads rules. Avoid using visuals that could lead to the suspension of your advertising campaign. Additionally, ensure that your app contains basic, safe content that moderators can view.
  • Use trusted agency accounts: Using trusted agency accounts can greatly increase your chances of success when it comes to promoting grayhat stuff on Google Ads. These accounts have a good history and are trusted by the platform. You can get access to these accounts by signing up and adding funds to your YeezyPay account.

Using Google UAC to easily promote grayhat apps​

Google UAC (Universal App Campaigns) is a tool that helps automate the creation and optimization of ads for mobile apps. While it's designed to promote apps on platforms like Google Play and the App Store, many affiliate marketers use it to push grayhat offers, such as those involving crypto, gambling, nutra, and binary options.

Here's how it works:
  1. The affiliate uploads their grayhat app to the app store. This might involve renting the app or getting it for free from an affiliate program. The app usually has a simple, harmless version, that can easily pass Google Play's moderation checks because it has minimal functionality and looks legitimate.
  1. The affiliate then sets up an ad campaign using Google UAC. The goal here is to drive downloads from Google Play. The campaign is carefully configured to avoid raising any red flags with Google’s system.

  1. When users click on the ad and download the app, it automatically opens a landing page that presents them with the grayhat offer.
This method allows affiliates to get around many of Google's strict rules against direct advertising of grayhat offers and effectively drive traffic to their landing pages. However, it’s important to remember that Google is constantly refining its algorithms, so these strategies can be discovered and banned.

Many affiliates using trusted agency accounts from YeezyPay have found that UAC is one of the most effective formats for promoting grayhat apps, with a lower risk of account bans or ad campaign rejections.

Examples of successful campaigns promoting affiliate offers using grayhat applications​

Case study 1: Promoting a gambling offer with YouTube Shorts
In this example, an affiliate promoted a Vulkan Vegas gambling offer in Poland. They spent $27,710 on Google UAC ads and managed to acquire 328 first deposits (FDs) at $85 each within a month. With a payout of $150 per FD in the affiliate program, they made a net profit of $20,570 and achieved an ROI of 72.61%.

To promote the apps, the affiliate created 10 video ad creatives and exclusively ran them in YouTube Shorts. They targeted their campaign to men aged 25-45 and excluded websites and Google Play from their promotion strategy.


Case study 2: Promoting a dating offer in Germany with a profit of $1,547


Another affiliate successfully promoted a dating offer in Germany, earning a net profit of $1,547 in just one month. They spent approximately $1,497 on advertising, resulting in $3,045 in revenue and an ROI of 103%.



The affiliate used creatives that resembled the style of the application. They also warmed up the account for three days by uploading random goods from the Amazon marketplace to the United States. Using trusted agency accounts can save affiliates from such costly warm-up processes.

Common mistakes when promoting grayhat apps on Google Ads​

  • Ignoring Google's rules: It's important to remember that Google's algorithms are sophisticated. Violating the rules will likely lead to ad and account blocking.
  • Low-quality content: Make sure your text and graphics are attractive, informative, and free of errors or low-quality images.
  • Incorrect targeting: Target your ads to the audience genuinely interested in the app and the associated offer.
  • Neglecting reputation: Monitor user feedback and respond promptly to complaints and suggestions.


Promoting grayhat applications in Google Ads is always like playing on the edge of what is permitted. But with the right strategies and tools, you can achieve great results and a high ROI.

Remember, using trusted Google Ads agency accounts with a clean history gives you an edge. YeezyPay provides access to these accounts, helping you avoid many problems and focus on making money.
thank you very much!
good article. i like that there are screenshots with explanations attached everywhere!!!
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Thank you for sharing this article.

I have a question regarding the use of UAC campaigns to promote app affiliate offers.

From my experience, the affiliate program can give you access to the "Link ID" of their main apps, allowing you to set up the integration between an Appsflyer agency account and the affiliate's Google Ads account. This way, you can maintain tracking on the advertiser's main Appsflyer account. In that case, the installs from the affiliate ads account will appear in the agency's Appsflyer, and the agency's PID will show up in the main Appsflyer account.

In your post, you mentioned uploading a dedicated app to the Google Play Store and then promoting it. Could you please explain how exactly you do that? Does the app show a landing page, or is it a cloned version of the original apps? After doing that, do you use the same Appsflyer integration? If not, what is the tracking method in that case?

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing this article.

I have a question regarding the use of UAC campaigns to promote app affiliate offers.

From my experience, the affiliate program can give you access to the "Link ID" of their main apps, allowing you to set up the integration between an Appsflyer agency account and the affiliate's Google Ads account. This way, you can maintain tracking on the advertiser's main Appsflyer account. In that case, the installs from the affiliate ads account will appear in the agency's Appsflyer, and the agency's PID will show up in the main Appsflyer account.

In your post, you mentioned uploading a dedicated app to the Google Play Store and then promoting it. Could you please explain how exactly you do that? Does the app show a landing page, or is it a cloned version of the original apps? After doing that, do you use the same Appsflyer integration? If not, what is the tracking method in that case?

Thank you.
If we understood the question correctly, the method mentioned in the article involves independently uploading your own native application to Google Play and wrapping it in the WebView of the offer page. That is, the affiliate link of the offer includes parameters that help to comply with the established rules and modes of the perfect users who came with UAC campaigns. Alternatively, these can be UTM tags, UserID (you can limit it when you first launch the application and the mission in the link), UAC campaign ID (to see which creatives and settings lead to installations). AppsFlyer is usually used to identify installations from different sources. Google itself tracks the installation of applications, and the partner program talks inside WebView + if the website is installed in a separate application, and not an official ad, you can track all the data on the offer link. If this is an official application, which he initially announced, then AppsFlyer is better - except that it helps to track data for each campaign, a group of free ads and creatives, as well as user actions to use in the application, and UAC will also use data on events in the application for better optimization.