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How to promote push up offers??


New Member
Hi I would like to test couple push offers (Conversion point: Unique one click conversion offer that converts upon users clicking "Allow") Would you recommend to use prelander? Or can I direct linking this CPA offers? THANKS FOR ANSWER.
These offers are best to use as fallback URLs, so traffic that would normally go to waste still gets monetized.
I do not think that a prelander is necessary for those offers since almost all of them already are a landing page of their selves.

"To continue click allow" etc.
Hey @joeko
If you’re referring to Mobile Content offers, I would not recommend to test it with Push Traffic. On our side, top verticals for this traffic type are Sweeps and Dating.
Regarding your other question, about using a Prelander or not, it actually depends on the offers and if it already has a Prelander or not. As @CPAHub mentioned, most of the offers already use Prelanders so it won’t be good to stretch again the conversion funnel by adding another step.
I hope it clarifies! ;)