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Official How to Reach the Right Audience? Use Smart Targeting!

Roller Ads

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Roller Ads - Push Notifications Ad Network
Even if you're a complete and utter newbie in the world of affiliate marketing, you still understand that it's vital to launch your ad campaign in order to get the word out. As a result, you'll want to use smart targeting strategies to reach your audience... but more on that later.

Before we discuss smart targeting, we need to underline a very simple fact: You need to start with the right audience. No matter what you have to offer - product, service, counseling, even subscription! - you're going to attract different types of people. But it's vital to find the right audience and then narrow down the list to ensure your ad campaign is on track.

Finding the right audience can make all the difference in the world and that's the biggest reason why harnessing a robust piece of tracking software is one of the most important steps in ensuring your campaign succeeds. But which software should you use? How do you use it?

Well, we're going to discuss all of that and so much more in this write-up. We will discuss what RollerAds can offer in terms of smart targeting. Remember that we work diligently to fine-tune our software to make sure that your campaign can reach its true potential. By implementing one of the strategies outlined below, you're sure to increase the number of conversions and reach the right audience.

What's Smart Targeting Anyway?

It's an option that gives you the ability to target a specific audience based on the device they are using, the operating system of that device, GEO, system language, and various other parameters that can make a difference in certain markets.

More often than not, smart targeting is based on prior research, i.e. past traffic patterns. In other words, you already know what kind of audience you want to target based on what converted in the past. Of course, coming up with the right conclusions based on past experiences is one of the most important aspects of building a successful ad campaign.

As a result, there are multiple ways that you can implement your smart targeting. You can utilize segmentation methods to ensure that your ads are more targeted and directed towards a specific audience. What that audience is, is another matter entirely! It's something that you need to figure out on your own.

Basics of Smart Targeting

The fundamentals of smart targeting can be discussed ad naseum, as you are bound to have heard the terms many times before. Essentially, you need to identify the audience that you want to cater to. The very first level of filtering is to identify the location. RollerAds' GEO targeting has you covered: you are free to pick and choose your audience based on their country, region, cell phone service providers, and even IPs. That's only the beginning!


Advanced Smart Targeting

Let's go over a few targeting options that can have a huge impact on the success of your ad campaign. We are not going to provide you with detailed instructions since the aim of this article is to provide you with abridged information and not do your work for you.

The first level of smart targeting involves OS-based segmentation. You can choose between desktop and mobile platforms, which will determine which type of user is likely to engage with your ad. Mac or Windows or Android, iOS, Blackberry? You are going to have more control than ever over what sort of mobile and PC traffic is coming your way.

Furthermore, you can target people based on the devices that they are currently using. For instance, Android users on tablets might prefer push notifications or convert better than iOS users with similar devices. This is going to be a real challenge to figure out which strategy is the most optimal one, but it's well worth it.

After that, you can set the algorithm for targeting a specific language. There's nothing wrong with focusing on a single language if that's what's best for your campaign. In any case, you can select several browser languages in order to ensure that your ads are optimally targeted.


Frequency Capping / Day and Time Capping

One of the most overlooked yet important tools for improving the effectiveness of your ad campaign is frequency capping. This is related to the frequency of clicks per hour. Experienced marketers usually set the cap on clicks at 20, 40, and 100 clicks per hour. These numbers might be slightly off, but that's the basis of frequency capping, according to RollerAds anyway.


In case you deem frequency not that important, there's also day and time capping. That way, you can target specific people during specific times of the day. Of course, the results might fluctuate based on the targeting that you use, but it's a step in the right direction for those that haven't used this method in the past. For example, adult-oriented offers tend to convert better in the evening or past midnight. Inspecting data from similar campaigns can help you determine the optimal times of day that you should run your ads.

Understanding that running your ad only during the times of day that allow for peak performance will help you save money and maximize your revenue.

Push Notifications and Smart Targeting

As you probably understand, push notifications are an entirely different beast. It's wise to use a different toolset when dealing with them. RollerAds allows its users to target push notifications based on the subscription age and limitations related to zones and feeds. That way, you can attain higher engagement and higher click rates for your push notifications.


RollerAds considers push notifications to be a true productivity booster. They can be easily set up, allowing you to schedule them based on zone IDs or something different. Even in 2022, push notifications are huge, HUGE converters that can increase your gross revenue manifold.

Best Strategies Based on Smart Targeting

First Strategy - Obsessing over estimated volumes. Based on the estimations, you can figure out what to do and how to do it. We are not saying that the estimated volumes can be a perfect indicator of the outcome, but it can give you an idea of whether a certain campaign is worth pursuing or not. The estimates can also influence the way you target your ad.

Second Strategy - Seeking correlations. You do understand what a correlation is, right? Well, it's when you find a correlation between two random variables related to the parameters of your targeting campaign, that's when you find an opportunity for a productivity boost. In other words, you try to find a correlation between high click rates and a certain thing that theoretically resonates with the audience you picked. Any random correlation can influence the performance of your marketing campaign.

Third Strategy - Wider reach. Even though your target is to zero in on a certain audience, you should consider your ad campaign as a multiple-route approach. It's pretty wise to start as wide as possible because, as a result of that, you will receive a wider set of data. What to do with that data? Well, data allows you to launch creative campaigns that will work better with an audience. By starting wide, you can adjust several aspects of your campaign in order to attain the unthinkable levels of efficiency.

Fourth Strategy - Pay close attention to your managers. Hear what they have to say in regards to the smart targeting strategies and all the related aspects. These people can make a difference when you let them take the reins. We are not suggesting that your associates should do your work for you, but it is a wise decision to carefully observe what is being done in the field and also what the managers are telling you about it.


By utilizing the power of lead scoring and smart targeting, you will be able to improve the performance of your marketing campaign in a big, bad way. In our experience, if people are smart about their targeting, they can turn a profit even in the midst of a negative storm. Seriously, everything that can go wrong will go wrong, but with an intelligent targeting campaign in place, you will be able to make a fortune. Not every campaign requires an intricate web of targeting policies in place, but by deploying smart tactics, you can stay safe from the pitfalls.

To stay up to date with insights and strategies, you need to start following the community newsletters or the social media pages that deal with marketing. Either way, you need to figure out a way to receive new information that might help you re-adjust your strategy or otherwise upgrade it. The trick is to stay updated in an effort to keep your mind open to make optimal decisions.

Our platform will continue to be as efficient as possible so that it helps you drive to your goals faster than ever. We will adjust our services based on your feedback and we will help you make a lot of money in the long run. After all, it's in our best interest to help people convert more traffic to their online businesses. All our services can be customized depending on the needs of your advertising campaign.

Bonus: Will Smart Targeting Remain Relevant?

As far as predictions go, we think that smart targeting will play an even bigger role in the world of online marketing in the future. With the ability to set up your campaign in the most efficient way, why would someone want to go for a conventional campaign anymore? That approach is going to be slowly but surely phased out and there will be a rather glaring change in how marketers approach their campaigns. We believe that our platform will help people understand what this change means and how it will benefit them.

With our help, you will be able to survive any storm and find the financial success that you have been waiting for. Get in touch if you want additional information regarding the smart targeting itself, all the available options, or its future. We promise to be as exhaustive as possible so that you can have all the information you need in order to take your online marketing to the next level. We want to make this process as easy as possible for those that thrive for success.

Sign up at RollerAds and contact your manager for any questions!