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How to Run your Own CPA Network. HOT SCRIPT 2015

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Order the CPA Network Script | Run your Own CPA Site
You should use ticket support !
Check the postback logger ... if the script receives the postback from the networks.

Hello sir , I am using your script but i see postback fails often to send me data It causes some leads not counted in my network
You should use ticket support !
Check the postback logger ... if the script receives the postback from the networks.
I have checked the postback logger , I found some times the lead is counted , sometimes the postback can not even get the name of network and not generating a hash , sometimes generating a hash but not counting the leads ... do I need to open a ticket or just I want to update that file ?
A special Offer:​
Get the Developer Version of The Ultimate Tracking System at a VERY LOW PRICE.

You will own the script and you will be able to install it on your server.
This is a dime sale (in which the price of the script increases with the number of sales made) and it is staring very low.

Check the price here and remember it increased with each sale so don't delay Dime Sale Developer Version – The Ultimate Tracking Software Platorm
A special Offer: $99.

Get the full source version of The Ultimate Tracking System at a VERY LOW PRICE ($99). Own it 100% (no license, no encoding)

+ A FREE PREMIUM TEMPLATE (in addition to our 2 default templates) Just add a logo and change the text if needed.

See it here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

You will own the script and you will be able to install it on your server.

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Coupon code: FAST
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This script is good one, but need FAQ about all things it has.

AM module still doesn't work. Need more detailed info how to configure Postback url and how to add another network for import offers from it
AM panel will be added in the future
For postback it is explained in guide otherwise you can contact support

This script is good one, but need FAQ about all things it has.

AM module still doesn't work. Need more detailed info how to configure Postback url and how to add another network for import offers from it
A special Offer: $99.

Get the full source version of The Ultimate Tracking System at a VERY LOW PRICE ($99). Own it 100% (no license, no encoding)

+ A FREE PREMIUM TEMPLATE (in addition to our 2 default templates) Just add a logo and change the text if needed.

See it here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

You will own the script and you will be able to install it on your server.

To check out our website:

Coupon code: FAST
(ends soon)​