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How to set up Selfadvertiser on CPVlab


New Member
Dear All,

Has anyone have experience on how to set up Selfadvertiser (SA) with CPVlab? I've tried to test a CPV lab campaign link but it brought me to a blank page with "No campaign id". I guess it is due to traffic sources setting up went wrong. I am noob in this area and would appreciate if anyone can help. Attached herewith the screen shot, hope to get some comments/correction on it if any.

Many thanks in advance.


  • CPVlab.jpg
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in the URL append bit you have to put the parameter as well, e.g.



So your campaign URL will look something like this


Obviously change it for whatever token you are after.
in the URL append bit you have to put the parameter as well, e.g.


View attachment 9064

So your campaign URL will look something like this


Obviously change it for whatever token you are after.

Hi DMouse,

Thanks for the the prompt reply. I will have a look in a minute and hope able to rectify with your info.
@Achiever237 I'd actually be interested to here how you get on with SelfAdvertiser, as so far had pretty poor conversion rates!

Alright, here is the story. I was searching online recently, trying to know where should I start including on AffiliateFix. Eventually, landed on some blog and read some recommendation and signed up last night. To my surprise that this traffic source have poor conversion rate!!! I bet you tried it before?? Any info for sharing would be appreciated.