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How to setup Voluum (how to plug in the Tokens on the postback URL)

Elad Cohen


i am having really hard time understanding how to implement the postback url. how do i know what Tokens to replace when i plug-in the URL on the affiliate network platform?
could you find any good tutorial about "how to replace tokens"?


Hey, @Elad Cohen how are you? Unfortunately, I can't help you with postback setup on Voluum, but ther is a good V. alternative AdsBridge, you can register for free and give it a try, click the banner below.

Some words about AdsBridge s2s postback and it's parameters.
This is a template of the postback - _CUSTOM_DATA&status=REPLACE

xxxxx - your unique subdomain in our system
tid – is used for passing the AdsBridge click ID from affiliate network back to tracker. It is the only required parameter in the postback without which conversions won’t be passed. After the “=” sign in this parameter, you need to insert affiliate network macro instead of YOUR_NETWORK_TOKEN, which will be replaced by the value that came in a parameter entered in the Tracking Sub ID field when setting an offer.
amt – passes the dynamic value of a payout by conversion.
txid – is set only for CPS offers. It allows tracking of several conversions from one click ID.
cdata – passes any parameter straight to the source traffic without saving on our side.
status - passes the status of conversion, if your affiliate network provides such kind of option.

To set the postback correctly, you need to substitude placeholders like YOUR_NETWORK_TOKEN, REPLACE with the relevant parameters of your affiliate network and delete the part of the postback, that won't transfer any information.

Here is more information about postback statuses Conversion status in the S2S postback

i am having really hard time understanding how to implement the postback url. how do i know what Tokens to replace when i plug-in the URL on the affiliate network platform?
could you find any good tutorial about "how to replace tokens"?



The rule is: you need to pass a click_id to the affiliate network, and you need to configure your postback to carry the placeholder provided by the affiliate network that will recplaced by the same click_id.
Hasoffers = {aff_sub}
Cake = #s2#
Linktrust = #s1#
Maxbounty = #s1#
etc.. etc...

To help affiliates and media buyers get over this problem and save time, we have integrated most affiliate platforms parameters (hasoffers, cake, linktrust, afftrack, cellxpert and hundreds of affiliate networks - maxbounty, cj, clickbank etc... ) and postback so it's just a copy/paste procedure to be setup.

Good luck!
Hey Elad Cohen
Did you find an answer to that?
I'm at the point where I'm trying to understand the postback link chain between the traffic source, the tracker and the affiliate network.

Server-to-server postback URL is the most secure and reliable method of counting conversions. Use the URLs which you can see on the 3-rd step of creating campaings to pass conversions from affiliate networks. To get your postback links working you have to:
Include the {token} parameter in your offer's URLs. For example, you can add ?token1={token1} to the offer's URL to have the click ID passed to the postback via the Token parameter on the affiliate network/advertiser side.
Copy-paste the postback URL to your affiliate network panel. Make sure to replace the YOUR NETWORK TOKEN with #s2# if your affiliate network uses the Cake platform or {aff_sub2} if they use HasOffers. Ask your affiliate manager for the relevant token if the network uses a custom platform. Below is what your postback URL will look like on a HasOffers based network:

You can get more information here Affiliate Network setup on AdsBridge